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Margaret and Midnight: Run the Race: Run the Race
Margaret and Midnight: Run the Race: Run the Race
Margaret and Midnight: Run the Race: Run the Race
Ebook42 pages23 minutes

Margaret and Midnight: Run the Race: Run the Race

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About this ebook

Margaret and Midnight: Run the Race, tells the story of a young girl growing up in Alaska with her new puppy, who instantly becomes her best friend, and their many adventures that follow. It is a story about love, devotion, hard work, family, and goals. All these make life worth living and make our futures bright and beautiful.
Release dateJun 10, 2014
Margaret and Midnight: Run the Race: Run the Race

Valerie Boever

Valerie Boever was born in Marinette, Wisconsin. She is oldest of four children. Val spent her early childhood and grade school years in Illinois. During much of that time her family lived on five acres with lavish landscaping. This country home provided endless activities for active imaginative children, and fostered a lifetime appreciation for the beauty of nature, trees and flowers. It was during this time her love for dogs developed, with the adoption of several, including a malamute.

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    Margaret and Midnight - Valerie Boever

    Margaret and Midnight

    Run the Race

    Written by Valerie J. Boever

    Illustrated by Silver Hennessy

    PO Box 221974 Anchorage, Alaska 99522-1974—

    ISBN 978-1-159433-439-9

    eBook ISBN 978-1-159433-440-5

    Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2013957946

    Copyright 2014 Valerie J. Boever

    —First Edition—

    All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in any form, or by any mechanical or electronic means including photocopying or recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, in whole or in part in any form, and in any case not without the written permission of the author and publisher.

    Manufactured in the United States

    Margaret and Midnight

    I can no other answer make,

    but, thanks, and thanks.

    William Shakespeare

    Thank You

    Many have made the series of Margaret and Midnight possible. I have thanked a number of them in print. There are as many more in the background. The final thank you is to you, the reader. Enjoy each moment of each book and share the experience with those you love.


    It was never my intention to be a published author, though as a English Literary Major graduating from the University of South Dakota, Vermillion, South Dakota, it was the dream, as with all who have literary interests, to write a great book.

    I began Margaret and Midnight, the Alaska Malamute, while recuperating from an injury. It was a means to carry me through the boredom of bed rest. It was later that the idea of publishing came to me. The dreams of that simple notion were made possible by the sincere and helpful, Even Swensen, of Publication Consultants, Anchorage, Alaska. Without his help, this would be a manuscript tucked into a desk drawer.

    Evan and his staff assisted me, mentored me, and encouraged me throughout the writing and

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