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Blood In The Stool
Blood In The Stool
Blood In The Stool
Ebook56 pages44 minutes

Blood In The Stool

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Rachel Tan is a young and soon to be successful administrative assistant. Mary Lee is sixty and moving on with one foot in the grave and the other in the oven. The only thing that ties them together is a single word. Cancer. As they battle life and the diagnosis, the two women experience uncertainty, anger, sadness and pain. How do they combat the vagaries of Life and handle their loved ones?

PublisherEsther Chen
Release dateFeb 20, 2015
Blood In The Stool

Esther Chen

Esther Chen lives in Singapore, a South East Asian country with one of the World's highest cost of living. She also major in Science and has taught in Singapore schools.She is interested in Life and Science, and also life planning and management.She works in the day and writes in the nights.Her focus is on education and study guides.Occasionally, she writes about teaching and other miscellaneous works including poetry, short stories, and children's books so enjoy her writing as it teleports you into another World.

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    Blood In The Stool - Esther Chen

    Blood In The Stool

    Esther Chen

    Copyright 2015 by Esther Chen

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.



    One – Rachel Tan

    Two – Mary Lee

    Three – Insurance and Critical Insurance

    Four – Signs and Symptoms

    Five – Check up and Check mate

    Six – Undergoing treatment

    Seven – Back to Life

    Eight – Waiting out the remission

    Nine – The Dangers Of Playing Hooky

    Ten - Struggle to Live; Struggle for Life

    Eleven – The End of Everything

    Twelve – A New Tenant

    Thirteen – Five Years

    About the Author

    Other Works


    Cancer is a devastating illness. For both the patient and also their family and friends. The uncertainty and fear experienced during the treatment and remission changes a person and many times the stress on both the patient and caregiver wears thin. While we will all like to have a supportive caregiver, the truth is not everyone will get one. This story is not about all the gritty details, it is about the inner battles that are wedged every day and choices people make.

    To Contents

    ONE – Rachel Tan

    I sat on a bench, faithfully waiting outside of the GP’s office for my turn. It is my second annual screening. Nothing much, just simple question and answers on my bowels and general health. I have done it many times before, especially after a screening test I did on my stool came back positive for blood. True, I have been having the regular irritation in my bowel movements, or rather, the irregular. My bowels alternate between periods of constipation and diahorrea, so much so that my friends and I have named it consti-orrea. I thought it was a fun joke, to name a symptom and frightfully smart and funny.

    I am right about the frightful part and less so smart and funny, turns out IBS or irritable bowel syndrome is one of the symptoms of colorectal cancer. So is gas, cramps and blood in the stool. The first two I have been experiencing since my youth and I clocked it on too much beans, onions and peas, or it must have been a particularly difficult mushroom steak, something along that line. Coupled with my stressed and hectic lifestyle and job, having gas and cramps are part and parcel of my life.

    Then, I decided to take a health screening package that included a stool blood test, and promptly forgot about it. Until one month later, a small innocent looking envelope came in the mail. Initially, I thought it was a flyer, sent in the mail. I almost threw it away without a second glance, but I opened it. Just in case it was important. Only to read the first few words and almost fainted on the spot.

    ‘Results of Blood stool test – Positive’.

    It continues with, ‘Blood has been tested in your blood stool test. It is not an indication of colorectal cancer. You are advised to make an appointment with our customer service officers who will contact you via your registered mobile number.’

    It was a nightmare comes true.

    Actually, I have never

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