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Hostile Beauty
Hostile Beauty
Hostile Beauty
Ebook136 pages2 hours

Hostile Beauty

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Recluse Andrew Eccleston wants revenge on the man who destroyed his face twenty years ago, Winnie Wexford--a vindictive state senator not above a smear campaign against Andrew. Andrew's grateful for the help of his erstwhile brother-in-law, David, until the help turns up in the form of PR guru Levi Beaumont, Andrew's every fantasy come to life.

Levi is beautiful, smart, and righteous. When his mentor, David asks him to take on a difficult client for the PR firm, Levi agrees, in spite of a very real risk to his career working with non-profits to get them the attention they deserve. He knows facing off against a powerful politician could destroy his career, but he agrees out of loyalty to his mentor. Andrew and Levi are thrown into tense proximity as they work to protect Andrew and expose Wexford. 

As Andrew opens his tightly-guarded private life to Levi, hostility turns to respect, respect to passion, and the stakes go much deeper than career or reputation.

PublisherVanessa North
Release dateFeb 28, 2015
Hostile Beauty

Vanessa North

Vanessa North is a romance novelist, a short fiction geek, and a knitter of strange and wonderful things. Her works have been shortlisted for both the Lambda Literary Award and the RITA© Award, and have garnered praise from The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Publisher’s Weekly. She lives in Northwest Georgia with her family: a Viking, twin boy-children, and a pair of large dogs.

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    Book preview

    Hostile Beauty - Vanessa North

    Chapter One

    Andrew Eccleston hated waiting. He didn’t tolerate tardiness from his employees as a general rule. And he really didn’t like new people. New people got nervous, said stupid things, and wouldn’t meet his gaze. They looked at their shoes and made exaggerated efforts to not look at his face. He made them uncomfortable, and they made him angry.

    While he was ticking tonight’s meeting off on the list of things he hated, he could add conversations with his brother-in-law. David. Asking David for help stung. The fact that help was a new person who was already five minutes late didn’t help.

    Andrew paced in front of the windows in his office. The view from the top floor of his building was one thing he didn’t hate. He’d often work late just to see the sunset below him, a sight that made him feel powerful in a world that treated him like something to be ashamed of. Andrew wasn’t ashamed, and they hated him for it. He saw it in their eyes wherever he went. The way they looked away and bit their lips. They wanted him to apologize, to self-deprecate, to put them at ease.

    Fuck that.

    He considered canceling the meeting, sending David’s account manager home to spare them both what was sure to be a spectacularly uncomfortable experience. But he couldn’t. Ending the political influence of Winston Wexford was more important than Andrew’s pride, comfort, or even simply having a pleasant fucking end to his day.

    He reached for the pitcher of water on the sideboard, and his shaking hand sent the tumbler crashing to the floor.

    Karen! He bellowed for his assistant. When she didn’t answer, he paced to his desk and pressed the intercom button. Karen, get in here.

    She appeared in the doorway, casting an apologetic glance over her shoulder. Yes, sir?

    I dropped a glass. Call someone to come clean it up.

    Yes, Mr. Eccleston. She added, There’s a Levi Beaumont here to see you, sir.

    Send him in.

    Right this way. Karen gestured Beaumont into the room.

    Good evening, sir. Beaumont stepped forward, and Andrew got his first good look at the man his brother-in-law had sent over to handle him.Andrew’s mouth went dry.

    Levi Beaumont was beautiful.

    The first thing Andrew noticed was Levi’s nose, long and straight, with a gentle bump to the bridge. Instead of flawing his beauty, the bump elevated him from simply pretty to striking. Lush lips drew tight in an almost-scowl, as though Beaumont didn’t want to be here anymore than he did. And from beneath thick blond brows, blue-gray eyes took his measure: cold, calculating, and focused on Andrew.

    Nobody ever looked directly at Andrew.

    Smiling tightly at the young god who’d walked into the office, Andrew reached to shake Levi’s hand.

    Mr. Beaumont, thank you for coming on such short notice, but in the future, four thirty means four thirty, not some lackadaisical interpretation of time that involves you strolling into my office late.

    Levi shook Eccleston’s hand and then dropped it as if it had burned him. Good Lord, Eccleston had a presence. Levi wasn’t sure where to look, so he met the guy’s gaze head on. He’d heard about the scars—everyone had—but he hadn’t counted on an intimate face-to-face meeting. When David said he’d be doing PR for Villeneuve, the company that had bought the old Cera-Terre plant, he never imagined he’d be working with Eccleston himself. And now he was pretty sure he wasn’t going to enjoy it.

    The way Eccleston had been shouting at his clearly overworked assistant set Levi’s teeth on edge. Being on the receiving of a dressing down for being late after Levi had fought traffic to get here didn’t help either.

    The things he’d do for David. He really needed to get over this hero-worship thing he had for his boss.

    It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Eccleston. Nothing could have prepared him for seeing the devastation of Eccleston’s face up close. How could something so gruesome be so…fascinating? The largest scar split the left side of his face from crown to chin. His silver hair covered the damage in his scalp, but his eyebrow was split, and his eye itself—glass?—drooped listlessly. The skin on the bottom half of his face had the plastic-like sheen of burn scar tissue and his mouth seemed incapable of expression on that side.

    The other side boasted a few smaller scars, but underneath them, his face had once been handsome, and Levi still found it compelling. A soft brown eye peered out from under a finely arched silver brow. He looked too young to be so gray, but it suited him. Eccleston was clearly the type to shave daily, but this late in the day, salt and pepper stubble graced the unburned side of his face, which might have once boasted a perfectly-dimpled chin. A muscle twitched in that strong jaw, as if Eccleston clenched it against Levi’s perusal.

    Satisfied? Eccleston’s voice was cold and hard, a rocky gravelly sound. It took a moment for the word to filter into Levi’s consciousness.

    I’m sorry? Levi took a step back.

    My face. Does it meet your satisfaction? Eccleston practically growled.

    I didn’t mean to stare, sir. I’m sorry.

    I would rather you stare and get it out of your system now than catch you peeking at me out the corners of your eyes every time we meet. Look. Eccleston spread his hands wide in a mocking invitation.

    But it wasn’t his face that drew Levi’s attention, not after that gesture. Despite knowing he probably shouldn’t ogle a client, Levi let his gaze travel down Eccleston’s body, taking in the exquisitely tailored fine-wool suit that probably cost a month’s worth of Levi’s salary. Broad shoulders tapered to a narrow waist and strong legs. Whatever injuries he’d suffered in the accident hadn’t affected his fitness, for it was clear his suit covered a body that any gym rat would envy. What would drive a recluse like Eccleston to keep so relentlessly fit? Perhaps with his face destroyed, his body was his only vanity. And with a body like that…

    Realizing where his thoughts headed, Levi shook his head, willing the blush out of his cheeks.

    Again, I apologize for my rudeness, he muttered. David told me you had been injured in an accident. I didn’t realize how un—

    How unfortunate my injury was? Eccleston cut him off with a sharp laugh. Actually, Mr. Beaumont, it was very fortunate. From that day forward, I’ve had no doubts as to who my true friends are. How people treat the weak and the ugly, that’s how you learn their character.

    I wouldn’t call you weak. Levi grinned, meeting Eccleston’s gaze again. And where I’m from, in the South, ugly is a word used to describe a person’s behavior. Winnie Wexford hates your guts, that’s a point in your favor.

    Andrew damn near barked out a laugh. The kid was smart and fierce. He was neither intimidated by Andrew’s appearance, nor cowed by his demeanor. Good choice, David. Too bad he has to be so fucking pretty too.

    All right, let’s do this. Andrew sat down behind his desk and tossed the file folder at the kid.

    Beaumont removed his jacket and placed it over the back of the chair. Andrew liked the way he moved. He liked the way Beaumont had studied his face carefully. And not just because it would fuel unrequited jerk-off fantasies for weeks, he also liked the way Beaumont’s eyes had traveled over his body. It had been a long time since a man had cast that sort of appreciative gaze at Andrew. He wondered if his erstwhile brother-in-law knew his employee was queer. No, David wouldn’t have sent Levi here to Andrew if he knew. No one, not even David, could be that cruel, to dangle such a perfect temptation before a hungry beast.

    Beaumont spared no extra movement on bravado or posturing. He sat in the chair provided, opened the file, and began to read. Andrew watched the steely-blue eyes flit back and forth as Beaumont took in the information. This was a man who observed before passing judgment. Yes, Andrew could work with Levi Beaumont, pretty or no. A sharp intake of breath told Andrew the pivotal bit of information had been found.

    I see. It’s not just pollution, it’s the cover-up too. And Wexford…shit. This goes all the way back to his days on the city council. He’s been taking bribes since…wow.

    So you see why I need you? That steel gaze moved away from the page and up to meet Andrew’s own fierce glare.

    I see why you think you need me. What does your lawyer think?

    Russell? We’re meeting with him in the morning. David has signed a non-disclosure agreement which should cover you as his employee. However, I can guarantee Russell is going to have more paperwork for you to sign.

    I’ll bring a pen, Beaumont said dryly, closing the file. So you’re going after him, and he’s going to go after you and everyone who helps you. You could lose everything. I could lose what little traction I’ve built in the non-profit sector. I just need to know one thing.

    With that file in your hand, you know everything.

    Almost everything. Why are you doing all this? Any of this? Beaumont held up the file. "You’re rich as hell. You don’t need Cera-Terre. And this is going to blow this town’s secrets wide open. Property values are going to drop in an already shit

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