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Malawi Nights Bundle
Malawi Nights Bundle
Malawi Nights Bundle
Ebook60 pages53 minutes

Malawi Nights Bundle

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About this ebook

Piper Graciana’s first collection of short stories is out now! Three tales of love and redemption in the East African savannah.

This sexy collection bundles together four sensual urban erotic romance stories.

Included are:

The Exhibition
Martha was once one of the most beautiful, wealthy girls in Malawi. Her wealthy parents ensured she was educated in the finest schools, and she was betrothed to Antonio, one of the most handsome men in the former colony. But a horrible disfiguring accident turned Martha’s life upside down, and she turned into a recluse, hiding in her family’s estate. Her only release comes from her art. When an art gallery owner wants to display her paintings, she finds that her ex-fiancé is the only one by her side as she tries to overcome her fear of showing her own face in public.

For Old Time’s Sake
Tawonga by all accounts had made it. Born to poor family in Malawi, she had grown up into a model of striking beauty. The money, the fame, and the magazine covers; all of it came with a price. She had to leave her old life behind. It seemed like a fair trade. But one doubt lingers in her mind: Chimwemwe. He was her lover once, maybe the only man she ever loved. When she meets him after a brief stopover in Africa, Tawonga discovers that her smoldering passion might just spark a fire...

A Sight Pleasing to the Eyes
Suenell needed to get away after the divorce. The prospect of a safari through the Malawi savanna sounded like the perfect way to clear her head. What she hadn't counted on was the most attractive sight of all, the sexy, ebony, African guide, Luke. Suenell is a white, wealthy South African, the kind that would never be seen with a black Malawian guide, but their attraction might be more than either one can deny...

Release dateJan 10, 2015
Malawi Nights Bundle

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    Book preview

    Malawi Nights Bundle - Piper Graciana

    Malawi Nights Bundle

    Piper Graciana

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2014 Bela Arte Publishing

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Love Piper’s work? Then let her know! Leave a review at your site of purchase! Also, for the latest release info for all of Piper’s titles, be sure to check out the Bela Arte publishing site at

    Table of Contents

    1. A Sight Pleasing to the Eyes

    2. The Exhibition

    3. For Old Time’s Sake



    With a sidewise glance at the nearest tent, Luke stepped out of the pool with the litheness of leopard and stood naked in the moonlight, enjoying the breeze, cold on his wet skin, making his scrotum and nipples tighten. Without actually seeing her, Luke was sure that Suenell Prinsloo was watching him. She had been eyeing him all day, ever since she had arrived with the others in her party, with a look in her eyes that every safari guide learned to recognize. This lady was hungry and all indications were that she liked dark meat. Luke had no objection to satisfying her hunger, and his naked performance at the side of the pool was for her benefit – an appetizer, if you would, and an advertisement.

    To Suenell’s eyes, he was not only perfectly proportioned, he belonged perfectly in the space he was occupying – as at home there as the elephants, hippos and leopards of Malawi’s Shire River Valley . When the fiery-necked nightjar warbled its call, it was calling to him. When Pel’s Fishing Owl flew over on its way to the river, it saw a member of the family. The genet gazing with its cat’s eyes from a nearby bush saluted his perfection – as complete as its own.

    The body displayed in the moonlight was a beautiful one, straight out of Greek statuary, an ebony Adonis, lean and muscled - the strong shoulders, compact spherical buttocks, tight belly, long thighs outlined in silver by the moon, the noble head held erect on a slender neck. Luke was a scion of the Llhomwe royal family and the breeding showed not only in the way he was formed but in the way he held himself- completely without self-consciousness or lack of aplomb in his nakedness. For a hungry white lady, especially an Afrikaner lady from South Africa, he presented temptation incarnate, especially since for her, he was by custom and upbringing forbidden fruit – impossible to savor at home, but just possibly not impossible here in the Malawian bush, away from the prying eyes of anyone who knew her.

    The safari that Suenell had chosen was only open to singles, which Suenell had recently become, and was designed for satisfying the hunger that was burning in Suenell’s belly. The ads had been discrete but heavy with innuendo and imagery which made clear what differentiated it from most safaris. The five clients had come with sex on their mind – that had been obvious from their first meeting at Kamuzu International Airport in Lilongwe - but Suenell was the only one who had focused, from the first moment, on Luke. When she had seen him holding up the Adventure Safaris sign in the departure lounge, he had taken her breath away, so much so that she’d had to put down her cases and stop to get her breath back.

    Unlike most Afrikaners, Suenell had been comfortable with blacks practically from birth. Like many, she had been suckled and essentially raised by a black Nanny. An only child, and motherless, growing up on a farm in the Eastern Cape, most of her primary relationships were with Xhosas. The only playmates available had been the children of the workers on the farm. Her father had been a distant character, not really interested in her so long as she

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