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The Art of Energy Healing Volume Three An Advanced Look
The Art of Energy Healing Volume Three An Advanced Look
The Art of Energy Healing Volume Three An Advanced Look
Ebook158 pages3 hours

The Art of Energy Healing Volume Three An Advanced Look

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About this ebook

Volume 3, An Advanced Look, takes the foundational information introduced in Volumes 1 & 2 and personalizes it into self-understanding. The process of learning involves first understanding the technical information itself, but then taking that information and applying it to Self. In other words, in order to truly understand something, you have to be able to experience it within yourself, to relate it to yourself. Volume 3 challenges the reader to take the information to the next level of personal ownership, with practical examples being given, and common energetic and spiritual concepts defined. This Volume is asking you to apply the information to yourself at a deeper level.

Release dateFeb 2, 2015
The Art of Energy Healing Volume Three An Advanced Look

Susan Diane Matz

An innovative author and teacher, Susan Diane Matz helps people look at themselves, the world and the process of life from a different angle. She ran a school for change and is a captivating speaker. She has written over twenty books.

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    The Art of Energy Healing Volume Three An Advanced Look - Susan Diane Matz

    The Art of Energy Healing


    An Advanced Look


    The Art of Energy Healing Volume Three An Advanced Look

    Published by Susan Diane Matz at Smashwords

    Copyright 2015 Susan Diane Matz

    Abriev Enterprises

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Back Cover

    Volume 3, An Advanced Look, takes the foundational information introduced in Volumes 1 & 2 and personalizes it into self-understanding. The process of learning involves first understanding the technical information itself, but then taking that information and applying it to Self. In other words, in order to truly understand something, you have to be able to experience it within yourself, to relate it to yourself. Volume 3 challenges the reader to take the information to the next level of personal ownership, with practical examples being given, and common energetic and spiritual concepts defined. This Volume is asking you to apply the information to yourself at a deeper level.

    This book is dedicated to all of my students.

    You always remind me why I’m here.

    Thank you.




    It’s Not What You Might Think…

    Active Participation

    Adding On

    Being in the Driver’s Seat

    Awareness, Passion and Creation

    It’s All About the Vibration

    The Light Shadow




    Life Plan

    The Gifts You Bring

    Basic Traits

    Soul Rays

    Planes of Reality

    The Internal Realm, the External Realm

    Being a Master or Mastering?

    If Not Drama, Then What?

    Facing Reality

    Inner Stillness or Frozen

    Action or Re-action

    The Reality of Being Centered


    To Live Is to Change

    About the Author

    Also Available by Susan Diane Matz


    No book can really give you an answer. All written material is just a partial section of information in a much larger understanding. Even technical books, like science, can only take information so far. You, the reader, willing to connect inside yourself, is the only one who can take this information and turn it into understanding . Information is useless in any field of study if you cannot apply it.

    Energy Healing asks that people work with the information they receive and apply it to themselves. It challenges you to go beyond analyzing and contemplating things, like the Shadow Self and Defense Characterologies. It challenges you to stop seeing these as something outside of yourself, and to explore that they are you, and how this looks and feels for you. Energy Healing is not like physical healing. Its purpose is not to get you somewhere specific in the way a medical doctor’s purpose is to help heal the physical body. Energy work goes beyond the physical body into areas where the Why? is the focus, not an end result, like fixing a broken bone or curing an illness. There is no place to go. It is learning to stand still within yourself and understand the why. It is here that all real change occurs.

    An open mind, an open heart and a willingness to look deeper are all that is needed to understand that which is limited in its written form. A book is just a piece of any puzzle. Your ability to connect into yourself for the deeper understanding is the larger piece in the puzzle of True Knowledge.

    As both a professional healer and a teacher, I bring this information to you from my heart, and lifetimes of learning, growing, seeking … and, yes, finding. In all things in life, there are no answers; there are only levels of understanding. May this help you find some of your own layers of self-understanding.

    God Bless,

    Susan Matz

    It’s Not What You Might Think…

    The journey inward to find your real self, or what is sometimes called the authentic self, is usually not what people think it’s going to be like. There are many hurdles you have to get over. For example, it’s work, really hard work that you have to actively participate in. (In other words, you can’t just visualize some gold light around yourself and wake up one day all enlightened). Then there’s the concept that there are no answers, just self-understandings. There is no right way. There is also no one path. There is only your journey and what you make of it. Life isn’t pre-planned, so there’s no destiny you’re here to fulfill. You’re responsible for everything in your own life, not your parents, an ex-spouse, God, or anyone else you want to hold accountable for your own personal choices, no matter how unconscious those choices were. This means your life is nobody else’s fault, so no blaming . And the ultimate struggle is to understand that there is nowhere to go, no place to get to, because you’re already there. An inward journey is about understanding where there is.

    These are pretty deep concepts that tend to go against religious training and many spiritual doctrines, which give concrete, specific things a person can do to become enlightened. When people start seeking out some kind of spiritual path, what they’re often looking for is some way to fix themselves or their lives; they’re not really looking to go on a deep, personal inner journey. Label it anything you want to, like spiritual growth, healing work, or inner searching, but whatever you call it, most people are not really looking to understand themselves; they just want their lives to change. But quick-fixes are just as quickly gone, with no real change occurring.

    Real change is the by-product of self-acceptance. Self-acceptance is the by-product of self-understanding. First you have to get to know yourself just as you are now. Then the work is accepting yourself just as you are now, the good stuff and the bad. Change comes well after these two processes are completed. It is not an overnight experience, nothing real ever is. The whole process is very long, very naked, very painful at times, very humbling all the time, and never really done because there are always deeper places to explore.

    This couldn’t be more different than our present day society’s obsession with quick fixes, quick results and avoiding personal responsibility. You come into this world with so much potential, so many skills and gifts, most of which are hidden just under the surface. It is your job as a human being to explore yourself and find these wonderful things. Some things you find will initially appear very ugly, very dark, and the reality is that they are dark. After you explore them and learn to understand what they’re helping you to see about yourself, the inner beauty and inner purpose is revealed.

    An internal journey, that’s the time you spend exploring yourself, is the part of the process that teaches you how and why these skills and gifts had to initially be hidden. Everyone’s journey and everyone’s story is unique to them; there is no way a book, workshop, or school alone could take you there. You have to take yourself there, the rest are just roadmaps to indicate different directions of understanding. Exploring yourself helps you to understand your real past, and your real potential. This is not an easy process, but eventually it is a process that everyone goes through, because self-exploration is what being human is all about.

    Active Participation

    One of the things I’ve really noticed is how much people want to be passive. This is completely a by-product of the Shadow Self. The Shadow Self is the part of you ruled by your negative ego, which is the part of your personality that has separated off from God. The ruler in this domain is the Magician, because just like a performing magician in a magic show, the Shadow-Self Magician is there to make things seem very real, when in Truth, they are not. The Magician keeps a person’s consciousness living in a state of illusion in order to avoid seeing, facing and living in Truth. Truth and reality are the Magician’s enemies, while deception and illusion are its allies.

    In order to overcome your own personal Magician, your own personal deceiver that distorts how you see the world around you as well as how you see yourself, you have to get to know it. Every Human Being has an aspect of themselves that is their own personal Magician. Remember, to understand yourself is to understand your consciousness (not your mind), because your mind is strictly an organ that receives, holds and sends messages. The mind does not actually reason out all of the information it has available. This is what your consciousness does, and your consciousness is not a physical organ. It exists beyond the physical. It is the energy that runs through the mind, but is never stored inside the mind. Consciousness is fluid, always moving and circulating through the brain, but not part of the brain. It’s like oxygen, it circulates through the body and is used by every cell in the body, but it is not a part of the body. You do not have an oxygen organ like you have a liver or a kidney. Oxygen, just like your consciousness, originates outside of the body but flows through every part it.

    Your consciousness is the flow of energy between your soul and your physical body. It’s like universal oxygen, only it’s not made up of O2 molecules, it’s made up of awareness. The Magician is the name given to the part of your personality that takes the consciousness energy out of alignment with your Higher Self, your soul, and uses the energy for its own purposes. Energetically, the word negative does not mean bad, it simply refers to energy that goes against the flow of God. When something is in alignment with Higher Self purpose, it flows towards God. When it is not, it is in a negative state because it flows against God, Higher Self purpose and Universal Laws.

    The negative ego is the part of your personality flowing against the natural current, hence it develops a negative charge to it, contracting (or sucking) energy inward instead of going outward in Creation. Remember, the other name for God is Creator, so when you are in alignment with God, you are always in some phase of Universal Creation. When energy is sucked inward, it winds up cycling and cycling in on itself. This cycling energy develops its own personality that has a distorted understanding of reality. The now negative ego is no longer in flow with God, which makes all of its perceptions, concepts and beliefs false ones. It is the job of your Magician to convince you that everything the negative ego does, sees, perceives and believes is real, when in fact they are all internal lies. When you are in your Magician, you are being deluded by your own consciousness. What you think is true, is not.

    The Magician part of you sees itself as being in direct competition with God for the job of dominating your personality. But God does not dominate anything. He is neutral. The Magician, on the other hand, is great at domination and can do it in many forms, like fear, shame and temptation. Anybody want to be rich, famous, powerful, feared or revered?

    All Magician energies have certain personality traits, but how those traits act and look is unique to each person. You have to get to know yours in order to stop unconsciously following it, unconsciously believing the little magic show it puts on for you every day. You are not what you think you are. Your beliefs are not True; they probably have some form of truth interwoven in them, but they are distorted by your

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