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The Howl of the Moon
The Howl of the Moon
The Howl of the Moon
Ebook31 pages1 hour

The Howl of the Moon

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Dr. Alma Weiss is a brilliant scientist, with an exceptional mind and an exceptionally frustrating lead scientist working over her on a cryptic cure. What she is about to discover though, in one brilliant epiphany is just how much science is not only inspired by fantasy, but encompasses it.

Part one of a new supernatural, sci-fi, romance serial.

Release dateMar 30, 2015
The Howl of the Moon

Aurelia Springs

Aurelia Springs lives in Austin, Texas and has always held a life long love of fantasy, the sea, and writing.

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    Book preview

    The Howl of the Moon - Aurelia Springs

    The Howl of the Moon

    Part One•


    Aurelia Springs

    Copyright © 2015 by Aurelia Springs

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    The sound of fluids softly bubbling, and the fluorescent lighting buzzing away above her had become the sounds of Dr. Alma Weiss’s home. They were the sounds of her black box laboratory and she loved every second there. She loved the way wealthy widow Elizabeth Coleman had plucked her straight out of graduate school to work in her privately funded lab, thanks to her particular proclivities for the paranormal and the way her patron generously afforded her every opportunity to advance in the less restrictive fields of science. Alma loved every second spent in her reinforced underground lab pouring over books, and charts, and recording notes for anything that she wanted to research in the world.

    It was all at one cost: her assistance with Mrs. Coleman’s other pet scientist on his own research project.

    Alma understood why of course. Dr. Micah Silverstone was after all Mrs. Coleman’s cousin, and even in the cold hard world of facts blood and nepotism were more powerful than any solvent, and the man had pressures according to Mrs. Coleman that kept him from being able to complete his research on his own. So, Alma worked his project as well, and it was a small enough price to pay to have the entire world of bio-chemical research at her disposal.

    His temper helped nothing though. Dr. Silverstone had a mercurial disposition, within the hour he could move from icy enough to chill the room around him, to a fierce and fiery passion that made her feel scalded if she moved too near to him while he did what he felt he needed. He spoke little to her, giving her only the barest instructions, instead spending his time with her searching the entirety of her

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