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Pudgy and Precocious: The World of Baby LeRoy
Pudgy and Precocious: The World of Baby LeRoy
Pudgy and Precocious: The World of Baby LeRoy
Ebook53 pages32 minutes

Pudgy and Precocious: The World of Baby LeRoy

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About this ebook

(for ages 14 to adult)

At the tender age of only eleven months, Baby LeRoy is a chubby little bundle of joy - and is no doubt
the smartest, sassiest and most "talkative" infant you've ever laid eyes on!

True, he can't really talk yet. But that doesn't stop this diminutive genius from telling his stories, and expressing
his sometimes not-so-politically correct opinions by typing them into his laptop PC, that faithful companion of
his who rivals his stuffed koala, and even his shapely Mexican nanny, for his continued attention.

It is recommended that you do not eat or drink while enjoying the insights of this alarmingly outspoken
cherub, for you may end up having a laughing fit - and that could have some embarrassing consequences!

PublisherDavid Bolton
Release dateFeb 23, 2015
Pudgy and Precocious: The World of Baby LeRoy

David Bolton

David Bolton, born in Baltimore, Maryland, has been active in a number of professions. He is a language teacher (English, German), musician (harpsichordist), astrologer, actor, speaker, and writer.Having learned hypnosis at the age of 22, David soon also became interested in non-hypnotic techniques that just about anybody can use to improve the quality of his or her life, and to achieve specific goals.He has given seminars on areas such as "Overcoming Stage Fright", "Conquering the Fear of Taking Tests", "The Power of Perspective", and "Dating Advice You shouldn't Ignore". He lived in Germany and Spain for many years, and now resides in Japan

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    Pudgy and Precocious - David Bolton presents...

    Pudgy and Precocious - The World of Baby LeRoy


    David Bolton


    * * * * *


    David Bolton on Smashwords

    Pudgy and Precocious - The World of Baby LeRoy

    Copyright © 2015 by David Bolton

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author's work.

    * * * * *

    You can see all of my works at my site:

    Dedication: As always, to Maki.

    Pudgy and Precocious - The World of Baby LeRoy

    Table of Contents

    That's Me!

    Me, a chubby little Dumpling?!

    Get your very own shapely Mexican Nanny today!

    How I got the Name LeRoy - Ugh!!

    Me and my friend Bumpy, the Koala

    I find my true Love - NOT!

    In Praise of TV: The perfect Babysitter!

    Shameless Beggar's Corner

    Gettin' in the last Word... or Two!

    Author Bio

    That's me!

    Hi! My name's LeRoy Sprenkle. Yeah, I know, it's a pretty dumb name, but I guess dad couldn't help it, at least not with the Sprenkle part. I tell my friends to just call me Baby LeRoy.

    Now, before you ask: no, I wasn't in any movies back in the 30's. I wasn't born yesterday, but I'm not that old! The truth is, I was born almost a year ago, so I guess I'm pretty new to this world of yours.

    Sometimes, it's all so confusin': so many big people around, tellin' me what to do, not lettin' me do what I want, pinchin' my cheeks and callin' me cute (I really hate that - I bit my Aunt Maude's finger the other day when she tried to do that. Boy, you shoulda heard her holler!), makin' me go to bed early, givin' me a bath when I don't feel dirty, feedin' me warm milk (I prefer cold, with some Nesquik), viciously bitin' and scratchin' my hand (that's what my cat Clarence did when I pulled his tail. Next time I'll wear mittens!), hidin' the chocolate chip cookies from me with the lame excuse that I might choke

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