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Riding Lessons
Riding Lessons
Riding Lessons
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Riding Lessons

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From the USA Today Bestselling author of the TREX Adventures, Allie K. Adams introduces...

THE ROADHOUSE #1 – MASTERS’ ROADHOUSE, PART 1: The Roadhouse is an invitation only mobile club where the spicier side of life is both practiced and embraced. Members take turns hosting it for the weekend. When the opportunity presents itself to create a permanent home, Caleb Olson jumps at the chance, offering up the barn on the ranch he works at in return for a cut of the membership fees.

Skye Masters loves life on the edge. The thrill. The excitement. She’s willing to do anything to feel that adrenaline rush, including agree to Caleb’s crazy idea of housing a club in her family’s barn, so long as she gets invited in. Her father left her the ranch and all the debt that came with it. Handing over the barn to the Roadhouse will give her enough to keep the ranch. It also feeds her desire to experience the darker edge of a lifestyle she’s only dreamed about, starting with her first ménage riding lesson.
Trent Harris has loved Skye since they were kids and wishes he were enough to keep her satisfied. Caleb is his best friend and offers to sponsor them at the Roadhouse in exchange for their submission. Although hesitant at first, Trent soon discovers a whole new world where pleasure isn’t the only thing drawing members in. Montana summers have never burned so hot.

This is part one of the two-part story of Caleb Olson, Skye Masters, and Trent Harris. Read the exciting conclusion of their happily ever after in RIDING DOUBLE after reading this introduction installment.

Release dateFeb 10, 2015
Riding Lessons

Allie K. Adams

Tagline: If it doesn't sizzle, it isn't hot enough.BIO: Allie K. Adams is the USA Today bestselling author of several award-winning stories. An active member of the search and rescue, as well as previously served as a reserve deputy, Allie has firsthand experience in most of the dangers she writes about. Known for her highly erotic, deeply intense suspense romances, she can be found most days in front of her computer, saving the world one sizzling story at a time. She grew up in Seattle and now currently lives in southwest Montana with her husband, two kids, and two fluff ball dogs.She loves to hear from readers and encourages them to reach out to her through her website at

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    Riding Lessons - Allie K. Adams




    The Roadhouse, Episode #1

    By Allie K. Adams

    USA Today Bestselling Author

    This is part one of the two-part story of Caleb Olson, Skye Masters, and Trent Harris. Read the exciting conclusion of their happily ever after in RIDING DOUBLE after reading this introduction installment.

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    The Roadhouse, Episode #1

    Copyright © 2015 by Allie K. Adams

    First E-book Publication: February 2015

    Cover design by Kari Ayasha, Cover to Cover Designs

    All art and logo copyright © 2015 by Allie K. Adams

    ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

    All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


    Allie K. Adams

    Table of Contents












    About the Author

    Books by Allie K. Adams


    THE ROADHOUSE #1 – MASTERS' ROADHOUSE, PART 1: The Roadhouse is an invitation only mobile club where the spicier side of life is both practiced and embraced. Members take turns hosting it for the weekend. Each member brings something unique to the club and shares a common goal—fighting for the underdog, at any cost.

    Caleb Olson: The foreman. When the opportunity presents itself to create a permanent home for the club, he jumps at the chance, offering up the barn on the ranch he works at in return for help taking down a corrupt businessman who’ll stop at nothing to own all the land in the valley.

    Skye Masters: The risk-taker. She loves life on the edge. The thrill. The excitement. She's willing to do anything to feel that adrenaline rush, including agree to Caleb's crazy idea of housing a club in her family's barn, so long as she gets invited in. Handing over the barn to the Roadhouse feeds her desire to experience the darker edge of a lifestyle she's only dreamed about, starting with her first ménage riding lesson. She's only too happy to join in and stop the businessman threatening to take her family's ranch.

    Trent Harris: The fighter. Caleb is his best friend and offers to sponsor both Trent and Skye at the Roadhouse in exchange for their submission. Although resistant at first, Trent soon discovers a whole new world where pleasure isn't the only thing drawing members in. The Roadhouse could benefit by having a member with fists as fast as his. He's willing to give Caleb's offer a chance—with a few conditions of his own. 

    When the businessman turns out to be working for someone even more powerful, someone with enough clout to shut down the Roadhouse, their plot to save the ranch threatens to destroy the club. Can this unlikely trio of heroes pull it off without losing everything?

    Welcome to the Roadhouse—where the good get even. This is really how country boys survive. Montana summers have never burned so hot.

    This is part one of the two-part story of Caleb Olson, Skye Masters, and Trent Harris. Read the exciting conclusion of their happily ever after in RIDING DOUBLE after reading this introduction installment.


    Are you sure? Skye Masters squeezed the web between her finger and thumb to ward off the swell of emotions burning behind her eyes. Keeping her back as straight as possible, the rigid stance yet another way to stop from breaking down, she studied the pile of folders on the lawyer’s desk. All of it?

    Mr. Williams sighed, long and hard. She held her breath so not to smell his nasty, stale cigar breath. It was bad enough being stuck in the small office without an open window, the mix of smoke residue and too much cheap aftershave attacking her senses. Sorry, sweetheart. Your dad was mortgaged to the hilt. The only thing the lender doesn’t own is you.

    She closed her eyes until she had enough control over the quiver in her voice. Only after the lump in her throat ebbed did she regard the attorney she’d hired as the probate officer for her father’s estate. How long do I have to come up with the money?

    I don’t think you understand, sweetheart.

    God, how she hated him calling her that. She wasn’t anyone’s sweetheart. How’s that?

    He reverse-mortgaged everything.

    She’d heard of a reverse mortgage but didn’t understand how they worked. So they gave him the money upfront?

    In return for everything when he died.

    But the house—

    "Everything, he repeated, those dark eyes nailing her to the hard chair, making her even more uncomfortable. Do you understand what I’m saying?"

    No, but she wouldn’t let him know that. How much?


    How much did he owe?

    More than any of it is worth. The interest compounded for years. You are so far upside down on what you owe that no bank will touch it. I asked around. I’m sorry, sweetheart. Your family’s ranch is going to be broken up and sold off. It’s the only way the lender can recover any of the money. His lawyer has already filed the deeds.

    None of this made any sense. She knew it was bad but had no idea how far her father had gone to keep the ranch from going under. The stress of keeping it running, and keeping so many people employed, had eventually taken its toll. It had taken him, leaving her to find out from a lawyer that she’d lost everything on top of losing her father.

    What would she say to Caleb? The foreman had been with the ranch for as long as she could remember. What about Trent? Her best friend had nowhere else to go. The ranch was his home. It was all their home. It sounded like someone else when she asked in a small voice, Maybe if I talk to the bank.

    Williams made a face. No bank would have made a deal like this. This was a private investor and, from the looks of it, a corrupt one at that. There’s no clause for repayment.


    Even if you did have the money, it wouldn’t matter. Legally you have no rights.

    She sucked in a breath and narrowed her glare. Anger fueled her words. Anger and betrayal. No rights? This is my family’s ranch. I have every right to it.

    Sorry, sweetheart. The papers this guy has says different. From what I can see, Grant Masters made a deal with the devil.

    Then we fight it.

    No way, he said with a shake of his head. I’m not about to go up against the likes of the guy your dad was in bed with. If you want at Buck Durnham, you’re on your own.

    She rose out of the seat and stared down her nose at the spineless lawyer. She had no idea who Buck Durnham was or why he wanted her family’s ranch, but she’d be damned before she let him take it.

    Without another word, she stormed out of the office and jumped into her truck. It wasn’t fair. She may not have been the best daughter, but she didn’t deserve this. No one did. Taking her time driving home, she replayed the meeting in her head. Nothing made sense. Her father may have been desperate to keep the ranch running, but he wouldn’t have done this. He wouldn’t have sold it out from under her.

    She pulled up to the house and put the truck in park before killing the engine and dropping the keys in the cup holder. Still numb from the shock, Skye stared at the front door as she tried to make sense of it all. How much longer would she be able to call this her house? Walk through that door and be welcomed into the only home she’d ever known?

    She couldn’t hide out in the truck forever. Reluctantly, she climbed out and made her way up the path to the front door. Stopping in front of it, she rested her hand on the doorknob, running her thumb along the metal. She remembered when her father installed it after the old one broke. He even let her pick it out. Tears sprang to her eyes and she slid her lids closed until they passed.

    How could she not know about the mortgages? She may not have been involved in the business side of the ranch, but she was a Masters. Her father should have told her. Did Caleb know about the mortgages? He knew everything there was to know about the ranch. No way did her father keep this from him.

    Directing her anger on someone she could blame, she opened her eyes and marched into the house with purpose. Caleb?

    I’m sorry for the short notice. His voice caught her attention. She followed the sound into the den and hesitated when she spotted him on the phone. I know the weather would be perfect. It’s just not a good time for us. I hope this doesn’t affect my membership. Thanks, Damian. I appreciate it.

    He ended the call and brought his gaze to her. Those jade green

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