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Harvey Handsome
Harvey Handsome
Harvey Handsome
Ebook88 pages1 hour

Harvey Handsome

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About this ebook

Harvey is a university professor who piques the fascination of rapacious university student Annalise one day when she sees him at a café she often visits. Annalise takes a shining to the reserved, but virile professor, and schemes to get closer to him by any means possible. Will this be a fanciful dip into the fountain of youth for Harvey, a May-December fling for Annalise, or true love?

Release dateApr 3, 2015
Harvey Handsome

Marcia Carrington

Marcia Carrington writes about the human condition, exploring what makes people tick, but in an upbeat and optimistic tone. She writes in a variety of genres, mainly romance but also, comedy, suspense, crime, paranormal, mystery, YA and NA. Her collection of thirty-four books vary in length from full-length works to novellas, novelettes to short stories. Marcia's latest books are short story romance THE FUNERAL, released in September 2019, and venturing again into science fiction/paranormal territory with DREAM STATE, a novelette released in December 2019. Apart from writing and reading, Marcia also has a great love for coffee. The morning coffee has always been a staple for Marcia, and something which she cannot do without. There is just something about the fresh aroma of coffee early in the morning, and anytime for that fact, which proves irresistible to her. Marcia can be contacted on Twitter, and you can also visit her on her Blog at and on Pinterest.

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    Book preview

    Harvey Handsome - Marcia Carrington

    Harvey Handsome

    Marcia Carrington

    Published by Marcia Carrington at Smashwords

    Copyright 2015 Marcia Carrington

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or deceased, is purely coincidental.

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    Chapter One

    Oh, I’ve got so much writing to do, it’s not funny, Annalise said, typing frantically into the laptop, flicking her hair behind her shoulders.

    Yes, that’s what we get for going to university, but… Carey said, with an ironic smile, tilting her head from side to side.

    What? Annalise asked, turning away from the computer screen.

    We wouldn’t have it any other way, Carey said, to Annalise’s amusement.

    Well, we’ve survived this far, we may as well finish the darn thing, Annalise said. It may well get us somewhere in this world, what with all those ‘A’s. Carey nodded, and took a sip of her coffee.

    Annalise and her friend Carey were at their favorite coffee shop, Café au Lait, which was their number one stop in between classes, or anytime. Its proximity to their university was a major factor in this, it being a haven for university students, lecturers, and other people involved in the arts. And it served the meanest coffee in the city, a fact much-discussed around town. The aromas emanating from the café were always very sensuous, and highly addictive. Annalise took a break from writing, and imbibed a sip of her sweet cappuccino. When she looked up after indulging her coffee addiction, Annalise witnessed a sight she found very pleasurable.

    Wow, who’s that? Annalise said, shutting her laptop.

    Who’s what? Carey replied, taking a peek, but seeing no one out of the ordinary.

    That man sitting over there, the one wearing a suit, Annalise gestured with her chin.

    Carey looked at him, and back at Annalise, but was nonplussed.

    What about him? Carey said. I don’t see anything out of the usual about him.

    Annalise raised her eyebrows seductively.

    Well, he’s so cute, Annalise said, with a naughty chuckle.

    Carey’s mouth dropped open.

    Oh stop it, Carey said, flapping her hand at Annalise. He must be a businessman or something; seems very pensive. Look at the way he’s reading the newspaper, with such attentiveness.

    "And, apart from that, he’s drop-dead gorgeous," Annalise said, with a mischievous smile.

    Carey chuckled, and shook her head.

    You’re crazy…he must be twice your age, married… Carey said.

    Annalise took a long peek at him, and examined his hands.

    I don’t see a ring in sight…hmn…he’s ripe for the taking.

    Carey sighed, rolling her eyes.

    Sounds like you forget something Anny, Carey said.

    What? Annalise asked.

    Carey moved closer to Annalise, and whispered in her ear.

    "Maybe he is married, but isn’t wearing his ring, Carey said. Lots of men do it."

    Annalise took a moment to size him up, and curled her lips.

    I don’t think he’s married, but if he was, that wouldn’t stop me, Annalise said.

    Anny! Carey said, her mouth open in horror.

    I’m only kidding - just, Annalise said, closing her eyes, and puckering her lips.

    Carey shook her head again, and laughed.

    Anny, you just love these older men, don’t you? Whatever happened to guys our own age? Carey said.

    Yeah yeah they’re okay, but like the saying goes, some men become handsomer the older they get, and I’m definitely looking at one of these men, Annalise said, with a grand sigh. This is one man I could look at forever - those blue eyes, how he exquisitely fills his suit, the way he speaks to the waitress…

    You’re daydreaming. Anyway, we’ve got to go to class. Come on, let’s go, Carey said.

    Annalise lightly banged her hands on the table in protest.

    You just love to spoil my happiness. Okay, let’s go, Annalise said and with this, they both packed their belongings, and proceeded to get up from the table. Carey took the reluctant Annalise by the arm, and off they went. Annalise temporarily freed herself from Carey’s grasp, and brushed by the man’s table, throwing him a sensual glance, to which he responded with befuddlement. Carey took Annalise again by the arm, and they began to walk out of the café.

    Are you crazy? You don’t know who this man is. He could be a criminal, a goon, a… Carey said, her dark blue eyes ardent.

    Annalise placed her hands on her hips, and laughed.

    Oh Carey, you have such an overactive imagination. That man is nothing but a red-hot model for a department store catalogue, Annalise said.

    And that’s the way it’s going to stay. We can talk about this later, when your temperature dial is turned down, Carey said.

    Party pooper, Annalise said, making a face at Carey, and then turning back to glance again at the man, who was still seated in the café drinking his coffee.

    Annalise and Carey exited the café, but Annalise looked back at this man, to Carey’s displeasure, a twinge of intense passion seizing her.

    Chapter Two

    Several days later, Annalise and Carey had just finished classes for the day, and were making their way to the café. It was a fresh autumn day, and their short walk from the university to the café was, as usual, a beautiful one. They passed by tree-lined streets that provided needed shade on this sunny day, and stopped for a moment under one of these lush green-leaved trees.

    So, how was class today? Carey asked.

    Well, we talked about French Cinema and The New Wave, Annalise said.

    Great era, Carey said. Lots of great films to see.

    "I could

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