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The Word of the Day: Transforming you into God's Exquisite Masterpiece 31 Day Devotional
The Word of the Day: Transforming you into God's Exquisite Masterpiece 31 Day Devotional
The Word of the Day: Transforming you into God's Exquisite Masterpiece 31 Day Devotional
Ebook45 pages18 minutes

The Word of the Day: Transforming you into God's Exquisite Masterpiece 31 Day Devotional

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About this ebook

The Word of the Day is a 31 Day Devotional based off the book of Proverbs. This book gives a daily dose of inspiration by providing scriptures, reflections, and prayers. The purpose of this book is to teach Christians and non-Christians wisdom and discipline based on godly principles.This book will help the reader understand what it means to have a committed relationship with Jesus Christ. It will open up the reader's eyes to new insights on how the word of God can be applied in life. The entire book is biblically based on text from the Bible.

PublisherSorena Eaddy
Release dateJan 26, 2015
The Word of the Day: Transforming you into God's Exquisite Masterpiece 31 Day Devotional

Sorena Eaddy

Sorena Eaddy, a native of Wilmington, Delaware, is an author, inspirational speaker, and minister in training. Sorena shares her love of service in the community by volunteering with various youth groups and mentoring young women. She is an instrument in spreading the good news about Christ to young people and helping them transform their lives for the Kingdom of God. She believes you’re never too young, or too old, to live for Christ.

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    Book preview

    The Word of the Day - Sorena Eaddy


    I moved to Baltimore, Maryland in 2009 for graduate school. During this time I decided that I wanted to have a better relationship with Jesus Christ. I read this book called, The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. I wanted to find out what my purpose was here on earth and what it is that God called me to do. As I was reading this book, I thought it would be good to share with my friends and family what I learned. This sharing through text messages turned into The Word of the Day. I had no idea that four years later The Word of the Day would be a book. This book was inspired by a tumultuous situation that took place in my life. I was in a place where I was broken, lonely, confused, and questioning God about my life. I decided to challenge myself to study the book of Proverbs. While I was studying, I would write excessively and as I was writing, it helped me to become connected to Jesus in a way that I’ve never been before. The Lord was speaking to me through my writing. I shared these nuggets of wisdom with my faithful receivers of The Word of the Day. I was amazed how God was healing me and bringing about transformation in my life. I attended a conference called Heal a Woman Heal a Nation where God placed on my heart to write this book. I had no idea

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