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Hope As A Positive Tipping Point; The Art And Science Of Global Hope In Health, Business, Energy & The Future
Hope As A Positive Tipping Point; The Art And Science Of Global Hope In Health, Business, Energy & The Future
Hope As A Positive Tipping Point; The Art And Science Of Global Hope In Health, Business, Energy & The Future
Ebook103 pages1 hour

Hope As A Positive Tipping Point; The Art And Science Of Global Hope In Health, Business, Energy & The Future

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About this ebook

Around the world, people feel disillusioned, disconnected, frustrated and disenfranchised. Many people claim that fate rules. Many claim that we can have no positive impact on the future.

The two angels that appeared to Dr. Goodheart offered you the reader a different, more hope filled, positive vision of where humanity is going.

Through this ebook, the author is sharing a small part of that vision with you, the reader. This ebook is designed to help shift you to a more positive, hope filled outlook. This book is aimed at leaders of industry, government, religion and non-profits.

Generally speaking however, anyone who reads this ebook is a leader. Napoleon Bonaparte said that "a leader is a dealer in hope." You will gain a more hope filled perspective about the present as well as the future, using the Earth and all of humanity as a focus.

You will learn how hope transcends all boundaries and possibly even time itself. Explore the evolutionary process that you and all of humanity is going through. Get a glimpse of where we are all going, together, based on our daily choices.

This ebook offers a potentially paradigm shifting viewpoint with a potential that can transform the direction and focus of an entire corporation, a state, or even a nation. Huge profits, community enhancements, political power and personal benefits of all kinds await those who dare to have the courage to read this ebook and then to go down this road less traveled.

“Do not go down the freeway of life, but rather, learn how to build A Green Road, and then build it, so that others may follow you.”

Artfully weaving together global waypointers and outposts of hope, the author creates a vision and general outline of a blueprint for a future world in areas such as energy production and healthcare. Learn how the spiritual evolution of humanity is causing a huge paradigm shifting process. Discover how you fit into this paradigm shifting process, no matter what your specific religion or belief system.

Hope is a positive tipping point. Together with many individual hope raising tools and resources, Dr. Goodheart creates a visionary positive blueprint for a higher quality of life for large organizations, nations and all citizens of planet Earth

PublisherDr. Goodheart
Release dateSep 15, 2011
Hope As A Positive Tipping Point; The Art And Science Of Global Hope In Health, Business, Energy & The Future

Dr. Goodheart

Who Is Dr. Goodheart? How To Tune Into Your Inner Physician - Will You Accept The Call To Adventure From Your Dr. Goodheart Archetype Within - Find Your Inner Hero - Meaning Of Moral Courage - The Inner Light Shines - Forming A Sustainable Community - How To Heal Self And The World

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    Book preview

    Hope As A Positive Tipping Point; The Art And Science Of Global Hope In Health, Business, Energy & The Future - Dr. Goodheart

    Hope As A Positive Global Tipping Point

    The Art and Science of Global Hope in Health, Business, Science, Religion, Energy & the Future

    Part of the Science of Sustainable Health Series

    By Dr. Goodheart

    What Others Are Saying

    Dr. Goodheart's work offers a ray of hope.

    Karli Grace

    I see a time of 7 generations where all the colors of mankind will gather together under the sacred tree of life. And the whole earth will become one circle again. Crazy Horse

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    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with.

    If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to Smashwords and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author's work. See below.

    1st Edition – Sept. 2011

    Cover Design; Licensed Istook Photo, Dr. Goodheart

    Library of Congress Cataloging-In-Publication Data

    ISBN: 978-1-4524-2493-4

    Created, Printed and published in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1: Foreword

    Chapter 2: Where Did The Science Of Sustainable Health Come From?

    Chapter 3: Hope, Vision And Two Angels

    Chapter 4: Hope And Sharing The Vision

    Chapter 5: Hope And Healing Systems

    Chapter 6: Hope And Green Movement

    Chapter 7: Hope And New Ideas Or Inventions

    Chapter 8: Hope And A New Energy Paradigm

    Chapter 9: Hope And Job Creation

    Chapter 10: Hope And Interfaith Relations

    Chapter 11: Hope And Spiritual Evolution

    Chapter 12: Hope And Democracy

    Chapter 13: Hope And Global Peace

    Chapter 14: Hope And Truth

    Chapter 15: Hope And The Future

    Chapter 16: Hope And Seven Future Generations

    Chapter 17: Hope And Corporate Sustainability

    Chapter 18: Hope, Faith And Love

    Chapter 19: Hope Writers Needed

    Chapter 20: Hope And Writer Training

    Chapter 21: Links And Resources

    Chapter 22: Hope Groups

    Chapter 23: About Dr. Goodheart

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    In this book, Dr. Goodheart shares how two angels appeared to him in the late 90's, shifted his paradigm and offered him a gift of hope one evening, many years ago.

    Now Dr. Goodheart is offering practical and powerful insights and strategies from this new, shifted point of view, as well as from personal experiences.

    He offers a reason for hope in many different areas that affect everyone on the planet, laying out reasons for hope in areas such as health, energy, and religions...

    Do not go where the freeway may lead - Go instead where there is no path and build A Green Road. Dr. Goodheart MS

    What Is ‘A GREEN ROAD’?


    To explore, explain and teach the Science of Sustainable Health.


    Opening minds, inspiring people, sharing ideas, revealing hidden things and teaching green, sustainable ways of living.


    To live in such a way that our actions have a neutral or positive effect on seven future generations.

    Hope is both an art and a science. Hope can be seen as a problem solving concrete item that is worth teaching, learning about and focusing on. This book will address hope in a very wide variety of ways, offering value adding, and paradigm shifting proposals in many areas. This book also adds value by adding three dimensional resources.

    Some chapters will have links to further Internet resources, accessible via live links. Click on these links to access these resources. (You must be connected to the Internet). A few chapters will also have videos that can be played as part of the experience that this e-book offers, you’re your E-book reader or computer must have a high speed Internet connection to play these videos. (This option is not available in a hard cover version, other than by typing in the URL of links on a computer). This material is not sold with any expectation that readers will be able to access these links, or to play the videos. These are optional, added value for those readers who do have access. Links may also change and/or disappear. Notify the author of this if and when it happens, so future editions can be updated with the proper links.

    A few chapters will also link to discussion groups, where readers can interact both with other readers and with the author, in an online setting. A full list of discussion groups will be made available along with links to them, at the end of this book. No hardcover or paperback books offer this range of options and value added services or products.

    Where Did The Science Of Sustainable Health Come From?

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    This book is part of the Science of Sustainable Health Series. This book and the rest of the books in this series have a goal of explaining, exploring and defining what it takes to live in such a way that our actions have a neutral or positive impact on seven future generations.

    By reaching for this goal, a variety of positive feedback loops may be established, which will in turn create a better future, improved health, and a more positive way of living, with a higher quality of life for everyone on the planet.

    Where did the Science of Sustainable Health come from? In my case, this science was revealed to me by two angels appearing to me. They then ‘spoke’ with me. How many people have had angels appear to them?

    Apparently, there are quite a number of people who have seen angels besides me, so it might not be considered that unusual. According to some experts, everyone has guardian angels following them around, and these angels are present at all times.

    I know that I am not the only person to see angels. Many others have also had visions of saints, angels and spiritual masters or light beings. In one example, en elderly woman was guided to the other side by quite a few angels...

    Hope, Vision and Two Angels

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    What would you think if two beings of light appeared to you tonight? Imagine that you are at home alone, reading a book. All of a sudden, two bright lights appear near the ceiling and they ‘talk’ with you. Would you think you were crazy? Would you deny it happened and just forget about it?

    What I described above happened to me. What I can say is that I saw

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