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Earth Cleansing: Assassins of Light - Book One
Earth Cleansing: Assassins of Light - Book One
Earth Cleansing: Assassins of Light - Book One
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Earth Cleansing: Assassins of Light - Book One

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Mary Ann Johnson is home from college with her degree and walks into chaos. Her stepfather has committed suicide, the house is in foreclosure and her mother has been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. There is no insurance and no money. Desperate for money, she changes her name to Samantha Stevens and takes a job as a high priced escort at an elite agency that caters to the rich and old. At first she realizes that it's not so bad until she is given the assignment to be the escort of a ultra rich older man from London, Sir John Rostoff. She's put off at first, but eventually she has sex with him and discovers he's pretty good in bed and her orgasms are terrific. But she doesn't understand why she is so tired when she is with him. The more she sees him, the more sex they have, the more tired she becomes. He seems to be gaining youth when he's with her. What she doesn't understand until it is almost too late, is she has stumbled into a group of aliens that maintain their youth by absorbing the sexual energy and essence from young women. She is rescued by another group, who call themselves the Daughters of Light. This is a group of female warriors who have been sent from the planet Cera is disrupt the plans of the resident aliens and eliminate them. She becomes one of the Daughters of Light and is transformed with plastic surgery and placed in a position to meet Sir John Rostoff. they meet and he is blown away with her beauty and sexuality and decides that he wants her. Her energy is fantastic and he needs it. But this time she lures him. The ending is full of edge of the seat suspense and action and will surprise in more ways than one.

Release dateSep 28, 2014
Earth Cleansing: Assassins of Light - Book One


Soriah is the pen name for Barbara Griffin Villemez

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    Earth Cleansing - Soriah


    Assassins of Light – Book One


    Smashwords Edition

    Earth Cleansing

    Copyright © 2014 Soriah

    All rights reserved.

    Cover Design & Layout by Laura Shinn Designs

    Smashwords License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you are reading this eBook and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the copyright and hard work of this author.

    Earth Cleansing is a work of fiction. Characters and events are strictly the product of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to persons,

    living or dead, is purely coincidental.

    Part One:

    Kiss Me, Love Me, Kill Me


    She lay on the sweat soaked sheets barely breathing. Even though the room was cool, she felt unbearably hot. The nurse would be coming by soon to check on her. Jane, the nurse, had tried to get her to eat, but when she did, the nausea was more than she could bear. Her mind traveled back to the past. How could she have been such a fool? She was a reasonably intelligent woman. She should have seen the red flags that were popping up all over the place. I think Julie tried to warn me, but I couldn’t see it. The money, glamour and lifestyle were too good to be true, and would have come to an end eventually with a normal man, but this man wasn’t normal. At least my mother benefitted from his largesse. The sound of a truck or car coming to a stop penetrated the darkened room. I wonder if Julie heard those two messages I left. She probably thinks I’m a crazy woman. She did say she would rescue me, but she could have been saying that to appease me. I’m sure I sounded nuts. I guess I’ll be making my exit soon. I don’t think I’ll last much longer. I’m growing weaker every day. I wrote the letter, but I doubt if it will make any sense to anyone. No one will believe it. It will be considered the ramblings of an insane woman. Jane said she would mail it, but if she gave it to the manager to mail, it probably went into the trash. Her mind drifted back to the beginning of the biggest mistake of her life.

    Chapter One

    Mary Johnson had changed her name to Samantha Stevens. It sounded classier and she needed to sound classy for her new job at the Elite Escort Services. Nervous, she brushed back her newly dyed long hair and admired the deep auburn color. I don’t know why I haven’t colored my hair before. This color brightens up my complexion. She admired her new manicure and pedicure. This job may not be too bad after all. She sat in the main office as Jewel, the manager, explained that the company would supply the clothes she would wear on these dates for six months, until she had accrued enough money to buy her own. They would always have the discretion to approve what she wore on each date. The Elite Escort Service catered to the old money rich and the nouveau rich. None other need apply.

    Mary, the new Samantha, was in a desperate financial situation. She had arrived home after graduation from college to a mother with terminal cancer, and a stepfather who had blown all the family money on gambling. Her parents were about to lose the house, when her stepfather shot himself in the garage. Her mother found him and collapsed. She had to be hospitalized with the resulting huge debts. Her husband hadn’t paid the payments on the family health insurance in several years. It had been cancelled. On top of this, her mother’s intense headaches had been diagnosed as an inoperable brain tumor.

    Samantha was stunning. Statuesque, with a body like a model, she had incredible wide set blue eyes and a dimple in her chin. At twenty-two, she should have had the world as her pearl filled oyster, but instead, she was burdened with too much trauma for one so young.

    She had graduated with a degree in sociology and had planned to enter the Master’s Program, when everything collapsed around her. There was no money and when a friend mentioned that she should model, she found the ad for the Elite Escort Service online. She knew what she was getting into, but realized that she could make a lot of money in a short period of time and decided to go for it. The service was pleased that she had a college degree and was articulate. They felt this was a plus along with her beauty. They were so happy to have someone of Samantha’s beauty and intelligence that the manager neglected to ask for documentation, such as a driver’s license or a copy of her degree.

    Jewel, the manager of Elite, had accepted her immediately after the interview and now she was back for a fitting. Sir John Rostoff from London, an older gentleman of much wealth, was her date for the night. She would be having dinner with him and several of his business associates at a private club.

    Julie, a former escort, met Samantha and led her to an inner office. She explained that Samantha would be paid five hundred dollars for the date tonight, but that usually the men gave the women a tip and sometimes more, if they went up to the men’s hotel rooms. As far as the agency was concerned, what the escorts did in the hotel rooms was their business, and the agency didn’t need to know or make any money from the escorts extracurricular activities.

    Julie motioned for Samantha to sit and brought out a portfolio. She lifted out a picture and handed it to Samantha. This is the man you’ll be with tonight. Do you have any problems?

    Samantha looked at the picture and saw the ugliest man she had ever seen. I think I can handle it. He’s old, maybe in his 60’s or 70’s and hopefully impotent.

    We’re letting you take this date tonight, because Sir John very seldom has a request for sex from one of his escorts. He likes to ask them to come up to his hotel suite and have a brandy with him. The girls say that he’s a gentleman at all times. This will be a good break-in to the job for you. Samantha handed the picture back to Julie.

    She rose and motioned for Samantha to follow. Now let’s see what you’ll wear tonight. They entered a large room with racks of clothes. Julie went to one rack and looked through it, and pulled out a long, green, silk dress. Try this on. It’s an eight and looks about the right size. Take off your bra and panties. This dress looks best without underwear.

    Samantha disrobed and slipped the dress over her head. It fell in silky folds around her body. She pulled it into place and looked in the mirror. The dress looked as if it was made for her. Her curves and breasts were outlined to perfection. She looked more beautiful than any high priced model. The long sleeves would need some adjustment. Samantha turned to see how the bare back looked, draped with folds gently falling below her waist.

    There are three pairs of shoes dyed to match this dress. See which fit.

    Samantha tried each pair and the size 8’s fit.

    Julie opened a large chest and took out an ornate box. When she opened it, Samantha gasped at the sight. The jewels and gold were dazzling in the bright overhead light.

    Don’t get excited. These are all fakes. The best fake jewelry money can buy. Julie took out a pair of ornate fake diamond earrings and held them up to the side of Samantha’s face. These will do. Then she picked out several rings and a watch. The dress is dramatic enough, so we don’t need to go overboard with the flashy stuff. She went to another rack and brought a short fur to Samantha. Try this one. Julie looked at the whole picture, walking around Samantha and nodding in approval. Absolutely beautiful! You’re going to blow old man Rostoff’s socks off when he sees you. I have to tell you, Samantha that you are the most beautiful escort we’ve ever had. Now that you’re dressed, let’s take some pictures.

    They walked to another room. This one was set up like a photographer’s studio. Samantha turned to Julie. Are you going to take the pictures?

    Yes, I was a photographer before I became an escort years ago. When their photographer quit, I was asked to fill in and did a good job, so now I’m an associate, a photographer, and a style maven. I don’t make as much money as I used to, but the job is steady and I don’t have to worry when I lose my looks. You know, Samantha, this job is for the young, after forty forget about making any money in this business. The men, who are rich and old, want youth.

    Samantha followed Julie back to the wardrobe room and undressed. Julie hung up her dress and put the jacket and shoes back in their places. Be here at seven with your hair done and we’ll dress you. Sir John will send a limousine to pick you up at eight. He’ll be in the back seat. You’ll walk out with the chauffeur. He’ll open the door, and you’ll climb in with Sir John. Be graceful in everything you do. No swearing or harsh language. Politeness at all times and ladylike behavior.

    Samantha nodded. I understand. She left the agency and caught the bus to her small apartment. Her mother would be going into hospice and now she’d have the money to give her the best of care. Since her parent’s home was close to foreclosure, she had advised her mother to let it lapse when she unable to pay the monthly mortgage. She didn’t want the house anyway. Her stepfather had borrowed on the house to pay his gambling debts, and there was no way she could pay the mortgage, nor did she want to. She knew that her mother was dying and all that she wanted was enough money to see that her mother would be comfortable. After her mother died then she would quit the business and get that Master’s degree. I’ll deal with the sex part when it rears its ugly head.

    When Samantha arrived back at the agency, she was excited and apprehensive. She knew that she’d be able to handle whatever was thrown at her, but she was hoping it wouldn’t come to that. Julie had said this man would be gentle and not ask for sex.

    At eight, Samantha walked into the reception area looking like a knockout. The chauffeur came through the door. Good, you’re on time. Sir John does not like lateness. He escorted her out the door, opened the passenger door of the limousine, and helped her enter. She took a seat and looked at the man seated next to her. He smiled and offered his hand. Welcome, my dear. I’m Sir John Rostoff and you must be Samantha.

    Yes, it’s nice to meet you, sir.

    Please, call me John. There’s no need to stand on formalities here.

    When they walked into the private club, several men were surprised by her beauty. She had an ethereal glow about her that was evident to many of the guests. The men cast envious looks toward Sir John. The evening went well with Samantha contributing to the conversation when it was appropriate. As dinner finished, and many of the guests started to leave, Sir John asked if Samantha would like to come back to his suite and have a brandy with him. She knew that she had to say yes, and replied that she would be delighted.

    His suite was in one of the most expensive hotels in New York, the Hotel Plaza Athenee. The suite was beautifully appointed with brandy and glasses set out when they arrived.

    Please sit down, my dear and let me pour you a brandy.

    Apprehensive, Samantha sat on the silk sofa and Sir John poured her drink and handed it to her. He sat opposite her in a matching beige silk chair.

    Tell me a little about yourself, Samantha. Why are you in an escort service? You’re beautiful enough to be a model.

    Samantha decided to be honest. Frankly Sir John, I needed the money and this was the quickest way I could earn it. I can’t do much with a Sociology degree, unless I have a Masters and then I would still need a PhD to make enough money to do what I need to do.

    And what is that, if you don’t mind my asking?

    Samantha hesitated, not sure she wanted to air her dirty laundry in front of this cultured gentleman. My mother has terminal cancer. I want to give her the best care while she’s living. She’s going into hospice this week and I can make her transition easier with money. My father committed suicide when he couldn’t pay his debts from gambling; actually he was my stepfather, but the only father I ever knew. And when he died, we found out that he hadn’t paid the medical insurance for over two years. As a result, my mother had no insurance when she was diagnosed.

    I’m sorry to hear that. Maybe I can help. I have an enormous amount of money, and I would consider it an honor if you would allow me to take care of your mother’s expenses.

    Samantha was stunned. She expected sympathy and maybe pity, but not this. I don’t know what to say. I can pay for her expenses now that I’m working.

    Nonsense, young woman. This would be a drop in the bucket for me. If it would make you feel better, consider this a bonus for spending time with me. Now what is the name of the hospice that will be taking care of your mother?

    Samantha gave him the details including her mother’s name. He didn’t make a comment that the names were not the same, assuming she had not taken her stepfather’s. He entered the information into his iPad. This will be taken care of tomorrow.

    At a loss for words, Samantha didn’t know how to thank him. Now my dear, I must retire. I’m an old man and must have my sleep. David will take you home. I want you to know what a pleasant time I had tonight. I would like to see you tomorrow night as well. I have already arranged this with Jewel. I have tickets for the opera and we can have a bite of dinner afterward.

    I don’t know how to thank you.

    Thanks are not necessary. It is always my pleasure when I can make life easier for someone worthy, like you.

    David quietly entered the suite. Samantha did not see Sir John summon him, but he must have had a button he pushed, because the chauffeur arrived promptly as Sir John finished speaking.

    She slipped on the fur then leaned over and kissed Sir John on the forehead.

    Thank you, my dear. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

    Back in her apartment, she was ecstatic. Now she didn’t have to worry about her mother. She would see her tomorrow and help with the transition to hospice care. She felt such relief. A heavy burden had been lifted from her shoulders. What a kind and thoughtful man. It doesn’t seem to make a difference in how he looks. His kindness erases the ugliness. She slipped into bed and slept deeply all night. When she awoke, she planned out her day over her first cup of morning coffee. I’ll see Mom at ten then take the clothes back to the agency. They’ll have another outfit for me to wear. I’m sure it will be something appropriate for the opera and just as beautiful as the green dress. She decided she needed to spend at least an hour at the gym to work off the rich food she had eaten last night. As she was getting dressed, she emptied the clutch that she had been using last night and discovered five one hundred dollar bills. She had not seen him put the money in her purse. Oh, he didn’t have to do this, not after what he’s doing for mother. She debated telling Jewel or Julie what Sir John was doing. She didn’t know if it was appropriate for her to accept his help. I won’t tell them, maybe he will.

    When she arrived at the agency, Jewel told her of her assignment for the evening. She would be going to the opera with Sir John. Please be here at six tonight, so you’ll be ready to be picked up at seven. Julie has chosen your outfit. Try it on, but I think it will fit.

    This time Julie had chosen a copper silk satin ankle length dress with short sleeves and a round, prim neckline, matching pumps, and gold and diamond jewelry. Her tailored jacket matched the dress. A mink stole to wrap around her shoulders, completed the ensemble.

    When Sir John picked her up that night, he again exclaimed on her beauty. He told her that everything had been taken care of concerning her mother. She smiled and thanked him then wondered if she would have to pay for this largess with sex. After the opera, they went up to Sir John’s suite and there was a sumptuous supper laid out on trays. Sir John had ordered champagne. It was delicious. They chatted about her life and plans for the future. She asked him about his life. He replied that he lived a boring life in a huge mansion and mostly worked with his several companies.

    The remains of the meal had been removed and Sir John and Samantha were drinking the last of the champagne, when he asked if she would rub his neck. Oh oh, here it comes, the payback.

    My dear, it has been a stressful week and I did not have the masseuse here this afternoon. Would you be so kind to rub my neck?

    Of course, John. I’ll be happy to do so. She rose and stood behind him. Would you loosen your collar so I can reach your shoulders?

    He took off his tie and unbuttoned the first few buttons on his shirt. There, is that better?

    Yes, that’ll work. She began to massage his neck and his shoulders. It would be better if I had oil or a cream.

    It feels good just as it is. You have wonderful hands. My neck feels better.

    She continued to massage his neck and shoulders for ten minutes more when he said that it felt fine now. She could stop.

    That was wonderful, Samantha. You have strong fingers, as strong as my masseuse. He rose. It’s getting late and I need my sleep. David will take you home. I had a delightful time and it’s been such a pleasure to be with you.

    Samantha was feeling tired and was happy to leave with David. As she was undressing and preparing for bed, she looked in the purse, and this time there were ten one hundred dollar bills folded in the bottom. She shook her head. I can’t believe this man. He’s right. He must have more money than he knows what to do with.

    The next morning she stopped at the hospital to pay the thousand dollars on her mother’s hospital bill and was told it was paid. There must be some mistake. I have the bill you sent to my mother and it’s for 30, 546.41.

    A young man came in yesterday afternoon with a check for the entire bill. He said his employer was a family friend and would pay all the expenses for your mother.

    Samantha was speechless. I…I don’t understand?

    What’s there to understand, honey? Someone came in and paid your mother’s hospital bill. Be thankful that your mother has a rich relative that has helped with this bill. We were getting ready to send it for collection.

    Samantha took a deep breath as she tried to wrap her mind around what Sir John had done. May I have a copy of the bill, please?

    I’ll make you a copy. The original, I gave to the young man. She pulled up the information on her computer and printed out the paid bill. Here we go. You’re all taken care of.

    Samantha thanked her and left the office. She sat in her car and thought about what was happening. I don’t know what to think. Is he trying to buy me or is he just a kind and generous man. He already buys me when he requests me for a date. So he doesn’t have to do this to keep seeing me. She shook her head. Maybe he sees me as a charity case and wants to help. I don’t really know at this point, but I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

    She drove off to the hospice to see that her mother was settled and when she got there, she was told that her mother never arrived. She had been transferred to Beauty Rest Hospice. She wasn’t sure that she knew what was going on, but was given the directions to the new facility. When she arrived at the address, she stood in front of a stately colonial style mansion. She walked through the gate and noticed the sign, Beauty Rest. Once inside, she asked to see Mrs. Johnson and was shown to her mother’s room. It was more like someone’s lovely bedroom than a hospital room. There were fresh flowers on the bureau and soft lighting. Her mother was in a hospital style bed, but fancy with controls on a panel at the end of the bed. The bed was of a honey oak color, not a metal white one. When Samantha touched it, it was real wood. As she leaned over to look at her

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