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Heart Throb
Heart Throb
Heart Throb
Ebook175 pages2 hours

Heart Throb

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In Heart Throb by Janet Lane Walters, published by Books We Love, Magda Malone likes men and has no desire to marry. She’s been there, done that and got burned. She’s happy with her position as coordinator of the cardiac unit at the hospital. A new neighbor promises many nights of steamy sex.

Damon also has no desire for marriage. He had too many steps and sees marriage as a serial sort of game. He doesn’t want to play. When Magda learns he’s a cardiologist, she blows him off. The problem is Damon has fallen in love and he must convince Magda there’s more between them than sex.


This was the first book I've read by Janet Lane Walters, but it definitely won't be my last. As you can see the cover is eye-catching and the story did not disappoint. Heart Throbs is a steamy, exciting, enjoyable and entertaining novella, perfect for fans of contemporary romances ... 4 angels.

Release dateJun 21, 2011
Heart Throb

Janet Lane Walters

Janet Lane Walters has been writing and published since the days of the typewriter. She has 30 plus novels and seven novellas plus four non-fiction books published. Janet lives in the scenic Hudson River valley with her husband, a psychiatrist who has no desire to cure her obsession with writing.She is the mother of four and the grandmother of five with two children expected to arrive soon from China. Janet writes in a number of genres - Romance from sweet to sensual and from contemporary to fantasy and paranormal. She has published cozy mysteries and medical suspense. She also has a number of YA fantasies published.

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    Heart Throb - Janet Lane Walters

    Heart Throb

    Janet Lane Walters

    Digital ISBNs

    EPUB 978-0-2286-1524-8

    Kindle 978-0-2286-1525-5

    Web 978-0-2286-1526-2

    Print ISBNs

    2nd Ed. Copyright 2020 Janet Lane Walters

    Cover art by Michelle Lee

    All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the publisher of this book

    Chapter 1

    Magda Malone jammed her hands in the pockets of her white lab coat and felt the fabric tear. Just what she needed to add a touch of anger to her friend’s sly request. Hadn’t he heard her resounding refusal?

    Her jaw clenched and she felt her teeth grind. The temptation to commit an act of violence hovered like a massive thundercloud. She stared out the window of her fifth floor office at Riverview Memorial and shoved her anger into a corner of her mind. The hospital didn’t need the Cardiac Units supervisor to ignite, especially over a personal matter.

    Sucking in a deep breath along with a quick count to ten, she turned to her colleague and friend. At the moment, she wasn’t sure friend was operative. Repeat your question. I’m not sure I heard you?

    Would you join us for dinner tonight? the cardiologist asked.

    That’s not the part of the original question I want to hear. Wasn’t there more?

    Like I said. Nothing formal. It’s not a party. Just a family sort of thing.

    Magda smiled. Come on. Spit it out. I need to be sure I’m not going deaf.

    He leaned his hip against the corner of the desk. Lin and I want you to meet my new partner. He’s her cousin and a really great guy.

    Magda glared. Ben, let me repeat. What did you want me to do with this man?

    He studied his hands. Was just a suggestion.

    And that was?

    To show him a really good time. He joined her at the window.

    She arched a brow. A good time as in what? She thought she knew the direction his thoughts traveled but she wanted to be sure she’d heard him correctly. Her hands fisted. Does your wife know you’re soliciting?

    What? His round face reddened. That’s not what I meant … well, maybe … just – He groaned. Couldn’t you just fine … make him happy to be in Rivertown? If the two of you don’t click you could show him around the … dating scene. You know what I meant.

    Do I?

    He heaved a sigh. Lin and I want him to settle here.

    Magda shook her head. Spit it out, Doctor. Anger oozed from the dark corner and colored her voice. Just how do you expect me to accomplish your purpose?

    He stared at her. Anything it takes.

    No way. She clipped the words with a razor edge. Would he understand why she was furious?

    Mag, come on. Wasn’t I there for you when you needed a shoulder?

    I’ll give you that.

    I need a partner who will settle here permanently, especially now.

    Magda sighed. Ben and Lin had been there when her life fell apart but he was asking too much. Why me?

    Men like you and you like them a lot.

    She held up a hand. Not another word. She walked to the desk and stared at the stack of folders needing her attention. I don’t want to lose a good friend but one more word and you’re toast.

    I didn’t mean you had to … you know.

    She rested her hands on the cool metal surface of the desk. Let me set the record straight. I choose the men I want in my life. I don’t need anyone fixing me up with a man.

    I hear you. He sank on the chair across from the desk. Lin said you’re bored with the local dating scene. Come to dinner. If you don’t like Eric, you can leave. If you do, who knows where it will lead. Give me a good reason why you’re being so stubborn.

    Was the invitation his idea or his wife? If it hadn’t been for the added incentive she would have believed Lin as the author or the idea. Happily married women always seemed to want their unmarried friends to be coupled. Magda had told her friend about the lack of eligible and interesting men in the area. Did it matter who had dreamed up the meeting? Magda slumped in the chair behind her desk. She wasn’t about to accept the offer today, next month or any year. Her views on the subject had been expressed time and again. What are my rules of dating?

    You don’t date where you work.


    You don’t do doctors.

    Sounds like you’ve heard me.

    Loud and clear. This time is different.

    She shook her head. Been there. Done that. Got burned.

    He rolled his eyes. You received a nice divorce settlement. Give my new partner a chance. He could be the exception to your rule. What can you lose?

    My independence. My head. I could face another fractured heart. Goodbye, Ben. She pointed to the door. There’s a whole flock of available women out there who would delight in dating an available cardiologist. I can name a half dozen closer to his age."

    What’s seven years? He scrambled from the chair.

    More than half a decade. See you.

    He opened the door. Eric likes older women.

    Good for him. Ask Mabel Gray to dinner.

    Ben turned. Older, not ancient.

    Tell Lin I’ll call tomorrow. Let her know I feel an urge for shopping.

    He groaned. Why?

    Magda’s smile widened. My coming vacation. Your baby-to-be. I don’t need an excuse to shop.

    Bye. He closed the door.

    Got him. Amusement bubbled to the surface washing away the ashes of anger. Spare me from matchmaking friends. She reached for the top folder. Her thoughts wandered from the department’s budget to the future.

    Four weeks until vacation and she had plans. Sun, surf, moonlit nights at a single’s resort. Meeting men who had no desire for a commitment. She wanted a fling or three that allowed her to escape with an intact heart.

    Her whirlwind marriage had ended in a divorce a month after he’d finished his surgical residency. She’d learned a painful lesson. Never date or become romantically involved with a doctor. Since the day the divorce had become final she had controlled her life and only she chose the men who shared her bed.

    Her pen skidded across the paper leaving a red streak. Damn you, Ben. Why had he turned her thoughts to days best forgotten? She gripped the pen and returned to the budget proposal.

    * * *

    Eric Damon Blair III surveyed his new living space and grinned. Though the condo was mostly unfurnished he was pleased with the place he’d bought last week. In the living room he’d created a nest of pillows on the dark blue carpet. Perfect for viewing the huge flat screen TV and for making love.

    He strode into the bedroom where the most important item of furniture had been delivered. The king-size bed was ready for the kind of action he preferred. Soft sheets, plump pillows on a firm mattress. Just thinking about using this spot set his heard speeding to send extra blood to his groin. Not yet, he warned. Soon.

    He turned and scanned the living area. One of his favorite features was the bar between the kitchen and dining areas. With a couple of bar stools he could eat there until he purchased a table and chairs.

    Once he knew his way around town and found some willing helpers he would buy furniture. He closed his eyes and visualized his aides. A sleek blonde. A ravishing redhead. A cuddly woman with brown hair. A sultry ebony-haired siren. All he had to do was meet them and lure them to his nest. That had never been a problem.

    No strings. No commitments. He did not intend to travel the road his parents had worn to ruts. Serial monogamy. He’d lost count of the numbers of step-mamas and step-papas that flowed through his life like a fleet of paper boats launched on a pond. No marriage meant no divorce, the end of every road his parents had traveled.

    He flipped the cover of his cell phone and tapped his cousin’s number. Better inform her of his new residence before she phoned the police to report him missing or every hospital between the city and here searching for his body. She answered on the second ring.

    Hi, Lin. I’m in town.

    Eric, where are you?

    It’s Damon. Eric is my father and our grandfather.

    She laughed. Forgot the name change. You’re late. What happened? Traffic? An accident? Were you hurt?

    None of the above.

    Then where are you. I’ve been pacing for two hours.

    In town. Had a bit of luck. He settled against the headboard of the bed. Found a place.

    Aren’t you staying with us? I have plans.

    I bet you do. He swallowed a growl. He imagined she had a dozen schemes to match him with a matrimonial-seeking friend or three. He had no intention of camping in his cousin’s guest room. Watching a nesting set of parents wasn’t a scene he wanted to endure.

    She laughed. Caught me. So where is this place and how did you find it?

    Ran into the brother of a patient. He wanted to sell his condo. Had the money from the trust so I bought. Place is great. Once I’m settled I’ll throw a party.

    You are coming to dinner tonight, aren’t you?


    Eric, Damon, whoever you are. There’s a friend I want you to meet. Ben and I invited her over. You’ll like her. She’s great.

    Score one for men’s intuition. Forget your schemes. Damon groaned. What is it with you happily-marrieds? Can’t stand to see someone unattached? I need no help finding women. That’s plural. Don’t want or need permanent.

    She laughed. Neither does my friend. I thought you two would be a perfect match.

    Thanks for thinking of me. I’ll find my own women. Talk to you later. I’m off to unpack the car.

    When will we see you?

    If something doesn’t come up I’ll swing by tomorrow or Sunday. Unless I’m diverted. Imagine you get the picture.

    She laughed. Sure of yourself, aren’t you? Good luck in the hunt. Don’t expect to succeed. You’re new in town.

    He chuckled. You’d be surprised. Sometimes being the new face has amazing results. Gives the ladies a new body to explore.

    You’re impossible.

    But loveable. Ciao.

    Damon rose from the bed and headed to the door. Time to unpack the stereo system. Then shower, shave, change and hit the local watering spots. Fridays were always social nights at the bars. Surely he’d find more interesting company that an unattached female who needed friends to find her a date. Even if she didn’t admit to being a player in the husband hunt he rarely met a woman who didn’t turn huntress the moment she learned he was a doctor.

    * * *

    Magda shoved the last folder in the drawer and made a series of phone calls to check for pending problems on the units she supervised. All was calm. She flipped the calendar to Monday, slung her bag over her shoulder and left the hospital. As she strode to her convertible she uncoiled the chignon at her nape and combed her fingers through the strands. Freedom.

    On the way home she stopped at the supermarket, picked up her birth control packet, bought strawberries, raw sugar and sour cream and rented a movie. She planned to spend the evening with a kick action flick and dreams of the coming vacation.

    The warm breeze carried a hint of rising humidity. As she sped toward the condo the wind whipped her hair. Her laughter rose above the classic rock throbbing from the speaker.

    Years ago

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