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A Bad Day: The Complete Series
A Bad Day: The Complete Series
A Bad Day: The Complete Series
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A Bad Day: The Complete Series

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A Bad Day...
At the Office
Her boss was at the end of his temper with her and failed to see any reason for keeping her on as his employee...
Until he found out just what she was prepared to do to keep this job!

With the Landlord
Andrea has to go back to her apartment and face her lecherous landlord, and explain to him just why she has no rent money for him.
Can she persuade her creepy landlord to give her some time - to find a new job and get some cash together... How can she persuade him?

With a Mad Professor
A job interview for the position of assistant to a slightly odd professor, and she is all set to ‘enjoy’ the opportunity of working for a real professor...
Andrea has not been there for more than five minutes though, when she starts to feel a little peculiar, could it be the tea that the professor made for her – or could it be something that he put in the tea?
It seems that Andrea is about to ‘endure’ the interview...
She’s about to have another bad day – with a 'mad' professor.

For the Professor
When the professor's nephew - Nigel comes for a visit, it doesn't take him very long to discover his uncle's secret, and having already seen and taken a fancy to Andrea then the nephew proves to have no more scruples than the uncle!
In the Park
Andrea has been working for the professor for some time now, and still seems oblivious to what the professor does to her, once he's hypnotised her.
But the professor is getting more ambitious with his little play thing, and yesterday he sent her home with specific instructions.
Today is such a beautiful day, a perfect day for taking a walk in the park...

An end to the bad days..
As Andrea comes to terms with her employer, her landlord and her own nature, she realises that being used for sex does not have to be all bad – not for her. She can gain as much pleasure from the experience as the user does, and if he should feel the need to recompense her for it then who is she to argue?

Please note that any sexual activity in this series is between adults over the age of 18 years.

This is erotica of the dirty seedy kind, and so reader discretion is seriously advised for 18 years and over - otherwise enjoy :)

Release dateJan 22, 2015
A Bad Day: The Complete Series

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    A Bad Day - Adelaide Black

    A Bad Day – The Complete Series


    Adelaide Black

    Please note that the characters in this story are entirely fictional, any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.

    A bad day – the complete series, Copyright© Adelaide Black 2015

    All rights reserved.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    A bad day in the office

    She dressed carefully, in her smart little black skirt, and her neat and pristine white blouse.

    Her nails were nicely filed down and painted with a clear gloss.

    Her auburn hair was pinned back in a no nonsense bun at the crown of her head, and her makeup was a light dusting of blusher on her cheeks, brown eyeliner to enhance the shape of her brown eyes, and a pale pink lip gloss.

    She studied her reflection in the mirror and gave a little sigh of approval.

    She looked pretty – as she always did, but not as though she was trying to draw attention to herself.

    It was a difficult task, since she had such a tiny waist and such a full bust, she was a good double d in cup size – and it was the first place any man would look – upon first meeting her.

    Andrea had always found her figure to be a double edged thing. When out seeking a man, looking for a little bit of... loving attention, Andrea found her ‘to die for’ figure to be an asset.

    When trying to be taken seriously in the workplace however, then Andrea found her buxom figure to be a hindrance, and a distraction.

    She slipped on her oversized jacket – and took a last look in the mirror before pulling on her thick winter coat.

    Yes, the jacket worked, it covered her top half and hung down to give her a slightly mannish sexless sort of shape.

    She was just about to open her front door when several letters were pushed through her letterbox, and Andrea took the time to glance quickly through them...


    The bus was late, and as a consequence she was late too.

    Late for work, late into the office – where her boss sat beating his fingers impatiently on his desk – telling her in no uncertain terms that he was annoyed, unimpressed, and in a bad mood.

    She gave a little groan, as she eyed him in his little glass box of an office, even as she took off her rain coat, and hung it on the coat rack in the corner.

    Step into my office if you would please Miss Carter.

    She hadn’t even made it to her desk, before his clipped tone came over the intercom, and she just knew that she was in for it.

    Yes Mr. Rogers... right away.

    She hesitated for a moment longer, and used the time to slip out of her over sized jacket. She tugged her skirt straight and turned towards his office.

    She picked up her notepad and pen as she walked by her desk and swept into his office.

    His one and only glance was not lost on her, she saw how his eyes narrowed ever so slightly as they swept quickly over her... most salient feature.

    He gave a disparaging kind of snort and went back to reading – whatever it was that he was reading...

    And Andrea had no choice but to sit in the chair across from him and wait nervously.

    She just knew that she was in for it!

    So Miss Carter... just how many times have you been late for work this month? he asked in his dangerously quiet voice.

    She hesitated before answering.

    Well... er... twice – that I can think of Mr. Rogers... but honestly sir, it wasn’t my fault... not on either occasion... she stammered and whined nervously.

    Think again! he snapped.

    She thought back since the beginning of the month – which was just over three weeks ago.

    Well... it was last Monday... there was that heavy rainfall, and I’d forgotten my umbrella, so I had to take shelter in a shop doorway... but luckily it was over within ten minutes, although it did make me a bit late for work...

    And the second time? he demanded in that low dangerous tone that had her shaking in her shoes.

    This morning... the bus was late, and so I was late...

    I think that you are forgetting about last Thursday, he cut in.

    She blinked at him as her mind went back to just before the weekend.

    But that... that was the morning that the elevator – here in this building broke down... I got stuck in it – in between floors... surely he couldn’t blame that on her!

    He sighed impatiently as he sat back in his chair, and Andrea had to admit to herself that he was rather attractive – in a cold, hard sort of way.

    His thick blond hair was swept back and the liberal amount of grey was almost unnoticeable.

    His blue eyes were cold and steely looking, and they always sent a chill through her, especially when he narrowed them in her direction!

    He was a tall thin man, of early to mid forties, and – not for the first time – she wondered why he’d never married...

    I had reason to look over the caretaker’s log book yesterday afternoon...

    She continued to stare blankly at him, and his lips tightened with annoyance.

    The alarm for the elevator went off at ten past nine...

    The colour slowly came to her cheeks and her eyes fell away from his awkwardly.

    "You are supposed to be in the office for nine o’clock – at the very latest... the elevator broke down at ten past – with you in it – meaning that you were already late!"

    She stared down at her black shoes miserably, she had thought to have gotten away with that one... more fool her!

    Now you know what we agreed would happen – if you were late for three or more times in a single month.

    But it wasn’t my fault! she whined again, "I am sorry... but... it just... it wasn’t my fault!" her voice rose in pitch as the dread of what was to come washed over her.

    No apologies or excuses are accepted! he barked in blatant anger now. Now on your feet – and take the position!

    It was that anger that made her shoot up from her chair, with no more thought of begging.

    Her notepad and pen fell to the floor forgotten, as she scuttled across to his large imposing desk, and then with a little whimper and a sob, she bent over the hard edge.

    She heard him moving around and a quiet thud as he pushed the door closed.

    Skirt! he snapped impatiently.

    Andrea grabbed the hem of her skirt

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