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Never a Bridesmaid: A May Wedding Story
Never a Bridesmaid: A May Wedding Story
Never a Bridesmaid: A May Wedding Story
Ebook118 pages1 hour

Never a Bridesmaid: A May Wedding Story

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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They’ve helped orchestrate the perfect day for countless couples. Now twelve new couples will find themselves in the wedding spotlight in the second Year of Weddings novella collection.

Mari wants her sister Crystal’s wedding to be perfect. But a poorly-chosen maid of honor may turn it into a disaster.

Mari Hays’s older sister Crystal is getting married, and Mari is ecstatic to be part of the wedding. But she soon finds her expected role of maid of honor has been delegated to the worst possible choice: Sienna Jameson. She’s catty, selfish, and totally into herself, and when Sienna discovers handsome professional baseball player Derrick Richardson is the best man, she sets her sights on her next boyfriend instead of on the wedding plans.

Meanwhile, Mari is determined to keep the glamorous event afloat. Wrapped up in dress fittings, bridal showers, and baking teacup-shaped cookies, she is shocked when Derrick has taken notice of her. In fact, he treats her like she’s a home run.

With the wedding day looming, an emotional and sensitive sister, a selfish maid of honor, and intense pressure from Crystal’s soon-to-be in-laws, Mari fears her attempts to make her sister’s wedding perfect will be for naught. Can Mari keep the waters calm until the bride and groom jet off for their honeymoon? And will she allow herself to be caught by Houston’s most eligible bachelor?

Release dateApr 28, 2015

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson is a Christian freelance author and a native Texan. She resides in the greater Houston area near her grown children and infant granddaughter. Janice has published over fifty articles and short stories, as well as thirty full-length novels and non-fiction books (most romance and/or Texas themed). She's thankful for her calling as an author of Christian fiction.

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    Never a Bridesmaid - Janice Thompson


    A huge Thank you to my editors, Becky Monds and Karli Jackson. I’m grateful you gals took a chance on me. Working for HarperCollins has been pure delight!

    To my copy editor, Jean Bloom: You put a lovely Texas spit-shine on this story and I’m tickled to have your input. Mari’s tale is in much finer shape, thanks to you.

    To my wonderful agent, Chip MacGregor: you are my biggest cheerleader and faithful guide. How wonderful to walk alongside you.

    To my prayer team: Kathleen, Dannelle, Sharen, and Linda: you’ve been a God-send. Thank you for walking me through the ups and downs of this past year.

    To all of the girls out there who’ve ever walked a mile in Mari’s shoes: You know what it’s like to be overlooked and to feel left out. Don’t let that stop you from responding with grace and ease. You might be the last bridesmaid in the lineup but you’re still #1 in God’s eyes.

    And last, but certainly not least: to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Every word is for You.

    Chapter One

    The morning my older sister, Crystal, announced her engagement, our whole family celebrated. Well, all but my dad, who mumbled something about checking his bank balance as he headed toward his computer to get online.

    Mama did a funny little dance on her way to make Crystal’s favorite pancakes, all while singing a rousing chorus from her favorite praise song. My grandmother burst into tears at the news. She gave Crystal a thousand kisses on each cheek—approximately—and launched into a passionate speech about the joys of married life. I chuckled at her enthusiasm as she boot-scooted her way out of the living room to call all her friends.

    And me? I gave Crystal the biggest hug ever—and then stood there, waiting for the words every sister anticipates: the invitation to serve as maid of honor. I’d earned the role, after all. Twenty-two years of living under the same roof with my everything-has-to-be-perfect older sister had more than qualified me for the job. And the whole family knew orchestrating events was my special gift. Hadn’t I planned all the birthday parties since I was ten?

    Now, if I could only get Crystal to stop staring at that over-the-top, princess-cut diamond on her ring finger, we’d get this show on the road.

    It took a few minutes for her obsession with the engagement ring to subside, but she finally got control of herself. She grabbed my hands and squealed, then released a happy sigh. Oh, Mari, isn’t it wonderful? I’m going to be Mrs. Phillip Havenhurst. Finally! She brushed one of her platinum blond locks aside and giggled. "His parents have a membership at the River Oaks Country Club. According to Texas Bridal, it’s Houston’s top venue for weddings. I mean, who gets that? Certainly not girls like us. It’s such an honor. I feel like a princess."

    I felt a little more like Cinderella at the ball. Hanging out with Houston’s upper echelon would be nerve-racking at best. I’d never really been much for the country club set, even though most of the people in our upper-middle-class community strived for such luxuries. Me? I’d rather get married on the beach, any day. Or at our church. Certainly not at a hoity-toity place like River Oaks Country Club, and definitely not surrounded by people who preferred caviar to nacho cheese dip.

    I was more than a little concerned by her news about the venue. Does Dad know you’re getting married at the country club? No wonder he’s checking his bank balance. He’s probably in a panic.

    Maybe it won’t be as bad as we think. Concern flashed in my sister’s blue eyes. Phillip’s father has connections. I’m sure he’ll help work out something. I hope.

    Maybe, but it’s still going to shake Dad up. I mean, the food costs alone will be crazy. Are you sure you don’t want to get married at the church? Did you see how they did up the reception hall for Nikki Raymond’s wedding? It looked amazing, almost like a high-end wedding facility. It can be done. If we have time, I mean. Have you set a date?

    Yes. Mid-May. That gives us just four months. But don’t worry, Mari. We’re definitely getting married at the church. The reception just won’t be there. Phillip’s parents probably wouldn’t like that. Remember, I told you what kind of lifestyle they’re used to? For whatever reason, the sparkle in Crystal’s eyes faded as she spoke those words. Just as quickly, it reignited. Anyway, it’ll be great.

    Of course it will. I did my best to sound reassuring and tried not to focus on the wide financial gap between our two families.

    Besides, I’m only getting married once. I want it to be amazing.

    It’s going to be amazing, Crystal. And you, of all people, deserve the perfect wedding. You’re the most giving person I know. I can’t wait.

    Me either. She took a couple of steps in my direction and gave me a warm hug.

    So, um, have you given any thought to bridesmaids?

    Of course! I’ve been dreaming about my wedding for years. She released me from the hug and then listed several friends, cousins, and other relatives as possibilities, covering eight or nine people in the process. With each name, my heart felt a little heavier.

    Hello? Did we forget someone?

    But I’ve limited it to five. One sister—


    —one cousin, and three best friends. One from high school, one from college, and one from church. She turned and faced me. I think that number is just right. Don’t you?

    Yes, but one of them—I paused and gave my sister a pointed look—will technically be a maid of honor. I cleared my throat and prayed she’d take the hint. Right? So it’s really four bridesmaids and a maid of honor. I squared my shoulders and waited for Crystal to confirm what I already knew in my heart.

    Right. She nodded. The maid of honor handles a lot—the bridal shower, a bachelorette party, and quite a few things on the actual wedding day. So choosing the right person is key.

    Of course. And I—

    I know Sienna will do a great job.

    Oh, thank you, I—

    Wait. Did she say Sienna?

    Crystal reached into her purse and came up with a piece of paper with a bunch of notes scribbled on it. I know Sienna might seem like an odd choice, but I’ve known her since we met at camp as little girls, and she’s been my best friend ever since. Besides, I owe her. She’s the one who introduced me to Phillip, remember?

    Well yes, but—

    I know, I know. Crystal gripped the note in her hand. I can guess what you’re thinking.

    You can?

    Yes. She wouldn’t have been your first pick.

    I . . . well . . . no.

    She wasn’t really mine, either. Crystal sighed and then took a seat on the sofa. If you want the truth, Phillip’s mother suggested it. Sienna’s mom is one of her best friends.

    You don’t have to bow to Mrs. Havenhurst’s wishes, Crystal. She’s not even the mother of the bride, and it’s your wedding.

    I know. My sister didn’t look convinced. She glanced at the note and then looked my way. But I don’t like to stir the waters. I never know what to do when Phillip’s mother starts giving me her . . . opinions. Sometimes it’s easier not to debate her, you know? She doesn’t have a daughter, so she’s been kind of planning her son’s wedding for ages, I guess.

    Well, yes, but again, it’s your wedding, not hers. I took a seat next to her. You should be able to have anyone you like stand next to you.

    It’s okay, Mari. Really. Sienna is a little, well, self-centered and spoiled, but she’s a good friend, and she’ll do fine. I hope. A little sigh followed. But I know what you’re thinking. You would’ve picked Gillian, right?

    Gillian? Um, no.

    "It’s true that

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