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Miles Diamond and the Demon of Death 5
Miles Diamond and the Demon of Death 5
Miles Diamond and the Demon of Death 5
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Miles Diamond and the Demon of Death 5

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Miles and his crew are snatched from the jaws of a volcano, only to fall once again into the clutches of arch-nemesis Nelson Chin. All the players in the race to unearth a long-lost Aztec treasure come together and Miles presents them with the key to solving the mystery. The treasure is revealed, mayhem ensues and Miles finally meets the elusive man in the gray suit. Join the fun and adventure while Miles saves the day and solves the dazzling enigma of The Demon of Death.

Release dateFeb 1, 2015
Miles Diamond and the Demon of Death 5

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    Miles Diamond and the Demon of Death 5 - Derek Adams

    Miles Diamond and his pals are back! This time their adventures lead them to the jungles of Mexico in search of hidden treasure.

    Miles and his crew are snatched from the jaws of a volcano, only to fall once again into the clutches of arch-nemesis Nelson Chin. All the players in the race to unearth a long-lost Aztec treasure come together and Miles presents them with the key to solving the mystery. The treasure is revealed, mayhem ensues and Miles finally meets the elusive man in the gray suit. Join the fun and adventure while Miles saves the day and solves the dazzling enigma of The Demon of Death.

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    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Miles Diamond and the Demon of Death 5

    Copyright © 2014 Derek Adams

    ISBN: 978-1-4874-0134-4

    Cover art by Martine Jardin

    All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

    Published by eXtasy Books

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    Smashwords Edition

    Miles Diamond and the Demon of Death 5

    The Adventures of Miles Diamond


    Derek Adams


    For KRJ

    Keep on laughing

    Chapter Fourteen

    Much to my surprise, after a brief plunge, we miraculously began to rise. I had never believed any of that nonsense about being taken up to heaven after death, but maybe I'd been wrong. The air grew cooler, the smoke cleared, and shafts of heavenly light poured down on me from above. Oddly enough, the roar of the volcano still pounded in my ears. I realized that Martin was still clamped firmly between my thighs and my arms were stretched high over my head. I opened my eyes and saw that my fingers were still locked around Rudy's thick neck. Maybe we had gotten through the pearly gates on a group fare.

    Then I saw the helicopter and Jackson peering anxiously out of an open door. A man in the shadows behind him looked vaguely familiar. Another man appeared in the air beside me, dangling from a rope. He grabbed Martin and signaled that I could let him go. Then other arms wrapped around me and Rudy and hauled the three of us into the helicopter.

    Miles. Miles!

    I focused on Nelson Chin's chiseled features.

    You can let go now.

    I tried, but my joints were frozen. I lay there helplessly while Chin gently pried my fingers loose from Rudy's neck and folded my trembling arms across my chest. Someone put an oxygen mask over my face and I passed out.

    When I revived, Rudy was talking to Jackson. Martin still lay sprawled out on the floor of the helicopter, but his coloring had improved and his chest rose and fell steadily. I struggled to sit up. Every muscle in my body hurt and my skin felt sunburned, which was odd, because I never burn.

    Miles, my friend, are you all right?

    Yes, Nelson, I think so. I assume we have you to thank for this rescue.

    Thank Jackson. I ran into him on the highway outside of Acapulco. He apparently left you and Rudy in the jungle to make a run to town. When he returned, you were nowhere to be found. He picked up your trail after a bit of sleuthing and knew you were in more trouble than he could handle. When I crossed paths with him, he was frantic. I just happened to be in the vicinity.

    In a helicopter?

    Chin shrugged his broad shoulders deprecatingly.

    You've been following me, haven't you?

    Not you specifically, although I must admit I have to fight against that temptation. He flashed his perfect teeth at me. I’m down here on business and I just happened to be in the right place at the right time.


    He nodded demurely. I knew I should never have asked him for advice. Now here he was, ready to jump in and steal the prize right out from under us. Rats! Of course, if he hadn't been lurking around down here, ready to steal the treasure, I would have been ashes in a volcano's maw. Why does life always have to be so difficult?

    I see you’ve gone in for a new look, Miles. He looked at me curiously. It's quite...different.

    Oh, this? I ran my fingers through my peroxide brush cut. It felt stiff and dry. I needed an instant disguise.

    That, too.

    I shot him a puzzled glance. I meant about the other.

    The other?

    You look sexy. But you look so...naked. It certainly emphasizes your muscle definition.

    Well, Nelson, I am naked. I wondered what the hell he was going on about. As for the definition, I… I ran a hand over my chest and my voice just quit on me. I looked down. To my utter consternation, I discovered that I didn't have a hair on my body. Not one. Not on my legs, my chest, my belly, or my arms. Even my lush bush of pubic hair had disappeared, burned away by the intense heat of the volcano. I hadn't looked like this since I was twelve years old, waiting for puberty to kick in. It was a

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