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STAR ROCKS: The aligned ancient structures around our planet and beyond
STAR ROCKS: The aligned ancient structures around our planet and beyond
STAR ROCKS: The aligned ancient structures around our planet and beyond
Ebook102 pages1 hour

STAR ROCKS: The aligned ancient structures around our planet and beyond

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Ancient structures around the world are precisely aligned to the sun and stars. Some are lined up with planets, some are aligned with summer or winter solicaste`s but all are aligned in astronomically significant directions. Weather the structure be in Ireland England, Scotland, France, Sweden, Israel, South America and North America, Egypt, China, Macedonia, the list goes on. The mystery is not the places as they exist an can be seen an visited, the mystery is who built these structures, why did they build these structures, how did they build these structures, why did they stop using them, and where did they learn to read the stars an align the structures to them.
Release dateJan 15, 2015
STAR ROCKS: The aligned ancient structures around our planet and beyond

Louie Parsons

Louie has had an interest in history since he was a small child. and after years of investigation began to notice similarties in ancient places, after many years on the road as a Musician he decided to share these mysterys with you.

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    Book preview

    STAR ROCKS - Louie Parsons

    Table Of Contents



    Easter Island

    Machu picchu


    Chichén Itzá




    Armenia's stonehenge

    Swedish stonehenge

    North American stonehenge

    Brazilian stonehenge


    Medicine wheels


    Gilgal Refaim



    Angkor Wat

    The Great Pyramid

    Pyramids of Guimar

    Chinese pyramids







    The purpose of this book is to show the many many sites around the world that are aligned with stars and constellations and with the summer solstice, 19 – 23 June, winter solstice 20 – 23 December, spring equinox 19 – 22 march, autumn equinox 21 – 24 September. Taking into consideration these dates are judged by the calendar. We use now. Who built these structures and why exactly were they built, where did the knowledge and mathematics come from to align these sites to the solstice and equinoxes. It’s hard to believe that different cultures around the world all had the same idea, who was traveling the ancient globe this knowledge, many centuries before man was supposed to be traveling the seas. Why did they pass on this knowledge of construction, mathematics, and astronomy? And how did they reach so many different and far away lands. What was so important that structures all over the globe had to be built facing and recognizing cardinal points in the sky? And why did the ancient secrets of these structures get lost to us the modern human. 

    Ancient structures around the world are precisely aligned to the sun and stars. Some are lined up with planets, some are aligned with summer or winter `s but all solstice are aligned in astronomically significant directions. Weather the structure be in Ireland England, Scotland, France, Sweden, Israel South America and North America, Egypt, China, Macedonia, the list goes on. The mystery is not the places as they exist an can be seen an visited, the mystery is who built these structures, why did they build these structures, how did they build these structures, why did they stop using them, and where did they learn to read the stars an align the structures to them. The precise and sometimes puzzling orientation of the ancient structures can be explained by understanding that their primary function was to serve as observation platforms for priests working with the calendar. The stone structures were perfectly constructed for predicting and sighting a wide variety of astronomical alignments including the solstice and precession of the equinoxes. 

    Many ancient pyramids and temples were simply oriented with the direction of the rising or setting sun, moon, a planet or a star on a significant day of the year. This type of alignment was the easiest to accomplish provided that the builders of such structure had good knowledge of the calendar (and could identify the day of the year when the orientation line pointing to the rising or setting heavenly body should be drawn). For example, on the Mexican plateau, all ceremonial Center where Olmec origins or influence are found demonstrate solstice  alignments. 

    Positioning of many other ancient structures was based on finding a true north-south meridian as defined by the Earth's rotational axis and on spherical geometry. Although its not clear why the real reason they aligned the structures, some say it was to mark certain days for agricultural purposes, but the agricultural idea does not work, in ska brae the alignment is after the harvesting time so the alignment does not represent a agricultural calendar. Some say it was to mark planets, but the one major factor to be found and is the purpose of this book is that all over the world the same idea was used in principle, with structures ranging from Stonehenge to pyramids to simple rock circles on mountains. the question is, Were people traveling the earth before conventional Archaeology gives them credit for, were people traveling and sharing this astronomical knowledge, if so who and why. The majority of these structures were massive monoliths which took many years to complete, and were built with uncanny accuracy. Whether the structure is a pyramid or a henge, rock circle, a cairn; we find this same principle present. 

    History is full of mysteries and unexplained occurrences, here are a comprehensive list of sites with one major similarity, did all these people around the world all have the same astronomical idea or were humans travelling  the earth sharing a common mathematics, astrology and construction far ahead of its time and even today we don’t fully understand why and who built and aligned these wonderful structures


    The aligned ancient structures around our planet and beyond

    Author: Louie Parsons

    Cover illustration and other graphic design: Steven Hemsley

    Photos: Roxhowl photography and Louie Parsons


    At dawn on the Winter Solstice, the sun starts to rise across the Boyne Valley from New grange over a hill known as Red Mountain. If the weather conditions are right, the event is magical. 

    At four and a half minutes past nine, the light from the rising sun strikes the front of Newgrange, and is captured by the roof box which was specially designed to snare the rays of the sun. For fourteen minutes, the beam of light stretches laser like into the passage of Newgrange and on into the central chamber, where, in Neolithic times, it illuminated the rear stone of the central recess of the chamber. A survey of the roof box, passage and chamber of Newgrange in 1972 found that the Winter Solstice orientation of the site was an original feature, and that they were sophisticated constructions, intended to maximize the accuracy

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