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For a Dragon's Redemption
For a Dragon's Redemption
For a Dragon's Redemption
Ebook86 pages1 hour

For a Dragon's Redemption

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Ross McCord will do anything to fulfill his mother’s dying wish...protect family above all else. He does his best, keeping their sheep herd healthy and strong as he watches over his crippled father, Achaius, and his pretty but dim sister, Skena. When Chieftain Goth notices Skena’s beauty, he demands to use her as a bride-price to complete an alliance with a neighboring clan. Attempting to keep his sister from being heartbroken, Ross embarks on a dangerous mission to earn a boon from Chieftain Goth. He heads north in search of a secret way for his chieftain’s warriors to attack the clan who took in Goth’s son, Ian. Much to Ross’s distress, he’s captured by the brawny redhead, Ziethman. He expects to be killed for trespassing, but Ziethman offers a much more pleasurable form of...interrogation. Experiencing sensations he’s never imagined, Ross finds himself craving the other man’s touch. When Ross learns that Ziethman is more than a man, and is in fact a dragon, can he accept the male’s differences and the help he offers, or will it be too much, sending him running back to his clan to fulfill his mission?

Release dateApr 1, 2015
For a Dragon's Redemption

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    For a Dragon's Redemption - Charlie Richards

    Two men. One will do anything for family. One will discover the true meaning of responsibility.

    Ross McCord will do anything to fulfill his mother’s dying wish...protect family above all else. He does his best, keeping their sheep herd healthy and strong as he watches over his crippled father, Achaius, and his pretty but dim sister, Skena. When Chieftain Goth notices Skena’s beauty, he demands to use her as a bride-price to complete an alliance with a neighboring clan. Attempting to keep his sister from being heartbroken, Ross embarks on a dangerous mission to earn a boon from Chieftain Goth. He heads north in search of a secret way for his chieftain’s warriors to attack the clan who took in Goth’s son, Ian. Much to Ross’s distress, he’s captured by the brawny redhead, Ziethman. He expects to be killed for trespassing, but Ziethman offers a much more pleasurable form of...interrogation. Experiencing sensations he’s never imagined, Ross finds himself craving the other man’s touch. When Ross learns that Ziethman is more than a man, and is in fact a dragon, can he accept the male’s differences and the help he offers, or will it be too much, sending him running back to his clan to fulfill his mission?

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    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    For A Dragon’s Redemption

    Copyright © 2015 Charlie Richards

    ISBN: 978-1-4874-0248-8

    Cover art by Angela Waters

    All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

    Published by eXtasy Books Inc or

    Devine Destinies, an imprint of eXtasy Books Inc

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    Smashwords Edition

    For A Dragon’s Redemption

    Highland Dragons: Book Five


    Charlie Richards


    Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to slit throats. –H.L. Mencken

    Chapter One

    This is a great privilege bein’ bestowed on yer bonnie sister, Chieftain Goth stated as he glowered at Ross McCord. Yer family should be honored.

    Ross kept his head bowed, peering at his chieftain through his lashes. I know that’d normally be the case, he responded. I doona mean to disrespect our clan with me request. Ross cleared his throat, struggling to explain why he’d asked his chieftain if there was any task he could complete to spare his sister from being sent to a stranger to be wed.

    Me sister, Skena, Ross began hesitantly. She be a good woman, but, uh, she has some funny ideas about, well, love and such.

    Sheep balls. How can I explain that me sister is hopelessly in love with someone already and that she would mope and cry if forced to wed another? Any way I say that, she sounds like a bloody simpleton.

    Deciding not to even try, Ross instead admitted, Me momma’s dyin’ wish was for me to look after me sister. I canna do that if she’s in another clan. He frowned at the ground. I wish only to be a man of me word, Chieftain. Is there nary a way to earn a boon? Some task I can complete for ye that’d mean more to ye than taking me sister to fulfill these terms?

    Nay, Chieftain Goth snarled. Ye’re sister will fulfill our obligation to the McLean clan. Once that is done, we will— The man stopped mid-sentence and rose from his seat behind the desk. Wait.

    Ross had felt his blood freeze as he’d listened to his chieftain’s words. Now, he snapped up his head and stared fully at Goth. Watching the way his chieftain stroked his beard as he narrowed his eyes at him, Ross felt his heart pound in his chest.

    There is one thing, Chieftain Goth rumbled. Me traitorous son, Ian, was taken in by a clan north of Brock. Me spies say there is no way into the valley. Karstelle Valley, their speaker called it. Goth growled. I want a way to sneak into that valley. Find it and I’ll find another lass to send to wed.

    Nodding instinctively, Ross wondered what the hell he was getting himself into. He wasn’t a tracker. He wasn’t even much of a warrior. He was a damn sheep herder. He kept the largest herd in their clan, which supplied almost half their clan with mutton and wool.

    What the hell did he know about tracking?

    Still, Ross knew he’d do his damnedest to complete this mission. Is there anyone in the clan that can give me an idea of where to start looking after reaching Brock? he asked softly.

    Aye, Goth confirmed. Talk with Roland. He can tell ye where we met up with their people and where our trackers were able to follow them to.

    Thank ye, Chieftain Goth.

    Ye have a moon, Chieftain Goth responded gruffly.

    Recognizing the dismissal for what it was, Ross bowed low. I’ll leave at first light tomorrow, he vowed.

    Ross knew he had to speak with a number of people before calling it a day. He hoped Finlay would be able to swing by and check on Skena and Ross’s father, Achaius. His father could handle feeding the sheep for a few days, but a moon? His leg wouldn’t allow him to manage the chores that long before he’d be flat on his back...his thigh binding up so much he could barely move that leg at all.

    Ross needed to get his arse moving.

    Darkness still covered the land when Ross saddled up his aging horse. The mare huffed as he tied his bedroll in place. He

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