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Knickers in a Twist
Knickers in a Twist
Knickers in a Twist
Ebook56 pages52 minutes

Knickers in a Twist

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Peter likes to wear frilly underwear. He can’t understand why people should care about that, but they do. He longs for a man who is willing to accept him, someone who can love him for who he is and not think that he is weak because of what he wears underneath his clothes. But where to find such a man?

Alex is managing his sister’s lingerie shop when he sees a man worshipping a pair of panties, and it pisses him off. He wants the man to look at him in the same way he looks at that flimsy lingerie. But why would a proper-looking man ever see him as anything other than a failure?

WARNING: this story contains sex acts between consenting male adults.

First published as part of the Love's Landscapes Anthology
(DRiTC 2014, MMRomanceGroup)

PublisherOfelia Grand
Release dateFeb 26, 2015
Knickers in a Twist

Ofelia Grand

Ofelia Gränd is Swedish through and through. She is constantly thinking of stories she would love to write. Anything and everything is a source of inspiration that has her lost in thought, staring off into space, in no time at all. Sometimes she turns a street corner, and sees a different world. She is often walking around mumbling to herself and her intended characters. Every so often she is painting mental pictures of their appearances, or wishing that she was better at Photoshop, because she knows exactly what the cover of the story in her mind should look like. Real life, however, interferes all too often, and the stories mostly remains unwritten. In real life, Ofelia is living with her husband and their three children in a small town on the southwestern Swedish coast. When she isn’t a stay-at-home mom, she is teaching Swedish and Swedish as a second language to teenagers and adults. She has been thinking about teaching English, but since she isn’t fluent in the language, she is sticking to the one she knows well. Therefore, she, more than anyone, is a bit perplexed about why she thought it would be a good idea to try to write in English. But, she’ll probably come to her senses— sometime.

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Reviews for Knickers in a Twist

Rating: 4.166666666666667 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I really liked the story, and not just because of the premise. People should be judged on their merits, not their choice of underwear. If a women can wear cotton boxers with impunity, a man can wear panties too!

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Knickers in a Twist - Ofelia Grand

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