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Illuminati: The Conspiracy Revealed
Illuminati: The Conspiracy Revealed
Illuminati: The Conspiracy Revealed
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Illuminati: The Conspiracy Revealed

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"We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled governments in the civilized world - no longer a government of free opinion, no longer a government by... a vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.“ - Woodrow Wilson (28th President of the United States)

There's a hidden force that controls all governments and institutions for the sake of control and private gains. If you want to learn how to battle this force that's depriving people from their liberties and rights, including your own, then you'll find this book quite interesting.

This isn't just the next conspiracy book on the shelf. It's based on a true story from one of the most popular historians and researchers of Illuminati - Fritz Springmeier. What you are about to learn is marked as "classified" from the CIA and the Government. What you are about to learn in this book brought Fritz Springmeier in jail. So, this is some serious stuff, unlike some other conspiracy theorists begging for attention.

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Release dateMar 26, 2015
Illuminati: The Conspiracy Revealed

Greg Norton

I do extensive research on conspiracy and secret societies. My passion is about looking behind the scenes of secret societies and how this phenomenon affects the role of governments and industries around the world.

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    Illuminati - Greg Norton

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    Illuminati Master Plan – How They Control Politics and the Public Mind To Dominate The World?

    Published by Greg Norton at Smashwords

    Copyright © 2013-2015 Greg Norton

    This e-book is licensed for your personal entertainment only. This e-book cannot be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you are reading this e-book and you did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to the appropriate online store and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of the author.

    The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work!

    How the Illuminati Control Politics?

    I am going to draw a mental picture for you. This is a very simple crude picture that describes effectively the false left-right paradigm. The Republican Party props up the Democratic Party, and the Democratic Party props up the Republican Party. If you had one of the political parties standing on its own, when the wind starts to blow, it would just fall over.

    When pressure begins to mount from an unruly population, or if there’s a new group wanting the New World Order to corral the public to do their bidding, the second party will become active to give the illusion of choice. This is the main source of revolution, a false one, not a grass roots revolution.

    Most of the false revolutions are driven by evil, the same evil that drives the power elite. It is very rare to have a grassroots, honest revolution. By itself a single party system will fall over, but if you take the two party systems and you lean them up against each other like an arch. It keeps the parties together and it makes a stable platform on which they can build their hierarchical New World Order system.

    The current two-party system has been dominated, bought up and controlled by the elite that sit on the top of it. Now, the elite that ruled the one party system would no longer be balanced on top of one party. If the elite stood alone, they would be subject to being toppled, being pushed over easily. If you prop the two parties up against each other, it will form a royal arch. This stabilizes the ruling party on top of both parties.

    It has become nearly impossible to separate those two, because they are dependent on each other. It is just that simple. Why do you see so many leftist like Rage Against the Machine, Tom Morello or Henry Rollins, who were right on so many issues, but didn’t believe in leftist policies? They say we need a global carbon tax - with the elite pushing that agenda behind the scenes. To help this deception along, the media advertises that big corporations and oil companies are against it.

    Henry Rollins does not know, he does not have the documents, and he does not understand that it is part of a sophisticated game. Big corporations say publicly, we don’t want this, it’s bad, while secretly they fund it.

    The elite know the public is awake to the fact that they are corrupt, so the public will be fooled to go and support the agenda, please don’t throw me in the briar patch. This is where the public comfortably resides and then when there is some discontent, the grassroots join up into the political party to attempt to make a difference. Then both sides lean on each other to control the grassroots and support each other. They are standing alone. Since the two parties are leaning on each other, the pressure of revolution or of new power structures and parties, will easily topple and be blown over.

    Okay, I know it sounds that simple, but let me give you an everyday example

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