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A Spanking Good Christmas: A Kinky Christmas Short Story
A Spanking Good Christmas: A Kinky Christmas Short Story
A Spanking Good Christmas: A Kinky Christmas Short Story
Ebook53 pages1 hour

A Spanking Good Christmas: A Kinky Christmas Short Story

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Can a gift certificate to a fetish club and a pervertable Christmas decoration bring two co-workers together?
Cindy has fantasized about spanking Marley ever since her fellow designer admitted to missing the sexual kink after ending a short-lived relationship. Rigging the office gift exchange is simple compared to admitting her growing feelings for the other woman.
Marley can’t believe Cindy’s thoughtful present. The gift certificate to NYC’s notorious fetish club, Bottoms Up, would be perfect if Cindy herself were the one swinging the paddle, but admitting to having a thing for her co-worker could ruin a perfectly good working relationship as well as a treasured friendship.

PublisherRoz Lee
Release dateFeb 6, 2015
A Spanking Good Christmas: A Kinky Christmas Short Story

Roz Lee

USA Today Best-Selling author Roz Lee is the author of thirty romances. The first, The Lust Boat, was born of an idea acquired while on a Caribbean cruise with her family and soon blossomed into a five-book series published by Red Sage. Following her love of baseball, she turned her attention to sexy athletes in tight pants, writing the critically acclaimed Mustangs Baseball series.Roz has been married to her best friend, and high school sweetheart, for nearly four decades. Roz and her husband have two grown daughters and are the proud grandparents of three adorable grandkids.Even though Roz has lived on both coasts, her heart lies in between, in Texas. A Texan by birth, she can trace her family back to the Republic of Texas. With roots that deep, she says, “You can’t ever really leave.”When Roz isn’t writing, she’s reading, or traipsing around the country on one adventure or another. No trip is too small, no tourist trap too cheesy, and no road unworthy of travel.Visit Roz’s website –

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    A Spanking Good Christmas - Roz Lee

    A Spanking Good Christmas

    A Kinky Christmas Short Story


    Roz Lee

    eBooks are not transferable. Please do not sell, share or reproduce in any way as it is an infringement on the copyright of this work.

    This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental and the product of the authors imagination or have been used fictitiously.

    Copyright © 2014 by Roz Lee

    All Rights Reserved

    No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the copyright holder.

    ISBN: 978-0-9911687-8-1


    Clutching her own unopened Secret Santa gift to her chest, Cindy worried her bottom lip with her teeth while she did her best to disappear in the room crowded with her co-workers. Keeping her head down, she worked her way around the perimeter, glancing—when she dared—at the woman still waiting to receive a gift. There was one for her, and Cindy could hardly breathe, waiting to see the woman’s reaction when she opened the package.

    She’d taken a big risk, but six months of working with Marley and not touching the woman’s fine ass was making her crazy. Crazy enough to manipulate the annual gift exchange drawing. Crazy enough to give the woman a gift certificate to Bottoms Up.

    Cindy was a regular at the exclusive spanking fetish club in lower Manhattan, so it hadn’t taken much talking to get the owners to agree to call her the second the object of her obsession stepped into the building. No one, but no one, was going to lay a hand on her co-workers ass but her.

    The first time Marley bent over the workbench in the office they shared, she’d known she wanted to spank her. The woman had a perfect ass for discipline, heart shaped and full. Not big, but the way her hips flared out from her trim waist was a sight to behold. Cindy couldn’t count the times she’d had to leave the room to keep from hiking Marley’s skirt up and turning her ass red.

    She’d imagined using her hand at first, wanting to mark her. Over the last few months, she’d envisioned striping those perfect globes with all sorts of things—the yardstick they used to assemble layouts in a straight line, the thin wand on the mini-blinds covering the windows overlooking 34th Street, the woven lanyards holding their building security credentials around their necks. Each would make a distinctive pattern as well as convey a specific message.

    Hands were intimate, used to deal with transgressions of a personal nature. The yardstick and wand would be for office-related issues. She’d save the lanyard for playtime when she wanted Marley to think about what was in store for her when they got to Bottoms Up.

    She finally reached a spot where, standing on tiptoe, she could see her friend’s face over the shoulders of several men. She felt like a Peeping Tom, but it couldn’t be helped. Not knowing how she would react when she saw her gift was enough to make Cindy’s stomach do backflips.

    Of course, she never would have dared to give the woman such a gift without some sort of indication it would be well received. Her fellow layout designer had confided in her a few times. She was sexually adventurous, having had relationships with both genders in the months Cindy had known her. Marley had even mentioned her last boyfriend liked to spank her. When they split up, the spanking was the only thing she’d said she missed.

    Cindy immediately began planning to rig the Secret Santa drawing knowing nothing worthwhile was ever easily accomplished.

    Though she wouldn’t admit it out loud, she

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