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Taste: Sense Series, #2
Taste: Sense Series, #2
Taste: Sense Series, #2
Ebook59 pages54 minutes

Taste: Sense Series, #2

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**Sizzling Hot** -- Part 2 in the newly-popular Sense series.... 

Warning: This book contains mature content and is not recommended for readers under 17. 

Kerry and Adam have been dating for a few months. Things seem to be going well but they haven’t made their relationship official just yet. They have a great sex life but Kerry isn’t ready for a full blown relationship just yet, and Adam wants more from her. 

Thing start to get even more tricky when Adam's ex-girlfriend turns up on the scene. 

PublisherEllen Lake
Release dateOct 1, 2014
Taste: Sense Series, #2

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    Taste - Ellen Lake

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    Table of Contents

    Part 1 ......................................................................................................................................4

    Part 2.....................................................................................................................................10

    Part 3.....................................................................................................................................21

    Part 4.....................................................................................................................................29

    More Books By Ellen Lake:....................................................................................................41

    Part 1

    Sometimes life can be pretty surreal. You think that you have it all figured out and then everything completely changes. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining at all. I’m just making an observation. I really did have my entire life mapped out, well my love life anyway. I was supposed to marry my lawyer boyfriend, we were going to get married, and then have children.

    I would achieve the American dream, a great job, 3 kids, a beautiful home, and a cheating husband. Michael was a cheating bastard, and I cared but I was willing to put up with it because I loved him and in the grand scheme of things, he was going to give me what I wanted in life. I had to be practical because I’m almost 30 and my other ex-boyfriends were no prizes either.

    A woman has to choose her battles, and he seemed like the safest choice at the time. Then Adam entered my life, and he turned it upside down. Adam lives next door to me in my apartment complex, and he is everything that Michael isn’t. Adam is sweet and thoughtful. He’s basically the type of man that every woman says that she wants and then turns down for the douchebag.

    I’m happy that I’ve finally opened my eyes to the good guy for once. He has been making me so happy, and I’m grateful that he entered my life. I was still in a relationship with Michael when I first slept with him. I felt like crap over what I did and tried to stay away from Adam. Then Michael decided to give me what I’ve always wanted. He proposed to me at Navy Pier, and I felt a sense of dread. I couldn’t get Adam out of my head, and I knew that it wouldn’t be fair to Michael or me if I married him.

    I thought that Michael would take it pretty easily, especially considering that he’d been cheating on me with at least two other women. He has been so upset about losing me, and he teeters between sadness and rage. One moment he’s sending flowers to my job and then he’s sending me evil text messages. I try to take it all in stride but every now and then I lash out.

    I’ve been getting better at ignoring him as the months have passed, and you would think he would have let up by now but he’s still going strong. I’m not afraid of what he’ll do, but he is becoming a nuisance. My feelings for him weren’t cut off, I still love him very much but I know that he isn’t any good for me. I can’t ever trust him again, and I deserve to be with someone that’s going to be faithful.

    My best-friend Elizabeth agrees with me, and she was overjoyed when she found out that I broke up with Michael. I can’t deny that I spend a lot of time thinking about him. We were together for a year and overall it was pretty great. Moving on with someone else so quickly hasn’t really given me time to heal. But Adam and I are taking things very slowly, and that’s helped a lot.

    Adam would like to be in a relationship with me, but the truth is that I’m not ready for another relationship. Right now I’m enjoying his company and the amazing sex. We’re only dating each other and so that’s made my life a lot easier. He argues that we’re in a relationship without the title. I understand his point, but the label adds a pressure that I don’t need right now. I also want to make sure that his character doesn’t change in the course of our new friendship.

    I’ve made really bad choices when it comes to men, and I’m not ready to find out if I’ve made another. I just want to enjoy my bliss and be happy. Is that too much for a girl to ask for? Apparently it is, because Adam said that he wouldn’t pressure me, but that’s been the theme of our last few conversations. A relationship like ours would be a dream for most men, but he isn’t most men, and that’s what attracted me to him

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