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The thing with paperhouses are that once they're wet they tear and when it's windy they fall down.

The year is 1995, Take That are number one, double denim is huge and Beanie Babies are the latest fad but Michael's world gets thrown into chaos when his date leads to the bedroom and even worst the maternity ward but that's the least of his worries since a childhood friend has come back into his life, come back and come back with a bang, now nineteen year old Michael really has to make a decision Catherine or Pete?

PublisherR.J. Seeley
Release dateMar 13, 2015

R.J. Seeley

I don't know what I'd do with myself if I didn't write!I decided to try and write my first novel when I was 13, all with a notepad and a pen, 100 odd pages later I shared it with my Year Nine English teacher who encouraged me to continue although that story never got further than a pen and a notepad my second attempt at a novel "Choreography" got further, the idea was formed during a Year 10 Creative Writing Class and took around two years to complete and was my first published novel.As I've grown up and matured as have my characters and their experiences. Every character I write goes through a development whether it's within themselves, within their life choices or within the people around him. So whether you want to join 14 year old Nathan as he discovers his sexuality and his talent, 16 year old Ryan as he manages to juggle a relationship whilst trying to win a competition or even 24 year old Kevin who starts to realise how much fun a relationship can be, you'll find something within all of them that makes you want to cheer them on and let them come out on top (In life, not always in the bedroom!)I tend to write more LGBT fiction and romance with the occasional paranormal story thrown in, they range from 50 to 400 pages and all have little connections that some people may not notice the first time!R.J Seeley

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    Book preview

    Paperhouse - R.J. Seeley


    R.J Seeley


    R.J Seeley

    Copyright 2015 by R.J Seeley

    Smashwords Edition

    Saturday 18th March 1995

    Number One: Think Twice – Celine Dion

    Why don’t you come in, for coffee? Catherine asked, running her hands down from my shoulders, smiling at me in the way I see most girls smiling at boys they like

    Coffee? Won’t the kettle wake up your parents I asked frowning at her making her laugh and lightly hit my chest

    Mum and dad aren’t in, she said laughing sweetly Just, why don’t you, she said then held my hand Come in. She said then led me in, I liked her house, it was comfortable, she had soft couches and a really soft carpet, the only light in the living room was coming from the fish tank in the corner but even all the fish were still. Her house was silent and the fact that you had to take your shoes off at the door just made the room quieter. Should we move upstairs? She asked grinning at me then laughing playfully at my frown

    But coffee, I said lamely pointing towards the kitchen, I’d been trying to work out how to ask for tea, I wasn’t entirely a fan of coffee.

    Later, yeah? she said smiling at me and beginning to run up the stairs giving me quite a flash of her frilly knickers, she was wearing a sort of babydoll dress which had little flowers all over it and it was pretty but it only went up to her thighs so if she touched her toes you could see pretty much everything, she’d kicked off her plimsolls so all she had on her feet were her socks that had a little silk ribbon on, her hair was out and falling over her shoulders, right now it was a caramel brown but I knew it’d be different in a matter of weeks. She had an Alice band on too, to keep her hair from falling into her eyes and she looked pretty, it was undeniable that she looked pretty. I looked a bit scruffy, not intentionally of course but I thought I was going out with a friend so I just put on my checked shirt and my jeans. I’d left my scuffed trainers next to the door, maybe I should’ve put on a proper shirt. She pulled me into her bedroom, her purple bedroom, her walls were lilac and all the furniture in the room was purple, her bedspread was the only thing that wasn’t purple, it was white and it had butterflies on it, her room smelt sweet, it smelt like the fruity shampoos you can get,

    Well come on she said laughing so I did, slowly, I wasn’t entirely sure where we were going here, we were supposed to be having coffee, I still hadn’t got the words to ask for tea. She sat on her bed, so I sat next to her, the bed dipped and she fell into me slightly. I can’t remember if you’ve been in my room, She said so I thought, really thought.

    "Not since you had My Little Ponies on the walls," I said nodding, remembering when I was eleven and it was her birthday and we came into her bedroom and played Truth or Dare.

    Oh, she said and she sounded embarrassed "It’s been a while since I had My Little Ponies on the walls," she said her laugh sounding happy, happy but still embarrassed.

    You had a good party then, I said nodding The cake was nice, I added laughing to myself,

    Yeah, she said then looked at me so I looked back, I was still wondering when we’d get to the coffee (tea) Want to get more comfortable? She asked hinting towards her pillow so I frowned at her making her laugh slightly then place her hand on my arm then she moved towards me and kissed me, we’ve kissed before, kissing is cool, I can do kissing, I can also do tongues, tongues was working but then she pushed me down, she lay me on her bed and broke the kiss and sat on the bottom of my stomach, I’d not kissed like this before.

    Catherine? I said as she smiled at me and ran her hands down my chest

    Okay? she asked so I nodded because yeah, I was okay, I was thinking about having two sugars in my tea tonight, I’ll need them. Do you want to? she asked so I frowned at her

    Want to what? I asked and she laughed, pushed some of her hair behind her ear then kissed me again but that kissing became touching and that touching continued.

    I didn’t close the curtains last night, the light was streaming directly into my eyes which was odd, my window wasn’t in the right place to blind me of a morning so I opened them, holding my hand up to the window and looking around the room, it was purple, purple and bright it really, really hurt my eyes, I then looked behind me, I was on the very edge of the bed, I’m surprised I wasn’t actually on the floor.

    Shit. I breathed once I saw Catherine fast asleep beside me, she had no top on, so I lifted the duvet Shit, I said a little louder once I’d looked under the cover and discovered neither of us were actually dressed, so I’m going to presume we had sex, that seems logical, but there was no condom wrapper, no used piece of rubber anywhere Shit, I said again covering my face with my hands, rubbing my forehead until I heard Catherine take a deep breath out so I looked at her as she woke up

    What time is it? she asked yawning slightly trying to sit up whilst also trying to keep her modesty intact with the quilt.

    Early, I replied frowning then searched for a little clock, there was a purple one on the bedside table, of course. Half seven, I said and she groaned and rolled over

    Go back to sleep, she declared making me laugh

    No, I said simply then stopped dead because I heard the lock downstairs click Please tell me your brother still lives at home? I said and she looked at me

    No, she said frowning as suddenly voices flooded into the house Shit, she said then actually managed to knock me out the bed as I grabbed for my clothes and she ran with the duvet around her to her drawers and got a little nightie out and put it on, threw her duvet back over the bed then nodded to me Be quiet she said putting her finger on her lips so I nodded then silently followed her out her bedroom, letting her go down the stairs first then following her down when she signaled to me that it was okay to. We kissed lightly then I went out the front door as she went into the kitchen.

    You’re home early, Dad said frowning at me as I walked in and saw him sat on the couch with a coffee and the newspaper. Dad worked nights in a big plant thing, so technically he was getting ready to go to bed now.

    Long story, I said nodding as I kicked my shoes off then began to go up the stairs

    Have fun with Catherine last night? He asked from behind the newspaper so I groaned back at him, making him laugh and look up at me as I waved him off and went towards my room.

    Thursday 23rd March 1995

    Number One: Love Can Build a Bridge – Cher, Chrissie Hynde and Neneh Cherry with Eric Clapton

    The only reason my friends are my friends is because I was in the same class as them during secondary school, the only reason I went on a date with Catherine was because I was friends with her because she was in my class at secondary school so it was truly debatable if they were my real friends – that however didn’t actually matter because they were fun to be around, at least for now. They’d all gone to University, in some shape or form, some had gone to College, one had gone into an apprenticeship with a garage – I had gone into a Gap Year (my mother was thrilled). Today, however, we met in the bar next to the college that two of them attended and had a few rounds of pool.

    You shagged Catherine. One of them, James said ever so politely so I rolled my eyes and took my shot

    It’s highly possible, I said nodding

    She’s got quite a reputation, another, Nick said whilst leaning on the cue with a whimsical look on his face.

    Of? I queried as I took a second shot

    The sweet and innocent shagger, He said so I looked at him She definitely isn’t a virgin. he added so I frowned

    Catherine’s like one of my best friends, she’d have said, I reminded them "And she’s never mentioned having sex with any other male."

    Well she does have like the biggest crush on you, a third, Tim said,

    So? Nick asked

    So, she’d never tell him that she’s had anyone else in fear that it’d lessen her chances. he said

    You have warped logic, Nick said whilst taking his own shot

    No, I said slowly He has a point, I added nodding then sighed I don’t want to have to walk up to her and say how many people have you…

    No I wouldn’t recommend that, Tim said simply

    Did you enjoy the sex? James asked as he pushed himself up to sit on the edge of the pool table.

    I don’t really remember it, I said whilst going around the table to stand in front of him

    You don’t remember the sex that took your virginity, James exclaimed so I shrugged La, he added so I laughed and looked at Tim

    Do you remember any of it?

    I remember her asking if it was okay, I didn’t reply and she just kissed me, I said then frowned I wanted a cup of tea.

    A cup of tea? Tim queried.

    Well she asked if I wanted coffee, I didn’t I wanted tea,

    You’re an idiot, James said so I frowned at him as he shook his head

    Did you enjoy it? Nick asked whilst putting his cue on the table – he won.

    No, I said slowly because I really thought about it

    What are you, a fag? James asked so I looked at him You don’t remember or like fucking probably the sexiest girl from our class. He said, Although she lacks in tits, he added nodding to Tim, who just looked back at him.

    I don’t mind her lack of, I began then sort of nodded

    Must be a fag then, James said nodding.

    You’re a dick, I said simply

    Yeah just because he has a lack of interest in tits and sex with girls doesn’t make him gay, Tim said then frowned to himself and looked at me Although that sounds pretty gay.

    Thanks, Tim, you’re a great help, I said and he shrugged

    Stating the facts mate, he said so I sighed

    Where you at least drunk? Nick asked so I shook my head slowly, I should’ve nodded, all four of us knew that I should’ve nodded.

    You’re a,

    SHUT UP! I exclaimed to James then looked back at Tim, who was smiling sympathetically at me then nodded towards the bar so I went with him. He was probably the only one I sort of believe was at least a true friend, I never felt judged by him regardless of what was going on.

    Don’t let James grind on you, He said so I laughed, James was the last person I’d ever want to have grinding on me

    Never, I said then sighed He’s just a pain in the ass.

    That’s true, he said then laughed as he put a fiver on the bar and got two pints in return. But he’s also very stupid, he said so I looked at him He’s an illiterate twat, he said

    Tim, I began and he shook his head

    You know, he said so I looked at him At Nick’s party a few months back he sucked off another guy, he said Alright, he had a few beers in him, so what he still did it and he thinks he can call you it. he said so I put my hand on his shoulder

    Just for clarification, I said so he nodded It wasn’t you, right?

    No, he said then laughed No, he just pisses me off.

    Understandable, I said nodding

    And like, if you were for the record? he said so I looked at him Means nothing to me. he said so I frowned

    Thanks. I think, I said nodding as he laughed then went into his pocket and got a pound coin out,

    Game? he asked so I nodded.

    I got the bus home with Tim, splitting our bus fare with my fifty pence and stopping at the newsagents to get a can of something and some pick and mix.

    Do you, I began whilst looking through all the sweets

    Do I? Tim asked

    Believe the reputation of Cath? I asked whilst putting jelly beans into my bag,

    Hm, yes and no, he said so I looked at him I don’t believe she’s fucked about, I believe she isn’t a virgin, he said But she’s also one of my best friends, he said and I nodded And she doesn’t have a crush on me, he said And she’s told me that she’s slept with at least two people.

    Well fuck, I said and he laughed

    I wouldn’t worry, we both know her, she’s not a slut and she’s genuine,

    "I’m not her boyfriend." I reminded him and sounded annoyed, although I didn’t mean to,

    I know, he said nodding But still, he added

    Does she really have a crush on me?

    Michael, he said so I looked at him "Even if you were gay, you should be able to tell she fancies you," he said and had a point, because I could tell. She did.

    Saturday 1st April 1995

    Number One: Don’t Stop (Wiggle, Wiggle) – The Outhere Brothers

    How many sandwiches is that? Mum’s voice appeared from nowhere making me count the various half sandwiches with the knife I was using,

    Fifty, I replied whilst still counting, but fifty sounded logical.

    Get to seventy-five, she said so I mock saluted and continued created the ham sandwiches, whilst my younger sister Emily, stood a plate away from me making tuna sandwiches Emily? she yelled

    Sixty. She replied cockily so I scowled her

    Seventy-five, Mum repeated, we were being used as manual labour because it was our parents twentieth wedding anniversary – their China anniversary apparently, they were having a party, a sort of social gathering of all their friends and our family in our house, so dad was currently finding every chair we own in this house and lining the walls with these mismatch chairs, Emily and I were making sandwiches and mum was putting all of the rest of the food out. They got married on April fool’s Day, they got married at one pm, so it was after April fools but it was still April first, they did it because my mum’s family thought it was a huge joke that she was marrying my dad and it, obviously wasn’t. I appeared eight months later so obviously I wasn’t the reason they got married, they didn’t even know mum was pregnant.

    The social gathering of nineteen ninety-five started at half five and our house was filled with people who were over the age of twenty-five, this was when I discovered that I had no cousins who were younger than or my age.

    Go socialise, Mum said making me sigh

    With who, they're all ancient.

    Michael, she replied making me roll my eyes, I told you to bring Catherine, she added making me look down Just go.

    Fine, I moaned a little then went and sat on one of the mismatch chairs that surrounded the room. Sitting there for a fair amount of time, well except for when I went to get some cake. I had quite a few elderly people sit next to me then a person who looked below the age of twenty. I looked at him without trying to look at him, seeing him smile a little and look back at me.

    Michael right? He said so I nodded, nodded with very wide eyes. You don't remember me, he added making me frown Our mums are like best friends, we went to playgroup together,

    Pete, I said and he nodded Oh my god, yes I remember you.


    Yeah, I said laughing Yeah I do, I remember you covered for me when I stole the last digestive,

    Yeah and when you wet yourself,

    Shush, I said laughing We promised to never mention that.

    It was funny though.

    I was three, I squeaked back making him laugh

    Yeah, you haven't changed,

    I've got better bladder control,

    That's a plus.

    You've changed, I said and he frowned You didn't have facial hair when you were five, I added making him laugh and rub his chin

    No, true, true, he said nodding What have you been doing with yourself? He asked so I shrugged

    Finishing school, I replied and he smiled You?

    Oh the wonderful universe of work,

    Where do you work? I queried making him smile

    I'm a waiter. he said then looked at me But not just a waiter, I'm a waiter in a club,

    Oh my, so you have the black shirt and the apron tied around your waist?

    Exactly. he said making me

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