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Losing Forever
Losing Forever
Losing Forever
Ebook117 pages2 hours

Losing Forever

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Betrayal... ‘to be unfaithful and/or deceive.’

The moment I noticed Jordan Murphy appearing confident and beautiful, I knew instantly I had to have her. Knowing she was my best friends little sister...I kept my distance, hurting her in the process... until one day I professed my love to her.

Everything changed the moment Reese Manning proclaimed his love for me. He was my first...everything. We shared a love that was unfailing...or at least I thought.
One moment...utterly shattered my heart, destroying my soul.

Being together was simple. My relationship with Jordan was solid...or so I thought.
One misunderstanding...damaged everything!

Finding her way through the heartache, Jordan seeks comfort in friends and family. Until she meets Hunter Ashford, her views of love may be restored. That is until she comes face to face with the one man who betrayed her...or did he?

Forgiveness... ‘willingness to forgive/be forgiven’

Will Reese fight for her...fight for what they had? Or will Jordan find herself falling in love with a man who has captured her attention?

Excerpt -

“I never stopped loving you will be mine's just a matter of time...whatever you think I did to destroy better be a damn good reason...”

― Michelle R.K., Losing Forever

PublisherMichelle R K
Release dateNov 4, 2014
Losing Forever

Michelle R K

Michelle R.K. published her first book "Losing Forever" in August 2014. It was a great accomplishment. She is currently working on several other stand-alone books. Her most recent release is Worth the Risk, which has become available in May 2015. Romance, suspense and drama are her specialty. She enjoy's reading as much as writing. You can also find Michelle's profile on Goodreads.

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    Book preview

    Losing Forever - Michelle R K



    "Love is an irresistible desire

    to be irresistibly desired"

    - Robert Frost


    When Jordan Murphy first fell in love she was only fifteen.  Through the years her love for Reece Manning has grown into something that could only be describe by those who know the couple as a forever love.  Until one fateful night causes Jordan’s world to come crashing down around her, shattering her heart. 

    Finding her way through the heartache, Jordan seeks comfort in friends and family. Until she meets Hunter Ashford, her views of love may be restored. That is until she comes face to face with the one man who shattered her.  Will her forever love fight for her?  Or will Jordan find her forever with the man who has captured her attention?

    Losing Forever Copyright C:\Users\michelle\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\FUT75BFA\MM900178308[1].gif 2014 Michelle R K

    Published by Michelle R K

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This book is licenses for personal enjoyment only.

    This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase additional copy for each person you share it with.  If you are reading the book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return it to the seller and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.

      This book is intended for mature audience only.


    To my family and friends.

    Thank you for believing in me.

    Special Thanks :

    Editing: The Coub

    Beta Readers:  Hanan Zughbaba


      The pounding on the door startles me as I grab my phone to see that it’s one a.m.  Feeling groggy from crying myself into a slumber I rise slowly from my bed.  Answer the door Jordan…Please.  Oh no!  No, I will not answer the door for him. 

      The memories come flashing back and I fall to my knees, my hand gripping my aching chest while the pounding on the door gets louder.  Please baby open the door…I need to see that you are okay.  His composed words infuriate me so I swiftly stand and pull open the door and the sight before me almost causes me to collapse.  The look on his face is relief when he sees me standing before him.  He reaches for me but I back away.  Confusion reaches his expression.  Jordan, did someone hurt you…?  Why won’t you let me touch you? Shaking my head I back away farther into my room.  He slowly approaches me and I put up my hand to stop him from coming any closer to me.  I wince at the thought of him touching me.

      What the hell is wrong with you?  Talk to me please baby…you’re scaring me…did someone hurt you?  If they did I will kill them.  Tears stream down my cheeks because if he only knew that it was him who hurt me.  Please…don’t come any closer.  My voice is begging with him to listen.  He backs away two steps but his eyes are examining my body probably for bruises or any kind of injury.  Frustrated he runs his hands through his hair and the sight is unbearable.  He notices my coiled tight body language and tries to reach for me again.  I scream at him. Do NOT touch me… do you hear me… you will NEVER touch me again!  At that moment I see defeat, rejection and grief flash across his face. 

    Ch. 1

    High School Freshman Year


      This is going to be an epic high school freshman year experience.  The buzzing excitement and nervous energy is coursing through my body.  With my best friend Judy by my side we will soon rule the school, or at least attempt to merely blend in. Of course having an older brother on the football team has its advantages, a guarantee that we will without a doubt fit right in. 

      Walking through the hallway in search of my locker I hear the chatter of my classmates and notice that one name in particular continues to pass their lips being repeated over and over again.  You would think that these girls would be sick to death of talking about the same guys over and over again each year.  Not that I would know anything about dating anyone serious since my brother scared away all the boys who showed interest in me by threating them.  At times Trevor is sweet and caring and other times he is just a plain bully. So here I am - a freshman in high school with the sexual experience of a preschooler. 

      No one was ever good enough for Trevor’s little sister. Once big brother is off to college there will be no one here to chase away the boys.  Just that thought alone makes me smile.  Like I said…this is going to be a great year, especially with the enthusiasm swirling around the air. 

      I find my locker and dig out my combination from the pocket of my jeans.  Trying to balance my backpack on my shoulder and my water bottle in my hand I finally get my locker door opened and shove my bag inside.  I decide to pull out the books I need for the next two classes and come back later. 

      Not paying attention I pivot around and smack right into a very hard chest.  Ouch!  My water drops to the floor along with my books. Mumbling at how careless I am I peer up at the person I ran into and find myself staring into the brightest blue eyes I have ever seen.  Clearing his throat, a grin touches his perfect full lips.  Are you alright?  I simply nod because no words seem to be forming at the moment.  The boy before me is beautiful with a smile that causes a hitch in my breath.  Sorry, I guess I need to pay attention to where I walk. 

      No problem, I was a little distracted at the moment. He grins and his eyes travel the length of my body.  Warmth fills my cheeks.  Did he really just admit I was the cause of his distraction?  I hold back a giggle that almost escaped past my lips.  I know I am young and inexperienced but I have always allowed my heart to lead me in the right direction and let’s just say, my heart is clearly pounding in my chest at the mere sight of the boy standing before me. 

      We continue to stare at each other grinning until I am distracted by a loud commotion in the background and quickly turn to see my brother Trevor and some of his friends heading in our direction.  Of course my brother has superb timing…having Trevor interrupt me at this very moment is a dreadful way to start off my first day of school.  I quickly glance back towards the gorgeous specimen in front of me and find his stance tense and facial expression appears to be worried.  He must have felt my gaze on him but his focus is on my brother and his friends.

      Hey Reece…I see you met my baby sister Jordan…who by the way is off limits.  Trevor slaps him on his back causing him to slightly jump forward.  Mortified by being called a baby I look at Trevor and narrow my eyes as he starts laughing.  Although Trevor is a few years older than me we have always been close.  He is my protector and my best friend.  When our dad passed away when I was a little girl Trevor took over the role as man of the house even at his young age he felt responsible for me and my mom. 

      Trevor did not always have time to act like a teenager outside of the house so he would always invite his friends over.  At first it was annoying having teenage boys at the house especially when they treated me like I was a nuisance

      I turn to look at Reece and his smile fades as he casually steps away from me by a foot or so, completely avoiding eye contact with me. His actions make me feel like I have been punched in the stomach.  I presume now that I am someone’s ‘baby sister’ and off limits, I am no longer appealing.   

      Yea I guess I did…we kind of bumped into each other.  It is nice to meet you…Jordan.  His posture is apprehensive and his voice sounds strained like it is literally killing him to be pleasant towards me. That causes my fifteen year old heart to break. Excuse me.  I turn to leave rather quickly feeling completely overcome and humiliated. Tears threaten to burn my eyes when I hear my name being called.  I ignore them and continue to walk faster through the hallway.  Shoving the girl’s bathroom door open I find the nearest stall slamming the door shut and try taking a deep breath.  Why the hell am I being overly sensitive? He’s just a guy who for one moment was captivated by me and then quickly came to his senses.  That is the story of my life.  Trevor manages to chase all the boys away who show a small interest in me. 

      Sitting in the stall of the bathroom I realize why the guys were calling my name as I basically sprinted down the hallway, I left my books scattered on the hallway floor. Frustrated, I groan and rub my hands over my face and in the process wiping away the remainder of my tears. How is it possible that one moment I am happy and confident and the next minute I am feeling sorry for myself while sitting in one of the bathroom stalls?  Judy would be so proud of me if she could only see me now.  Unfortunately, I will have to wait to see her at lunch.

      Standing up from the stall I move towards the sink and quickly splash my face with warm water. Feeling hopeful that Trevor picked up my books I head towards the door leaving the safety of the restroom.   

      The hallway is fairly empty as I proceed to my next class when suddenly I feel a hand wrap around my arm, I yelp startled for a moment when I realize its Reece.  He’s holding my books and water.  Sorry, I did not mean to scare you.  His smile is forced when he looks at me with a pained expression.  Its fine…thanks for grabbing my books.  I need to go.  I lose his grip and start to

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