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Life inside a Psychopathic Balloon
Life inside a Psychopathic Balloon
Life inside a Psychopathic Balloon
Ebook136 pages53 minutes

Life inside a Psychopathic Balloon

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About this ebook

Life inside a Psychopathic Balloon,
Its description can now resume.
Attempting to rhyme the synopsis,
By using finely tuned harmonics.
Short stories will be told,
They are hopefully entertaining, brash and bold.
Poems will be sang thanks to the spoken word,
To the asylum shall my thoughts be referred?
Drabbles that keep your attention until their closure,
Like this one, Game Over…

My hand’s drenched in blood. It’ll soon dry and will agitate the fine hairs on my hand causing an itch. Peering over the busted skull, it’s hard to feel guilty. I mean, life is all just a form of deceptive progression; and in our reality, you forced my hand.

I warned you time and time again. I pleaded with you, almost begging you to stop, yet your persistence was the key for the lock of my patience.

You didn't stop until I was forced to react. Maybe in the next life, you will desist from sending me bloody game requests.

Release dateFeb 7, 2015
Life inside a Psychopathic Balloon

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    Book preview

    Life inside a Psychopathic Balloon - C.S.Bailey


    Drabble - A drabble is a short work of fiction of exactly one hundred words in length, not necessarily including the title. The purpose of the drabble is brevity, testing the authors ability to express interesting and meaningful ideas in a confined space.

    *As a verb, it means to make or become wet and dirty.

    Poetry – The art of rhythmical composition, written or spoken, for exciting pleasure by beautiful, imaginative, or elevated thoughts.

    Short Story – A short piece of prose fiction, usually under ten thousand words.


    Simply dedicated to the ones who constantly inspire.

    Life inside a Psychopathic Balloon could not have been completed without the help and inspiration of the following people: Nav Logan, Wendy Gordon, Rick Haynes, Bryan Thomas, Ava Michaels, Eilis, Nicky White, and the members of the Kindle Users Forum and the Authors Forum.

    Thought Process Initiation

    Life inside a Psychopathic Balloon is my compilation of drabbles, attempts at poetry, and short stories. My discovery of drabbles came from the author Nav Logan. At the start of my journey into writing territory, I was lucky to find a supportive website known as the Kindle Users Forum. This is where I first met Nav and many other authors: a truly fantastic community.

    Here, the mischievous Nav introduced me to drabbles. One hundred word stories, usually with a twist at the end. Having always been one for a challenge, I attempted my first ever drabble. It was posted on the 26th June 2014 at 08.50 P.M (it took me ages to find that out).

    It was titled ‘Killing Time’, and people of the forum seemed to like it.

    Previously, I was forewarned as to how addictive drabbles were, yet I refused to listen. Soon, I found myself wanting to write more, so I did and it has been extremely enjoyable. Since then, it has spawned two collaborative shorts stories and another story, titled ‘Happy Halloween’, which was later released for charity.

    Then, along came the poetry. Now, I’ll be honest, I have never had faith in my poetic ability. Used previously as attempts to convey how I felt to the women I was dating. I don’t even remember how it came about, I was just sat in my padded cell, (I joke), and a drabble turned into a poem. I decided to share these attempts at poetry on my Blog and luckily, they improved. And, it has come to the point where I actually enjoy reading and writing poetry.

    Believe it or not, most of the short stories shared within this book were an attempt to replace the attempt at poetry Blog post. The only exception being ‘Miss Murder’ which was actually a series of drabbles combined and expanded upon to form a short story.

    So at the time of writing this introduction of sorts, I have written over one hundred and twenty within six months. During the soon to follow editing process, the weakest will be eliminated (Terminator style) and you should hopefully be about to view the best of them.

    I can only hope that you find something to enjoy amongst them.

    Thank you for reading,

    C.S. Bailey




    Thought Process Initiation

    A Pain in the Ass

    The Coffee Cup

    Starting Anew

    My first drabble: Where it all started...

    Killing Time

    Sat Nav

    Arc-Light Angel

    Apostrophe Apocalypse

    Miss Murder

    Game Over

    Silver Tongued Devil

    Miss September

    Chasing Perfection


    Miss October

    Killing Time II

    Miss Halloween (November)

    Coming Quickly

    Death Dealer

    Miss December

    The Constant Gardener

    Conversation Intervention

    Miss January


    Miss Valentine (February)

    Dehydrating Life

    Dream State

    Miss March

    Duty Calls


    False Control

    First and Last Dance

    Foolish Notions

    Forever More

    Game of Moans

    Good Bye, Valentine

    The Hit Man


    How NOT to Spend Your Last Day on Earth

    Irish Temptation

    Igniting Love

    From Start to Finish

    Just another Day

    Kerosene Dream

    The Killers Seven

    Under the Blood Red Moon: Part One

    The Last Cut is the Deepest

    The Prophet

    Under the Blood Red Moon: Part Two

    Life inside a Psychopathic Balloon

    The Last Minute

    Under the Blood Red Moon: Part Three

    Love Hurts

    Man X Science = No Fun

    Nonessential Viewing

    The Worst Drabble in the World

    Pain Rising

    Moderate to High Annoyance

    The Inevitable Sequel to the Worst Drabble in the World


    Ode to the Earth

    The Less Than Stunning Conclusion to the Worst Drabble in the World Trilogy

    Oceans Apart

    The Perfect

    The Michael Bay Version of the Worst Drabble in the

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