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Beautiful Nightmare
Beautiful Nightmare
Beautiful Nightmare
Ebook94 pages2 hours

Beautiful Nightmare

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Aaron Rosencrantz’s architectural firm is thriving—thanks to his brilliant and tough-as-nails COO, Natasha Rodriguez. But every day, they deny the powerful attraction raging between them. Corporate meetings and contracts rule their lives—not to mention a string of promises and commitments made to family. However, all bets are off when he catches a sexy glimpse of her desire for him. His hopes soar...only to be dashed by a horrible misunderstanding. So when mysterious and renowned Madame Eve sets up these two powerful personalities to come together at the Las Vegas Carnivore Club, which one will bend?

Release dateFeb 9, 2015
Beautiful Nightmare

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    Beautiful Nightmare - Bella Juarez

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    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Beautiful Nightmare

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2015 by Bella Juarez

    ISBN: 978-1-61333-810-0

    Cover art by Fiona Jayde

    All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work, in whole or in part, in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

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    Hanging by a Moment


    To the Babes, thank you for all your support.

    Beautiful Nightmare

    Knights of Red Horse

    A 1Night Stand Story


    Bella Juarez

    Chapter One

    The smell of cigar smoke wafted through the private lounge reserved for their party. Aaron relaxed into the oversized leather chair opposite his best friend and partner, Tom Ryan. The designer had created this space with men in mind; luxurious dark walnut panel covered the walls and surrounded them in warmth. The plush throw rugs scattered over the wooden floor and the leather furniture made you want to sink into them and relax. The low lighting demanded you drop your worries when you entered to enjoy the effects of comfort and relaxation. This space allowed one to release the cares of a stressful day and engage in intelligent discussion, lively debate, or simply sit, smoke, and drink.

    The adjacent room in the exclusive club included a sports lounge where some of their younger colleagues enjoyed a televised sporting event. Aaron was thankful the rooms were soundproof. He needed this quiet break. Content to be in the discreet oasis, he likened himself and Tom to two old tigers enjoying a respite from the business jungle of conference rooms and design tables. Taking a sip of the special scotch he’d ordered for the occasion, he let the smooth liquid relax him before taking a long drag of the smoldering cigar between his fingers.

    "I’m very happy for you. A leben ahf dir!" Aaron toasted in Yiddish.

    Tom raised his glass in appreciation for the blessing. Is this kosher?

    Aaron let out a hearty laugh. Do you care? Are you nervous?

    Nope, I’m glad it’s almost over so Emily can focus. There’s a sculpture she’s been working on since before we left for Afghanistan, and she still hasn’t finished it. Tom paused and took a puff off his cigar. It’s promised to a hotel chain she has a contract with. The wedding plans have kept her busy, but she needs to concentrate and get back on track.

    "Well, it all begins tomorrow."

    Tom picked up his jacket and reached inside one of the pockets. He took out a small white envelope and handed it to Aaron.

    What’s this?

    A present for the best man. Aaron opened the envelope and knitted his brows as he read the card inside. Perplexed by the gift, he turned the card over. Be careful what you ask for. You will get it.

    Before he could comment, they were interrupted.

    This is one dead bachelor party. Seriously, you two look like a couple of old men.

    "We are a couple of old men," Tom and Aaron chorused.

    Shit! Where are the strippers? Where’s the loud music and nasty-ass tables to dance on? Mike asked from the doorway.

    Michael Brannan, the firm’s lead CAD designer and a reserve tech sergeant in their unit, hadn’t seen his thirtieth birthday yet. The young man had attached himself to the pair when he’d come to their unit. He was as wild as his ginger hair and just as temperamental. Seating himself on the loveseat opposite his bosses, he shook his head at the pair while they puffed and sipped. He released an exaggerated, loud sigh. Should I learn how to extend my pinky for the wedding?

    Extend this, motherfucker! Aaron shot him the finger.

    Thank God! I was seriously getting worried about you two sitting here like Churchill and Roosevelt. He pointed to the picture behind him. I’m half expecting to see you two up there the next time I come.

    Aaron poured Mike a scotch on the rocks and the three of them bantered while they drank. After a couple of rounds, Mike decided he and the younger men needed to celebrate in earnest for Tom at one of the local strip bars. Aaron and Tom waved them off then left the club themselves by ten o’clock and went their separate ways. While he drove home, Aaron’s thoughts drifted to the present he’d received. A gift certificate for a dating service, 1Night Stand.

    What the hell is he thinking? He knows my predicament and knows damn good and well I don’t do one-night stands…anymore.

    The gift he’d received from Tom wouldn’t leave his thoughts, no matter how hard he tried to concentrate on something else. When he arrived home, he raced inside and searched his jacket while stalking through his house to the bedroom. He tossed his jacket on to his bed and stared at the card in his hand, recalling Tom’s statement, Be careful what you ask for. You will get it. Peering down the hall at his study, he considered what he’d do with the gift. Shaking his head, he threw the card onto the dresser. He didn’t have time for this shit! He had a wedding to attend tomorrow, a conference in Vegas next week, and a business to run when Tom left to go on his honeymoon for a couple of weeks. But he didn’t have to run the business alone, not anymore.

    I have Natasha.

    The business had doubled in size in the last three years. With the growth, the partners had

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