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Blind Stud (King of Hearts One)
Blind Stud (King of Hearts One)
Blind Stud (King of Hearts One)
Ebook61 pages55 minutes

Blind Stud (King of Hearts One)

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

In a world where supernatural creatures openly exist, who can blame them for coalescing in one of the most fascinating and erotic places on earth? Welcome to New Orleans.

Laurant likes sex...

Maybe that’s an understatement, pleasures of the flesh are more than enjoyment, they’re a necessity. He’d starve without them. Problem is, he isn’t attracted to women, and in his family, if you get your sex from men, you’re the wrong type of demon. The (unfortunate) life of an incubus isn’t all orgies and orgasms.

That life is about to get a lot more interesting, though, when he catches sight of a lost and alone human who definitely needs his help...doesn’t hurt that he’s hot as the NOLA summer with just as many mysteries about him.

A stranger to himself...

What are you supposed to do when you blink your eyes and realize you have no idea who or where you are? Pretty sure the answer isn’t trust a sex demon with your life...all things considered that may be the lesser of two evils...

About Pulp Friction 2015
Lee Brazil ~ Havan Fellows ~ Parker Williams ~ Laura Harner

The Pulp Friction 2015 Altered States Collection.
Four authors.
Four Series.
Twenty books.
One supernatural finale.

Spend a year with the creatures that go bump in the night...fighting for their rights to exist and protecting the innocents of The Big Easy. A diverse group of friends trying to find their place in a world they never had to “fit” into before.
Although each series can stand alone, we believe reading the books in the order they are released will increase your enjoyment.

Round One:
Drawing Dead (Jack of Spades: 1)
Blind Stud (King of Hearts: 1)
The Devil’s Bedpost (Four of Clubs: 1)
Diamonds and Dust (Ace of Diamonds: 1)

PublisherHavan Fellows
Release dateMar 1, 2015
Blind Stud (King of Hearts One)

Havan Fellows

I annoy, love, respect, scare, seduce, hurt, anger, infatuate, frustrate, flatter, envy, amuse and tolerate everyone. I just do it better in writing thanks to a little thing called...edits. Okay no, seriously...I'm a simple minded person who enjoys the escape from real life through a book. I write with the group Story Orgy and hope to continue doing so for a long time. I also am privileged to be with the Pulp Friction writers creating intermingling books in a world all our own. And just like every other red blooded human – I love hearing from people. So feel free to drop me a line – whether it's a comment on my blog, an email, a tweet or you track me down on FaceBook or Google + ... it's easy to catch someone who wants to be caught.

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    Book preview

    Blind Stud (King of Hearts One) - Havan Fellows

    In a world where supernatural creatures openly exist, who can blame them for coalescing in one of the most fascinating and erotic places on earth? Welcome to New Orleans.

    Laurant likes sex...

    Maybe that’s an understatement, pleasures of the flesh are more than enjoyment, they’re a necessity. He’d starve without them. Problem is, he isn’t attracted to women, and in his family, if you get your sex from men, you’re the wrong type of demon. The (unfortunate) life of an incubus isn’t all orgies and orgasms.

    That life is about to get a lot more interesting, though, when he catches sight of a lost and alone human who definitely needs his help…doesn’t hurt that he’s hot as the NOLA summer with just as many mysteries about him.

    A stranger to himself...

    What are you supposed to do when you blink your eyes and realize you have no idea who or where you are? Pretty sure the answer isn’t trust a sex demon with your life…all things considered that may be the lesser of two evils…

    Pulp Friction 2015 presents

    King of Hearts One

    Blind Stud


    Havan Fellows

    King of Hearts book One

    Pulp Friction book Two

    Copyright © March 2015 by Havan Fellows


    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, locations, incidents and positions are completely and absolutely a part of the author's skewed imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons—or incubus—living or deceased, businesses, events or locales are entirely coincidental and maybe a little bit freaky.

    Cover photograph © pio3

    Cover by Laura Harner

    Editing by Jae Ashley

    Printed in the United States of America

    All rights are reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise, is forbidden without express written permission of the publisher/author. So please be good, good is fun.

    Trademark Acknowledgements:

    The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following trademarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

    Diamondbacks: AZPB Limited Partnership

    Ghost Whisperer: CBS Studios Inc.

    iPhone: Apple, Inc.

    Trivial Pursuit: Hasbro, Inc.

    Turbodog Ale: Abita Brewing Company

    World Series: Office of the Commissioner of Baseball Unincorporated Association

    And now…for your reading enjoyment…

    Blind Stud

    Blind Stud

    A poker game played as five-, six-, or seven-card stud where all the cards are dealt face down—you are blind to them.

    This game is action-packed and exciting, the gamble is exceedingly prominent…paralleling life perfectly.

    Chapter One

    He blinked.

    He swept the landscape in front of him, houses and people and lots of colors—greens, yellows, and purples all over the place…

    He blinked again.

    Nothing was familiar to him. It wasn't unfamiliar in the aspect that he couldn't remember any of it—more in the realm of he'd never seen this place before in his life. A distinct difference between driving an as-of-yet never ventured into part of town compared to driving through a completely different region with differently styled buildings and a foreign feel.

    This was a foreign feel to him.

    He turned a hundred eighty degrees and stared at the surroundings previously behind him.

    Another blink.

    Still nothing.

    Where was he? What city was he in? What state? Country?

    Someone hurried past him on the sidewalk and roughly bumped his shoulder. The unexpected force twisted him at the waist but his feet were planted firmly in their spots and didn't budge.

    Sorry. The pretty, tall girl smiled coyly at him before the man she was with proprietarily grabbed her elbow and tugged her forward.

    He winked at her, enjoying the tinted hue enveloping her cheeks before another jerk on her elbow had her facing front and speed-walking to keep in step with her boyfriend.

    Tilting his head, he admired her ass, the perfect shaped globes jutting out on the bottom and tapering up to an hourglass midsection, reminding him

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