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Falling for the Billionaire, Book One: Sweet Desire
Falling for the Billionaire, Book One: Sweet Desire
Falling for the Billionaire, Book One: Sweet Desire
Ebook113 pages1 hour

Falling for the Billionaire, Book One: Sweet Desire

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About this ebook

Agnes Hunter, a woman with a Type I diabetes and Matthew Chandler, a handsome billionaire crossed paths through Agnes’ blog. On their first meeting, it’s all about business. Matt has only one thing in mind: get as much information from Agnes that he knew will help his niece who was recently diagnosed with diabetes as well.

What they both didn’t expect was the spark between them that arise every time they were together despite the dark past that haunts both of them. Agnes is starting to fall for Matt but at the same time worried.

Will it be another failed relationship just like what she had in the past? Or, it’s going to be a success for her heart this time? Is Matt the answer for the romance and sweetness that her heart desires?

PublisherMark Mulle
Release dateMar 1, 2015
Falling for the Billionaire, Book One: Sweet Desire

J.M. Cagle

J.M. Cagle began writing stories while in high school. She went on to attend California State University, Dominguez Hills and continued her pursuing her writing interests by interning at KTLA, a Los Angeles television station. She also became a sports writer for two community newspapers. She would attend sporting events and write articles on the games. Ms. Cagle also worked part-time at internationally acclaimed The Studios at Paramount where she garnered first-hand knowledge of the intricacies of television and film production. She has since gone on to write a multitude of screenplays and theatrical productions.Ms. Cagle’s focus is now centered on the writing genres of romance, paranormal and suspense novels. She also enjoys writing in the spiritual genre as well. When she isn’t engaged in her favorite pastime of writing she takes pleasure in singing, visiting the beach, bicycling, reading, walking and spending time with her loved ones. Ms. Cagle currently resides in Michigan where she continues to speak her heart through her writing.

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    Falling for the Billionaire, Book One - J.M. Cagle

    Falling for the Billionaire, Book One: Sweet Desire

    By J.M. Cagle

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2015 J.M. Cagle

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

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    eBook. This book remains the copyrighted property of the author,

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    Other Books in the Falling for the Billionaire Series

    Book Two: Almost a Happy Ending

    Book Three: Against All Odds

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    About J.M. Cagle

    Other Books by This Author

    Connect with J.M. Cagle

    Chapter 1:

    Agnes Hunter walked into Tony’s Diner with a heavy bag over her shoulder, laughing to herself when the bag caught on the edge of the glass door and refused to let it close.

    If you’re going to carry that thing around, you have to learn to corral it.

    Agnes tugged the bag, glancing over her shoulder at her friend, Finn. It’s not my bag, it’s your door. It reached out and grabbed it.

    I’m sure it did. Finn came up behind her and lifted the strap of the bag, tugging it loose from the top edge of the door handle. What are you doing here tonight? Thought you had other plans.

    I did, I still do. Some guy I’ve been talking to through my blog wanted to meet, so I suggested we do it here. You know, public place and all that stuff. She touched his arm lightly before moving around him. Thanks for the help.

    I don’t know what you would do without me.

    She shot him a brief smile as she climbed into the booth against the outer wall. You would have failed that art class, I know that.

    He groaned. You’re never going to let me forget that, are you?

    Agnes waved a hand absently behind her, her thoughts already on the meeting she had arranged for this evening. She was a little nervous. She’s spoken to dozens of people through the comments section on her blog, Sweet Leanings, but she had never agreed to meet with any of them. She wouldn’t have agreed to meet with this guy if he hadn’t sounded so desperate.

    It was never easy when someone was diagnosed with diabetes, especially when that someone was a child.

    She pulled her laptop out of her bag and turned it on, connecting to the Wi-Fi the diner’s owner reluctantly allowed her to use. She had been coming to this diner almost daily for years. It was close to both the university she attended for two years longer than she should have—something that was an incredibly long story—and the downtown doctor’s office where she was the receptionist. The owner not only knew her, but they were on a first name basis and he often ate his breakfast with her before they both rushed off to their respective responsibilities.

    It was through that relationship that Agnes was able to get Finn, a fellow classmate in one of the many art classes she took, a job here.

    Did I hear you right back there? Finn set a glass of diet Coke on the table in front of her, nudging the top of her laptop to get her attention. You’re meeting someone you met through your blog?

    Yeah. His niece was recently diagnosed and he has a lot of questions.

    But Agnes—

    I know, I know, I shouldn’t take risks like that. She looked up and lifted the Coke gratefully to her lips. That’s why we’re meeting here. I knew you were working tonight.

    So, I’m your bodyguard.

    She looked him up and down, her eyes lingering on his slender fingers. They fascinated her, those fingers. She wanted to draw them, but asking someone to pose so that she could draw just one body part seemed so . . . odd.

    I guess you could say that.

    Finn’s eyes seemed to light up. Then I’ll be sure not to wander off too far.

    Agnes bit her lip as she watched him walk away. She wondered if maybe she had just made a mistake. She knew Finn had a crush on her, had known it since the first time he asked her to help drawing straighter lines in an advanced realism drawing course. She had tried not to encourage it. It wasn’t that he wasn’t a good-looking guy. He was. But romance had always been a complicated thing for Agnes. She liked Finn; she didn’t want to ruin it by inviting trouble.

    She watched him a minute longer, the way he walked with his shoulders a little higher, his spine a little straighter. Saw the soft blush that colored his already rose colored complexion, a blush that only seemed to highlight the blue and green specks in his hazel eyes. He really was a good-looking guy. But it seemed that Agnes was not the only one to notice.

    Rachel, one of the waitresses, seemed to have noticed, too, if her lingering glance suggested anything.

    Agnes sighed, turning back to her laptop. She wanted to read through the messages she had shared with this guy, Matt, before he got there. He had a lot of questions and she wanted to make sure she was prepared to answer them all. He’d begun to contact her a week ago. The first comment was a simple one, just a comment on how helpful her blog—which was based on her daily life living with type 1 diabetes—was to someone trying to learn about this condition, but wondering if it would be possible to ask a few questions. When she responded in the affirmative, he bombarded her with question after question, sometimes nearly a dozen a day. That was when she learned about his niece’s diagnosis. It was also why she had chosen to arrange this meeting.

    Clearly this guy cared deeply about his niece and needed more than her doctors were offering him by way of information. That happened sometimes. Not all doctors could be as informative and generous with their time as her boss, Dr. Karen Carver - soon to be Gregory.

    Agnes shook her head. She constantly had to remind herself that Karen was engaged and would soon be someone’s wife. And not just someone, but Benton Gregory. Benton was only one of the most famous residents of Dallas, Texas, a billionaire software designer, and probably one of the most generous people Agnes had ever met. When he and Karen became engaged, he donated just over a million dollars to the American Diabetes Association as a gift to his bride to be. There was no

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