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Suicide: Fast or Slow
Suicide: Fast or Slow
Suicide: Fast or Slow
Ebook65 pages43 minutes

Suicide: Fast or Slow

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About this ebook

In order to understand and prevent suicides, we must begin to explore the topic with a new perspective and spirit of hope. In Suicide - Fast or Slow, part of the GET A GRIP series, therapist and author Derek O’Neill shares knowledge gained from 20 years of working with suicidal clients and their families, to offer a powerful guide for support and healing.

Looking at both the internal and external influences that can steer a person to considering ending their life, Derek offers deep examination of the human psyche, along with practical insight and tools to avert suicide.

Suicide - Fast or Slow touches on what to look for when someone has been experiencing deep depression, the factors that are contributing to the rise in youth suicide, how to move through the intense feelings and many other aspects surrounding this urgent subject. This book provides a valuable resource for anyone who has been touched by suicide.

PublisherDerek O'Neill
Release dateSep 30, 2014
Suicide: Fast or Slow

Derek O'Neill

An internationally acclaimed psychotherapist, motivational speaker, author, and humanitarian - Derek O'Neill is fondly referred to as the Celtic Sage. An Irish-born spiritual teacher who inspires and uplifts people from all walks of life, offering guidance to influential world leaders, businesses, celebrities, athletes and everyday people alike. Distilled from his life work, martial arts career and study with wise yogis and Indian and Tibetan masters, Derek translates ancient wisdom into modern day teachings to address the biggest challenges facing humanity today. Through his books, workshops, speaking engagements and humanitarian work, Derek empowers others to increase their Spiritual Quotient and activate their highest potential, so they can bring harmony, happiness, and success back into their personal and professional lives. Inspired by his world travels, he formed SQ Foundation, a charitable organization focused on helping communities in need. In recognition of his work, Derek was honored as Humanitarian of the Year and named International Celebrity Ambassador for Variety International Children’s Charity. He is founder and CEO of SQ Worldwide LP, a multifaceted wellness company committed to teaching individuals and corporations how to use untapped potential to transform themselves and the world around them. With his late wife Linda, he founded Creacon Wellness Retreat in Wexford, Ireland, a center for personal reflection, wellbeing, relaxation and self-exploration.

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    Book preview

    Suicide - Derek O'Neill


    Fast or Slow

    by Derek O’Neill

    Copyright 2014 by Derek O'Neill

    Copyright © 2014 by Derek O’Neill

    For information about permission to reproduce excerpts from this book write to:

    Derek O’Neill

    244 5th Avenue, Suite D-264

    New York, NY 10001


    ISBN: 978-1-936470-38-9

    First Edition

    All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this work in any form whatsoever (audio, visual, electronic, etc.). Such reproduction is expressly forbidden without permission in writing from Derek O’Neill, except for brief passages in connection with a review. It is not the intent of the author to offer advice in any form, whether it is spiritual, psychological, medical, or other. If you are in need of special assistance or advice, please consult with a proper professional. The information within this book is offered as an avenue to inspiration and awareness. This book does not claim to possess all the answers, nor to heal or counsel. If you choose to apply the principles within this book to your life, that is your constitutional right.

    Get a Grip Series 2014

    Editor: Nancy Moss

    Front Cover Design: © 2014 by Derek O'Neill

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    To all who read this book, I salute you for wanting to change the way you live for the better and for having the courage to be who you are as fully as possible.

    To all who encourage me everyday to keep going and sharing their lives with me, family small and large. But most of all the little angels who came to teach me – Alexa and Blake, my grandchildren.

    Everybody hurts sometimes, and when we do it is nice to have Derek O’Neill around. His excellent little books on the things that get us, (fear, anger, depression, victimhood, mental blocks) allow us to find our way safely through our psychological minefields and arrive safely at the other side. Read them when you need them.

    Paul Perry, Author of the New York Times Bestseller Evidence of the Afterlife


    Talking About Suicide – A Healing Perspective

    Understanding and Rethinking the Elements of Suicide

    The Permanent Nature of Impermanence

    Attitude is Everything – The Willingness to Stay Positive

    The Value of Vulnerability

    Our Inner Life and Outside Influences

    Changing Your Beliefs About Yourself - Peace as a Lifestyle

    Suicide Awareness – What Everyone Needs to Know

    Help and Support For Yourself and Others

    Coping with Suicide Loss – Grief and Healing

    Healing From Pain – A Meditation

    Suicide Hotline Information

    Author's Preface

    Thank you for purchasing Suicide – Fast or Slow. This book has not come about as a result of my training as a therapist, but through some hard-earned lessons that I have experienced myself. This is how I know the path out of limiting beliefs and behaviors that hinder growth. The tools that I offer in this book have worked not only for me, but also for hundreds if not thousands of other people. I have shared these ideas and techniques in my workshops, one-on-one sessions, video and radio broadcasts, and on my website, and I have witnessed astounding results time

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