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Erotica:10 Sex Stories
Erotica:10 Sex Stories
Erotica:10 Sex Stories
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Erotica:10 Sex Stories

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Erotica:10 Sex Stories

Approx. 35,000 words


1. Rock Meets Jazz
2. Sparks for Tara
3. A Chance Encounter
4. Unexpected
5. Steamy Affair
6. Sweet Frosting
7. Camera on
8. Insatiable Love
9. Moonlight and It’s Temptations
10. Sweet Flashback

This Collection is loaded with, hot, graphic sex including oral sex, anal sex, group sex and more! It is intended only for adult(18+).

PublisherRod Polo
Release dateFeb 22, 2015
Erotica:10 Sex Stories

Rod Polo

Rod Polo

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    Erotica:10 Sex Stories - Rod Polo

    Erotica:10 Sex Stories

    By Rod Polo

    Copyright@2015 by Rod Polo

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental.

    This Erotic Short Stories Collection is loaded with, hot, graphic sex! It is intended only for adults over the age of 18 and all characters are represented as 18 or over.


    Rock Meets Jazz

    Sparks for Tara

    A Chance Encounter


    Steamy Affair

    Sweet Frosting

    Camera on

    Insatiable Love

    Moonlight and It’s Temptations

    Sweet Flashback

    Rock Meets Jazz

    It was Friday and Drawn Out Toys would be playing live at Choices Bar & Grill. Chris, the bassist, insisted that they had to show up so he had got them four tickets. Allan knew Beatrice would love to see the band so he had invited her. He also knew she was crushing on Gufy but she would never admit it. Gufy was the drummer and a friend of Alfred’s. He gave the other two tickets to Ryan who attended all the gigs that Allan went to, partly because Allan insisted, but also because he was his best friend. He was more of a jazz guy himself but, well, music was music. Allan did not know who Ryan would be bringing for the fourth ticket.

    As always, Allan and Beatrice got to Choices even earlier than the band. They sat on the balcony, at the tables overlooking the street, to wait for Ryan. It was too early to start drinking so they ordered a couple of club sodas. It was a couple of hours before the band was set to start so they had time to get better seats before the show started. Allan’s phone rang. It was Ryan and he was stuck in traffic, but would get there in about twenty minutes.

    You know, Allan said to Beatrice, Gufy will not be playing tonight.

    The look on her face was gold, Allan wanted to laugh. He lived for moments like this. It was also why he liked Beatrice, she was so predictable.

    He told you?

    Not him, Chris did. They were bringing someone from Void of Belonging to fill in for him.

    Why? She asked.

    Oh I don’t know, people skip gigs all the time, he hadn’t thought that far into his lie.

    Are you screwing with me again Allan? She was looking at him suspiciously. He shrugged, trying to hold his face.

    I don’t know, I guess we’ll see then, That must have sold it. She stared moodily into her glass.

    Oh, I hope he is as good then. Allan knew he would pay for that later, but for the moment it was worth it. It would come in handy to extricate himself when she started to tease him herself.

    Ryan walked in half an hour later. He knew where Allan and Beatrice would be sitting. They had been here many times before, so he went straight there. He walked up to them quietly and cupped his hands over Beatrice’s eyes. Allan laughed.

    Ryan you really need to find a new trick, she wasn’t even laughing. You wear that scent all the time, who doesn’t know that?

    Oh crap, Ryan laughed, I really need to change that one.

    Allan was too busy laughing to notice Ryan was not alone. It was Beatrice who saw her first. She offered her hand.

    Hi, sorry. Boys and their manners. I’m Beatrice.

    Oh, guys meet Melisa, my cousin, Ryan was a natural. Melisa, Allan and Beatrice, I told you about them.

    She smiled sweetly and shook their hands. She was tall. Allan put her at a couple of inches shorter than himself. She was probably a year or two younger than him too. Long, flowing hair, but it was the smile that really caught your attention. She was watching him so he took in all of these in a second. A waitress was already there by the time they took their seats across the table.

    This place has great service, Ryan announced, the waitress smiled. Come on Allan, guys, soda?

    Well, we weren’t going to order before you guys showed, It was Beatrice who answered.

    I’m hungry. Ryan was always hungry, he gestured at the waitress for the menu even though Allan already knew what he would order. They always ate before drinking and it was always the same thing.

    Get him the liver wrapped chicken, Allan said to the waitress, and get me one as well. Beatrice? Melisa?

    Ryan laughed and put away the menu. Beatrice and Melisa both ordered salads. Their meal was interrupted by a voice. And look who we have here. Before they could look up, Gufy had slid into the empty seat and was already helping himself to a wing from Allan’s plate.

    Yo, dude! Are you even supposed to be eating before the show? Allan complained.

    I’m a drummer I can eat as much as I want. And he did, he had the body to show for it. Beatrice shot Allan dirty looks but he was ignoring them.

    They had been to the same high school; Allan, Gufy and Chris. That was when the band had been born. It was just a dream then, a collection of ideas and declarations. Allan had been in the band too at first, as the lead guitarist, but when they went to campus he had found it difficult to juggle between engineering and band practice so he opted out and convinced another friend of his, Jaime, to play lead.

    But Allan never missed their shows, and they hanged out together any time they could. They were still the best of friends. He had met Ryan and Beatrice on campus and after dragging them along to a number of rock gigs, they had also joined the clique.

    Gufy said the guys were setting up the stage and he should get back and help out. Ryan offered to go and help set up too so Allan was left with Melisa and Beatrice. He reminded Ryan to book them a good table near the stage while he was there.

    As soon as Ryan and Gufy disappeared Allan received a heavy punch in the ribs.

    Ouch! What was that for?

    Beatrice was not apologizing. She would have punched him again had he not put up his hands in a sign of surrender. Melisa was laughing. She has a great laugh, was Allan’s thought even as he grimaced in pain.

    You know what that was for! Beatrice was keen to make her lesson clear. And isn’t that Gufy who was just here. Screw with somebody else. Despite her mock anger, Allan could see her excitement bubbling. She was happy Gufy wasn’t going to miss the show after all.

    Melisa, why has Ryan never told us about you before? Allan wanted to know. She shrugged.

    Damned if I know. You’ll have to take that up with him. Looking at Melisa, Allan had a pretty good idea why. He smiled inwardly. He had not told Ryan about his sisters too until he found out for himself. It was an unspoken code between each other. Family was out of bounds for each of the other, even if they hanged out together you could not flirt with them. Allan and Ryan kept it that way. Ryan did not have siblings, Allan had his sisters. So he guessed it was only right that Ryan too had someone to feel over-protective about.

    So, having been dragged all the way into a rock show, what music do you actually listen to? Allan knew he was being too inquisitive. He wanted to know about her and he had better do it before Ryan came back.

    Just about anything, really. Mostly jazz though.

    Oh, like Ryan?

    Is it like a family thing? Beatrice wanted to know.

    Yeah I guess we are a jazzy family. My father plays for The Quartet.

    Allan was impressed. That’s your dad?

    They had gone to a Quartet concert once, but Ryan had only told her it was his uncle. He did not mention that the uncle had a daughter too, and that she was beautiful.

    Beatrice said she would go see where they were with the stage and help find a table for them. Allan told her she wasn’t needed but she stuck her tongue out at him and went anyway. There was an awkward silence after she left. It was one thing for them to joke all together in a group but it was something else when it was just the two of you, and you have just met. Melisa broke it.

    Ryan tells me you used to play for DoT too? For a fleeting moment Allan wished that were still true.

    It was just practice really then, I only played in a couple of open gigs, Allan was comfortable talking about other people, but never about himself, and especially not to anyone who was paying this much attention. He was quite relieved when Beatrice beeped him to go back in, everything was ready. They carried their bags inside. Allan couldn’t help feeling excited about the night ahead. Rock nights at Choices always turned out to be awesome. He wondered if any of his other pals would show up this time.


    Having settled in their table, it was another half hour before DoT came. There was a spoken word performance to set the stage. They used this time to order their drinks. Chris waved to them but would not come because they were briefing themselves in a side room before they came on stage. They looked so professional but Allan knew nothing serious went on in the briefing room.

    Chris was probably doing press-ups to psyche himself. Mabs was practicing her vocals or eating a lemon. Gufy was probably juggling drumsticks or

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