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Just Write The Darn Thing
Just Write The Darn Thing
Just Write The Darn Thing
Ebook21 pages10 minutes

Just Write The Darn Thing

Rating: 2 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

If you have ever had the notion to write your own e book and did not know where to start or the thought overwhelmed you, then this guide will get you writing one after the other in no time,I have used the same guidelines to write both my e books and have had only good results. A simple to follow guide so you can write your own e book. This guide will help you start and finish your book in no time at all.

PublisherAmpie Nortje
Release dateApr 29, 2013
Just Write The Darn Thing

Ampie Nortje

South African male, 43 years old, I write in english though I am not speaking the lingo. My style is for the ordinary people by the ordinary author, intellectuals welcome.

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    Book preview

    Just Write The Darn Thing - Ampie Nortje

    Just write the darn thing

    By Ampie Nortje

    Copy write 2013 Ampie Nortje

    Smashwords Edition

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    When deciding on writing our first eBook you probable think that you need some special software or special talents. Well lucky for you, it is not true at all.

    All you need is an

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