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Beneath Her Claim
Beneath Her Claim
Beneath Her Claim
Ebook570 pages9 hours

Beneath Her Claim

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About this ebook

When Amy Anders settles into her new home in Sherman Oaks, California, and meets the alluring Nicole Sanders, her life takes an unexpected turn. With her authoritative allure and intoxicating presence, Nicole is both forbidding and irresistible. Up until now, she has been able to bury her darkest desires, but Amy is determined to unlock her secrets.
As the affair begins and unravels, a web of fate and desire consume Amy, leaving her to be torn between her friends and her new love. Now, Amy must balance what others believe is right, and what she knows to be fated for her future.

Author's Note: This is a newly updated version that has been edited and rereleased with new content.

PublisherKelly Lynn
Release dateFeb 2, 2015
Beneath Her Claim

Kelly Lynn

love is love

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    Beneath Her Claim - Kelly Lynn

    Beneath Her Claim

    Kelly Lynn

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2015 by Kelly Lynn

    All Rights Reserved.


    When I opened my eyes, I stared into the shadowy room around me. The sounds of water striking stone were only slightly drowned out by the feminine laughter echoing from outside of my living room. There was a warm, furry body next to mine, so I gently adjusted the cat before shifting my weight off my couch. Pushing my arms above my head, I let my muscles stretch from the long slumber I had taken that afternoon. Two sources of light were holding my attention, and I chose the first glaring in from the outside. I took the ten steps and peered out my glass door, looking upon several undistinguishable individuals. Although it was hard to make out faces, the unfamiliar light source was defined. A few flames flickered in a round fire pit on the other side of the dimly lit pool. The auburn-colored light cast dazing reflections on the water and that held my attention for a moment, but I soon turned to investigate the already know second light source.

    As I scooped up my cell phone and smiled at the pretty girl under the missed call alert, a flash of moving light told me what she had failed to convey. My feet shuffled slowly away from the sound of ceasing engines and muffled voices, and when I found my wavy, blonde hair sufficiently brushed those same bare feet took me to my awaiting friends.

    Amy! Christian yelled, his voice loud to my still sleepy ears. He introduced and paraded me about, obviously one drink over his sobriety limit.

    Why didn’t you come out with us? my friend asked when my introductions were complete. Stacy’s green eyes bored into my differing light blue ones, and with a gentle touch she took my face into her hands.

    I wasn’t feeling well, I said, watching a strand of her light brown hair fall from behind her ear.

    Her lips pursed firmly together in reaction to my lie, but she didn’t call me on it. Instead, her thumbs traced along my upper cheek bones, causing me to pull away from her comforting, but equally inappropriate embrace.

    My time with my friends found us venturing out of the house and to my back pool area, where my lips found an enticing young girl too cute to resist.

    Stephanie, I said on an exhale while pulling my face from hers slightly. Her name danced on my tongue, and I felt privy at being able to have said it. How old are you?

    Old enough, she replied, her eyes dark grey against the dim lighting of the pool beneath our feet. Her return to our embrace was short lived as I was quickly bound in Christian’s muscular arms.

    His playful demeanor was obvious, but that didn’t stop my being annoyed at his interference in my affairs.

    Why are you bothering me? I asked as I spun around in his arms. His short brown hair was messier than usual, and I again attributed this to his alcohol indulgence.

    I thought you might like to know that the girl you are making out with is only seventeen, genius.

    Oh, I replied, a bit surprised. With my being twenty-one, our ages weren’t that far off, but she wasn’t ready for what I planned on asking of her that night.

    You said you were old enough, I said to the adorable girl throwing a bold scowl in Stacy’s direction. She had her dark blonde hair pulled up onto her head, and she adjusted it while she glared.

    I’ll be eighteen in a few months, she replied, returning her attention back to me and away from my friends.

    It’s prohibited for a reason, sweetie, I countered, ending my conquest with the statement. She stayed in my company for most of the get-together, but I soon found my place in Stacy’s arms. Her chin rested on my shoulder as my back pressed firmly against her chest. In her hold, I felt much comfort, but her nagging on my behalf burned in my ears.

    Have you talked to your neighbors yet? she asked.

    I don’t know them.

    You know Ashley.

    No. Your parents know Ashley’s parents.

    A sort of laugh blurt from her before she said, You know Ashley. Stop being a brat.

    I still don’t see why I couldn’t have stayed at the hotel. I liked it there.

    "We have had this conversation. You will not live in a hotel. I gave you another option."

    That time I laughed. "Staying with you and Christian was not an option."

    Well, neither was living like some princess. Just because you look like one, and can afford to be treated like one, does not mean you have to act like one. I want you to have some semblance of normality among the chaos.

    I internally laughed at her drastic view but let her have the debate. She had already won the argument as I was then a homeowner. Well, sort of. I had my own home in Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles but shared a pool and back patio area with my new neighbors. The houses were intended to be purchased as one, but Stacy worried unnecessarily on my being alone. So due to that, I had three girls around my same age with whom Stacy said I should have been relating with.

    I’ll go over tomorrow, I said, placating her with my surrender. I hoped for them to be around that night, but they retreated indoors before we made our way out. Her lips grazed my neck and found placement, but as the sun poked above the horizon, I let my head have my pillow and again fell into the heavy fog of a peaceful, but solitary sleep.


    I awoke mid-morning the next day, and after showering, I found two of my three neighbors outside.

    Amy, Ashley said as I approached. Trish, she introduced as her hand flicked to her counterpart.

    Hello, I replied in greeting to the girl with her hair up in a ponytail. There was no immediate reply, only a set of glaring blue eyes fixed on mine.

    Amy Anders. The writer, she said. Thanks for stealing my house.

    Ah, I said as I set my laptop and iced tea down across from her. It wasn’t my idea, I complained, figuring the three girls may be annoyed with having to share the property.

    You’re such a bitch, Ashley said to her friend. It’s seriously fine, Amy. We don’t mind.

    Trish puffed some air out of her mouth but lost the attitude after a few minutes. We chatted on unimportant topics while I enjoyed the sun high overhead.

    So, Amy, Trish said, causing me to turn my attention only to her. Ashley doesn't think I should say anything, but I like to speak my mind and want to ask you a question.

    Ask away, I replied, looking back to Ashley as she ran her hands through her curly, blonde hair. Her green eyes were wide with the talk, and I assumed she was the more polite of the two.

    Ashley thinks she saw you kissing a girl out here last night. Is that true?

    Indeed, that is true, I replied, smiling with the words.

    Are you a lesbian?

    I wasn't kissing her on a bet if you really need to know.

    "Okay. You don't look gay."

    I don’t think I like you defining me like that, Trish. I can kiss whoever I want.

    I feel like we’ve been gossiping about you all morning, Ashley said to me as I threw a piece of ice towards the pool. I missed though, and it fell onto the stone ground.

    A real lesbian would have made that, Trish said, causing Ashley to laugh.

    The day went on like this for a while, making small talk and getting to know the girls that lived next to me. It was interesting to find out Ashley was my age while Trish was eighteen. Trish seemed older. I would have guessed her at least twenty.

    After a time, I fell silent as I worked on a short story I had been thinking about writing. My neighbors eventually went back inside and as the day turned into the evening, I decided to call Stacy and see if she would take me to get my car as I had left it at her work the previous week. She was already one step ahead of me - she and Christian were already on their way over with it. I plopped down on my couch and petted one of my two cats while I waited for them, and as my thoughts became jumbled, I closed my eyes.


    Male laughter and a lot of commotion caused me to awake abruptly. I lifted my head from the couch and eyed Christian with my laser pointer. Both of my cats were obsessed with the thing, as was Christian. I arched my back as I sat up to stretch my muscles, causing an immediate pain in my bladder area.

    Stacy had to go out of town for the night, so she dropped me off, he said as I hurried to my bathroom. She went out of town frequently, to conferences and other work-related gatherings. She took her career as a literary agent and manager very seriously and, therefore, was good at what she did.

    I changed while I was away from Christian, putting myself into an evening type style of clothes. After I buttoned my jeans, I doused myself in one of my more masculine scented perfumes. The spray left small wet marks on my now tight, blue shirt.

    Want to go get something to eat? I asked as I walked back into my living room.

    Sure, where?

    I don’t care, you pick.

    The local pub it is then.

    I let him drive us to our destination, wanting to avoid his criticism about my navigation. We arrived at the sports type bar in just under twenty minutes and did not have to wait for seats.

    How’s work? I asked him after we settled into our booth.

    Good. I have been exceeding even my own expectations.

    Egotistical much?

    No, seriously. You know I worried about telling my father I wanted to earn this, but it’s been easier than I thought. I’m happy I challenged myself and even happier I have surpassed most of my competition.

    "Good for you, Christian. You’ll have respect when you assume command."

    Maybe, he said.

    We changed the subject when our food came, and after a few beers he drove us back to my house. He wanted to swim so after I changed, I met him at the pool.

    Nice, he said as he gestured to me in my bikini. His flirtation was not new to me, so I made no comment on the subject. He had his back against the side of the pool and the water droplets gleamed on his arms outstretched arms. I could see the blurry, red outline of his swim trunks under the water. I stepped carefully down the stairs and into the shallow end of the pool, holding a beer in each hand.

    Thanks, he said after we met, and I passed his off.

    We did not stop with one, and as the evening turned to early morning, we both consumed more alcohol than was customary. Our flirtation also expanded into more than typically allowed, and I was surprised when his rough hand caressed my cheek. I froze and said nothing as I looked into his seemingly intense eyes.

    I want you to know that I do care about you, Amy. Stacy and I both do so if you find yourself feeling alone, remember that we will always be here for you.

    Thanks, I said quietly. We were standing in waist deep water, and I thought he was going to shift away from me, so when he leaned in and put his lips to mine it surprised me. It was a truly soft kiss, not forceful like I would have expected from him. I responded by applying slightly more pressure and he parted my lips. His large arms encapsulated me, and I pulled my legs up and wrapped them around his back. My pelvis pushed against him, and his engorged penis poked hard into my thighs. I let us have the moment, suppressing any reflection about the erroneous situation. Keeping our faces close he adjusted us in the water. I was now pressed tightly into the corner, and he used his free hand to his release cock from the imprisonment of the swim trunks. It jutted towards me as if searching its target, and I let it find the way back in between my thighs. Although I was restraining my thought process and was intoxicated, the presence of a dimly lit house across the pool was noted in my fuzzy mind.

    Wait, I said. He pulled away and looked at me expectantly. Take me inside, I whispered. I still had my legs wrapped around him, and he lifted me out of the water and carried me inside as requested. Our lips kept locked onto each other’s as he easily strode with my body connected to his. We were in my bedroom promptly, and he gently laid my wet body on the bed.

    As his hands found places on my body they were never allowed to go, I let his tender touch seep into every part of me. My body filled with warmth when he penetrated me, and as he continued, I opened every part available for him. That night I was his and he mine, and as I drifted into unconsciousness, I was aware of the words of love that flowed forth from his lips.


    I awoke the next morning alone and confused. I was perfectly undressed and cold from a lack of blankets. I sat up slowly in hopes the pounding in my head would not increase in tempo and looked around the sun filled room. My scarlet bikini was on the floor next to one of my pillows and my bunched-up comforter. Next to that lay a blue button-down shirt - one of Christian’s. The reason for its presence in my room suddenly became apparent, as did my betrayal. My stomach churned at the thought, and I jumped out of bed. I held the bile at the base of my throat back and grabbed a hold of my abdomen, hoping to alleviate the pain. Searching for clothes was difficult looking through dripping eyes, but I was successful in my quest. After I dressed myself, I stumbled down my long hallway and spotted him out at the pool. I slid open my glass door and stepped into the bright, morning sun.


    I came to in Christian’s arms as he supported my weight on our way back into the house. This time I was fully blinded by tears and throbbing in my head was matched by throbbing in my knees.

    Are you alright? he asked me. You fell pretty hard.

    I made it onto the couch and crumpled against him.

    She’s going to hate me, I mumbled into his chest. How could I… I was temporarily choked by guilt.

    It’s okay, calm down, he said, his words coming out in a soothing manner as to make light of the dreadful situation.

    She’s not going to be mad at you, Amy. I promise, okay?

    How could you let this happen?

    There was no soothing tone to my voice when it rang out of my throat. I wanted and needed to blame him. I pushed on his chest to move him, but he did not budge.

    You didn’t seem to mind last night.

    I was drunk.

    I was drunk too, he said quietly. You know you could be a little more respectful of my feelings.

    I lifted my head up and gathered my jumbled thoughts as I attempted to control the fluid that leaked from my eyes. His sudden grief and lack of guilt reminded me of the declaration he made the previous night.

    You told me you loved me, I said, my words coming each with their own frequency. How could he be so obtuse? Did he not realize the magnitude of the error that was committed?

    "Christian, I cannot do this to Stacy. She is my best friend, and I cannot lose her."

    Do what to Stacy? She told me to sleep with you. She knows how sad you’ve been, even though you try to hide it.

    Excuse me? What, you got permission?

    Pretty much. She told me to let you have some fun. She has been really worried about you.

    Did she tell you to tell me that you love me?

    We might want to keep that minor detail to ourselves.

    "Minor detail?"

    Yes, minor. I didn’t even mean it.

    Yes, you did, I whispered. And I’m not sad.

    That makes liars out of both of us, now, doesn’t it? he said as he pulled me into him.

    I stayed quiet in his embrace for some time before he struck back up our conversation. He rubbed my arm slightly and said, Are you mad at me?

    No, and I’m sorry I blamed the alcohol. I knew what I was doing, and I could have said no.

    I don’t think I realized how much I was into you until I kissed you. I think I kept it in check, you know? But when you were pressed against me, and you kissed me back, my feelings came rushing up and I couldn’t stop them.

    I sighed. "If things were different, I would tell you I feel the same, but they are not different, and I can’t live without Stacy. I’m going to literally die if she’s mad about this."

    She won’t be, was all he said for a time.

    We stayed together for the day, and I was not soothed by his casual take of our past activities the night before. I knew Stacy loved me, and I knew she would do anything for me, even if that meant letting me have Christian. I knew that more than anything, but what I also knew was the very definition of love. And I knew my love for her, in return, should have kept me from the betrayal.

    With whatever thoughts were spinning out of my control I kept up my composure enough to drive Christian home later that day. It was an awkward car ride and neither of us said much. When I pulled into his driveway, he went to open his door, but I grabbed his shirt, stopping him. He didn’t say anything but instead laid his hands in his lap and looked at the floor.

    I want you to call me as soon as she gets home.

    I will, he replied.

    And you’ll tell her about it?

    I said I would.


    Can I go now? You’re making me uncomfortable.

    I looked into his eyes and said the four words I probably shouldn’t have.

    I love you too.

    He smiled and said, I know, but we both love Stacy more so we will end with this. He pulled my head to him and kissed my forehead.

    Have a good night, honey, he said as he got out of the car. I said nothing and watched him walk into his house. As I drove home my stomach tensed up, and I knew the feeling would not go away until I spoke to Stacy in person.


    Peaceful sleep did not come that night. My thoughts were consumed with hate, greed, and deceit. Having Stacy’s man was the most selfish act I had ever committed. It was a sin to my most loved friend, a crime to my very being, and thoughts of my own demise twirled around in my muddled psyche. I dialed her cell phone number numerous times but could never bring myself to hit the talk button. Harsh words will be better had in person, where I could beg on my knees for her forgiveness.

    Christian’s number came with more ease, and I spoke to him several times. His conviction of Stacy’s indifferent attitude about our behavior in her absence was not soothing to me. I discussed with him the possibility of me being there when he informed her of the transgression, but I was denied. Instead, I was left at home alone, wishing for a hasty pardon from this nightmare.

    The first chiming of my phone came and went while I did nothing. I stared at the display through damp, swollen eyes. The second came moments later, and I suppressed the gag that might have sent only fluid contents expelling forth from my stomach.

    Hello? I answered through the swelling that was growing in my throat.

    I’m very disappointed in you, honey, she said.

    I released a slew of apologies mixed with disdain for my actions but stopped short when she laughed.

    I’m not disappointed because you slept with Christian, but rather that you said you were afraid I would hate you. I could never hate you. You should know that.

    Can I come over? I asked, needing not only hear but see the words spoken through her lips.

    No need. I’m pulling into your driveway.

    I saw through the window that she was being truthful and dropped my phone where I was standing. I had puffy eyes when I met her in the driveway, and when I saw her perfection with them, she was quickly blurred out by tears.

    Stop being so irrational, she said as she opened her arms so I could embrace her. I’m not mad.

    I feel sick about it. I will do anything to make it up to you. Anything.

    If you think you need to make it up to me, I can’t stop you, but can I at least pick my reward?

    I will do anything, I whispered into her chest.

    Her intentions were clear right away. I pulled my face from her and felt the gentle touch of soft hands on my sticky cheeks.

    I love you, she said, her voice filling my ears with the intimate sounds of a lustful beginning. Her hands moved to the back of my neck, and I was tenderly pulled towards her. Our lips met and touched briefly before an interruption had her pulling away.

    Wow, you sure do get around, I heard Trish say as I opened my eyes.

    Why don’t you mind your own business you squirrelly, little bitch, Stacy retorted.

    Oh, wow. Your friends are not very nice, Amy, Trish said. Her lips turned up into a smirk. It seemed she was proud of her comment. Stacy’s glare was intense, but I tugged on her hand, wanting her to follow me inside. She did so without another word to Trish.

    How was the trip? I asked as I closed the door to the outside world.

    Great. I will have a few things to go over with you, but we can do it at the office.

    Why do you always make me do that? It’s boring. Do whatever you want. I don’t care.

    You have to be involved, honey. It’s important.

    I trust you. Take care of it.

    Nope. I will schedule a time like a normal manager would do.

    Always the professional, I said before we sat on the couch together.

    Not always, she said as she pressed her lips to mine. I inhaled her breath into my chest and found relief taking over where despair had been only moments before.

    When is the last time you ate? she asked me unexpectedly.


    I can feel your insides rumbling, she whispered. Her hand caressed my abdomen, and I laid back to expose it better for her. She pushed my t-shirt up, rendering my skin available for her lips to touch. I placed my hands on her head softly as she moved her mouth around on me, touching every space available to her.

    You never answered my question.

    Christian and I had dinner.


    Her eyes were visible to me, and as I moved my head from side to side, she closed them tightly.

    You should have called me, Amy. And you shouldn’t have tormented yourself.

    The thought of losing you-

    "That will never happen," she said, her eyes open wide. I lost sight of her as my vision became obscured by tears.

    Let me make you some soup, she said. Her words were as soft as her touch had been and she gently pulled me from the couch so we could stay close while she cooked.


    As the afternoon turned to evening, I was contented with how everything was going regarding Stacy. She was in high-spirits and the horrendous ideas that had so recently consumed my thoughts were long gone. We stayed close throughout the day, and as we enjoyed some wine together our intimate affair was unraveling nicely. Her hands found my clothes a hindrance, so I sat only in my undergarments.

    You are so fucking cute, I was told, even though this is a well-known fact.

    I ran my hands through her light brown hair before climbing into her lap. I put my legs on either side of her slender body and pulled her face to my large breasts. There was no hesitation when one met her lips. Her mouth consumed my nipples and sent heavenly feelings straight to the inner depths of my core.

    I love your lips, I said with a heavy breath while she continued.

    I closed my eyes, and when I let my lids open, the room was soft. The remaining sunlight only dimly lit my beautiful friends face. I adjusted my garment to recover my breasts before pulling away.

    I want to see you, I said as I pulled her chin up. Bedroom? I asked. The smile that lit up her face also lit up my entire world. Her happiness was everything to me, and that night I was intent on showing her what it meant to be so completely loved by another being.

    I squirmed off her lap and took both of her hands in mine, helping lift her from the couch. Her height was slightly above mine, so she leaned down to briefly peck me on the lips before following me down the hall.

    Once in my bedroom I switched on my bedside lamp and closed my curtains. The view outside of my windows was one of nature. Big trees covered the property in the back, protecting mine and my neighbors’ privacy. I turned to face my king-sized bed and the pretty girl that awaited me in it.

    Do you love me? I asked as I climbed up on the soft mattress. I was on my knees, and no response came from her mouth. I started to unsnap my bra, but my hands were quickly bound.

    I want to do that, she said, her words seemingly forced to expel from her trembling lips. It’s not very often that you let me.

    I made no reply and turned my wrists so that she no longer had control of my movements. I ran my palms over her ribs, letting my fingers trace her contours before reaching the bottom of her shirt. I grasped the fabric and pulled to expose her chest for my viewing.

    You never answered my question, I said as I tossed the garment on the floor.

    "I have always loved you and will always love you, as long as you will let me."

    That will be for forever then, sweetie.

    Whatever part of her that had been in command of her resolve lost the struggle. She moved swiftly and seized control of the situation. Her body trapped mine to the bed, and I gave in to her immediately. I let my muscles relax and only allowed my body to bend as needed to receive her touch. The touch of her fingers on my breasts, her mouth on my lips, and her skin pressed closely against mine. She again found no use for the attire that covered my body and although her breathing indicated a forceful air to her the touch that followed was as tender as it had ever been.

    While I laid on my back fully unclothed, I felt a slight pressure separating my knees from one another. Stacy still had her lips united with mine so when her fingers slid between my legs the breath that expelled from my lungs found its only escape inside of her mouth. I pulled away to allow myself a needed breath, so her lips found a place on my neck while the first of her fingers entered me. She let it go deep and I opened my legs apart, wanting more. I was not made to wait as her second finger joined the first, searching for the depths of my pleasure. I moved my body in sync with hers, hastily wanting the satisfying penetration to reach the very insides of my essence.

    As I felt nothing but the desire for her to continue, I did not notice that her fingers were replaced with a warm flame. I picked my head up and forced my eyes open, peering down at the girl who had made her way in between my legs. I could feel the warmth coming from the inside of me and wanted to let it happen. I needed for it to come desperately, but as my body began to quiver, I pulled myself backward to halt the process. I reversed my position so that I could pull Stacy onto her knees. She moved with a slight hesitation.

    Not yet, I whispered with the intimacy of our exploit in my voice. I want you too, honey. And I want us to finish together.

    I placed my hands on her face and brought her lips to mine. That night I would show her all of what we could be together. I would give over to the love that I had been denying us, and I would let my devotion to the girl be known to her as it had always been known to me.

    We intertwined our bodies once again, but I stayed more in focus. I let my fingers trace her body while hers traced mine and I was contented to let our love become solid in its new foundation.


    She woke me early the next morning by saying she needed to get home and get ready for work. I pulled her into me and kissed her lips before letting her up.

    I love you, I said as she walked out of my room.

    I love you too, she replied. I fell back asleep quickly and didn’t wake until ten. I rolled out of bed and immediately called her. She answered on the third ring.

    Hey, she said.

    Are you okay? I asked.

    Yeah, you?

    I’m fine.

    You’re not upset about it? she asked.

    We have been together many times before.

    But it’s been a while since it’s been like that.

    True, I agreed.

    I shouldn’t have tricked you into it. You’ll be mad about it later.

    I was fully aware of my actions, Stacy. Trickery or not.

    I was happy when Christian said he slept with you.

    Come again?

    I knew I would be able to guilt you into doing the same with me.

    You didn’t though. I acted on my own.

    No, I fucked up. Took advantage.

    Stop it. So, we had sex. No big deal, right?

    There was no response from the other end of the line. I knew the lie that slid out so easily from my lips would not be taken lightly.

    Is that what you think? she asked. Her voice was bland, colorless.

    I think you are wonderful, Stacy.

    "A wonderful friend. And I cannot even live up to that."

    You live up to every expectation anyone has ever had of you.

    There was another pause in our conversation making me wonder what thoughts swirled around in her head.

    Maybe I should stop sleeping with my friends. If I am not careful, I’m going to end up losing you and then I really will be all alone, I said, knowing she would react to the statement.

    Alone is something you will never be honey. I will be around. No matter what.


    Promise. No matter what. Now I should let you go. Some of us work, you know, nine to five?

    My being gifted with superior intelligence has to get me something.

    And your affluence is not enough? she replied with a new humor in her voice. The sound turned my lips into a smile almost instantly, and the heavy toll was lifted from my shoulders.

    I wouldn’t have a thing without my pretty consultant.

    That’s what you tell the correspondents, but we both know better. Now seriously I need to go. I love you.

    Love you too. Call me tonight?

    I will call you tonight.

    I said my goodbyes to my best friend and tossed the phone on the bed before heading into the shower to begin my day.


    The following weeks went without any drama. Christian and Stacy had forgiven me for my indiscretions as they had forgiven each other. I sat alone on a Thursday evening, watching three full size pool floats bunch up in front of my filter. I closed my laptop, where I had been posting teasers about my new book release and grabbed the long bug net to retrieve the rogue rafts. The copper-colored steel was cold to the touch as I stretched it far out in front of me. I retrieved the raft farthest toward the middle first and pulled it onto the stone ground. I replaced the pole to its holder and removed the second without needing assistance. Tiny water droplets intruded onto my short, jean shorts, and tight, white t-shirt, darkening the fabric they touched.

    Before I could remove the third and final float, I was joined by another at the pool.

    Hey, Trish, I said as politely as possible. Her almost always frowning brow was quite the opposite from what traits I expected from her. I had recently seen a few episodes of her four season and counting television series, and the character she portrayed had an almost virtuous persona.

    "Nicole is inside having a fit because you are pulling the floats that we left out of the pool, she said with her arms crossed across her chest. Her bottom lip was pushed out into a pout, like a child recently scorned. I laughed and said, I don’t mind. I wasn’t doing anything anyway."

    Do you want to come over? Dinner and a movie?

    I looked at her and was curious as to her intentions. The invite was unnatural and forced. She still stood with her arms crossed, and when I made no reply, she opened her eyes wide and pushed her head towards me.

    Well? she asked, her young age obvious in her attitude.

    Sure, I replied, still questioning the why behind the situation.

    I helped her remove the final raft and followed behind her into the never visited home that neighbored mine. She slid her glass door open, and we entered directly into the living room. I had no shoes on as I like to be in bare feet, and the tan carpet was warm between my toes.

    This is so weird, I said as I looked upon a replica of my house. Why are the houses the same?

    I asked that of no one as I still marveled over the similarities. The walls were a warm chocolate color, quite opposite from mine, but the color was inviting. Their couch was positioned differently than mine, and as I stepped forward my eyes met another set. It was as if the walls bled their warm chocolate color straight into them and as I continued to stare, I realized they were staring back.

    Promiscuous bi-sexual girl, Nicole. Nicole, this is promiscuous bi-sexual girl, Trish said, introducing us in a proper manner that I found very improper for her usually informal manner.

    Hello, I squeezed out.

    She stood to greet me, and I pulled my eyes from hers. I set my belongings down on a corner table as she extended her hand to shake mine.

    Amy. It is very nice to finally meet you.

    You too, I replied, smiling my perfect smile in hopes of attracting any kind of attention from the strangely attractive girl. Again, the adjective warm came to mind when our skin met. I grasped her hand firmly in mine, and she did the same in return. Her black nail polish, shirt, and hair stood out against her tan complexion and Earth toned room.

    "And I am not promiscuous," I retorted belatedly to Trish.

    Hey, I call them like I see them, she said, plopping down in a brown recliner.

    Hey, Amy, Ashley said as she joined us in the living room.

    Hey, I replied.

    Nicole lowered herself back onto the couch and patted the cushion next to her. I sat quickly, leaning back into the comfortable fabric. I sat there for a few minutes while the girls looked through several food menus trying to decide what food type would be delivered. I was asked my input, and I answered honestly.

    About anything is fine with me, I replied. I do not consume animal proteins but am not picky about most other things.

    Isn’t that cute, Trish said. Her words did not match her condescending tone.

    Cute? I asked, again curious as to why she invited me over.

    Stop it, Nicole said. I turned my head slowly towards the authoritative intonation. The black hair hanging below her shoulders blocked her eyes from my view and I briefly wondered on her suspected Latino heritage.

    So sensitive, Trish complained.

    I made no remarks on the matter and after we all agreed on and ordered our Italian, I realized that Nicole also did not eat meat. I was not capable of ignoring the implications of Trish’s previous comment while I settled in to watch the movie with my new friends. It was a drama I had already seen, but I lied and said it was new to me. I wanted to give myself time to adjust to the peculiar but contented feelings elicited by Nicole. Wanting to be inappropriately close to the girl, I pulled my legs onto the couch and adjusted my positioning. I was directly in the center of the two-cushion couch and sitting at an angle to face the television. Whether or not that evening was an accidental or purposeful set up between the two us, was of no regard. I wanted her, and I always got who and what I wanted.

    To my satisfaction, the food was delivered at a natural stopping point in the movie. I arranged my place on the coffee table and took a restroom break. I was walking back down the hall when I heard Trish speaking.

    Are you the chick who called me a bitch? she asked in a superior manner. I came to a stop next to her and saw my purple phone placed against her ear.

    Personal space, Trish. We have spoken about this, Nicole said to her as she pushed her arm towards me. I took my phone and went to my seat.

    Your girlfriend is mean, Trish said to me.

    She isn’t my girlfriend, I said as I sat back down and put the phone to my ear.

    Who are you telling I’m not your girlfriend? Stacy asked.

    Well, you’re not. Last time I checked you were still Christian’s girlfriend. Has that changed in the last twelve hours?

    She didn’t say anything, and I sighed.

    I’m sorry. I’m across the pool watching a movie.

    She laughed and said, Across the pool?

    It’s not across the street, so it was either across the yard or across the pool. You know which term I decided to use.

    Alright. We’re going to see a movie, and I was wondering if you wanted to come?

    No, but thanks for the invite.

    Fine. I’ll call you tomorrow.

    Okay, have fun.

    I’ll try. Bye.

    Bye, I said before touching the end button to assure the call was disconnected. Sorry about that, I said only to Nicole. Her approval was the only one of importance to me at that point.

    It’s fine, she replied without looking directly at me. Would you like something to drink?

    A beer? I asked. This time her eyes met mine, but there was no emotion readily obtainable in them.

    I watched her stand and retreat into the kitchen. Her dark blue jeans stretched around her backside, and I watched each one of her butt cheeks rise and fall as she walked. Trish interrupted my gawking with an obnoxious cackle.

    Don’t even think about it! She’s a nun, she said as she laughed in my direction. Oh man, I think you might be my new favorite person. How many people are you sleeping with, anyway? That guy you had was really hot. You should stick with him.

    Don’t act like you’re a saint, Trish, Nicole said from the refrigerator.

    It’s okay, I said to Trish. I was actually going to mention that the stripper that gave me a lap dance last night had on your same outfit, but I didn’t want to be rude. Now Ashley burst into laughter and said, "Okay, now you’re my favorite person." Trish rolled her eyes up and then down exaggeratedly, and Nicole came back in with three beers in hand. I was second to be given mine, after Ashley, and when Nicole handed it to me, she hovered above me for a moment. I did not move my head but instead moved my eyes up to ascertain her motives. She took a swift drink from her bottle and joined me on the couch.

    We finished watching the movie, and when it was over Trish and Ashley disappeared. I was thankful at first but then felt obtrusive to Nicole.

    Would you like another beer? she asked me.

    Uh, sure. Unless you have something to do. I can leave-

    No, no, she said interrupting me. Stay for a while. I would like to get to know you a little better. See what all of the fuss is about. I’m pretty sure my mouth fell open with her comment. She left the room to get my beer, and I again followed her movements with my eyes.

    So, Amy, how old are you? she asked after starting to put the leftovers in the fridge.

    Twenty-one, yourself?

    Twenty. And you are an author, correct?


    The Blue Fern Books, right?

    Yes. The original is a film now. Have you seen it?

    Not yet, but I knew about it.

    Hard to miss it, I laughed.

    Indeed, it has been well publicized. Will there be a second?

    Definitely. The first did better than even I expected.

    So, do you like writing? Do you enjoy it?


    And have you lived in the Los Angeles area long or are you from somewhere else?

    I said nothing in reply. Her questions were coming non-stop, and the format was reminiscent of the numerous interviews I had been a part of over that past year. I wanted my banter with the girl be less formal. She pulled her head out of the refrigerator as if to assure I had not left.

    Why are you interrogating me? I asked.

    She laughed and apologized and then said she would try to act like a regular person.

    I pulled my legs up onto the couch again as she headed my way. She sat close, and as I looked her over, I noticed her eyes wandering over my crossed legs. I reached over and pulled her chin in an upwards motion.

    Hello there, I said, attempting to be as cute as possible as I regained her eye contact. She said nothing and I removed my hand from her face. I reached up and tightened my ponytail before resting my body comfortably against the back of the couch.

    We talked through the night on numerous subjects while we drank ourselves silly. We laughed and flirted, but the closest we came to any intimacy was interrupted by my bladder. She had me pinned against the floor, and I let her believe she was in total control, although I could have easily escaped her grasp.

    Okay, pee time, I laughed, regretting the sudden painful urge to go.

    She rolled off me and laid flat on her back on the floor. I made my way to the bathroom, and when I was finished, I staggered back into the living room. The rising sun brightened the few corners it was permitted to reach and among the half-lit items in the room was a guitar. I assumed it Nicole’s as she was the only musician in the house. Ashley and Trish were both actresses, Trish being the more well-known of the two.

    The guitar that still held my attention was a brilliant white, with chrome detailing that glinted a different pattern with my every step in its direction. I bent down slowly and ran my finger over the cool frame, but as I admired the instrument my head decided to go hazy. I closed my eyes to try and repel the wave of nausea that was sure to follow soon. Nicole made no mention of my return from the restroom, so I walked over and stood above her still flat body. Her eyes were closed, and I wanted mine to be as well.

    Hey, I said as I pushed on her with my foot. She opened her eyes, so I said, Walk me home. She sat up slowly and agreed, and after she walked me to my door, I watched her walk back across to her house. She turned and gave me a quick wave before disappearing into her house.

    As I brushed my teeth, I pondered over some of the things I found out about her. I had known she was a singer, but I did not know she was a musician. She informed me that she played the guitar, piano, and wrote her own song lyrics. She had

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