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Ruined by the Earl
Ruined by the Earl
Ruined by the Earl
Ebook251 pages4 hours

Ruined by the Earl

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After losing all of his money in a reckless bet, Logan Breckman, the Earl of Toplyn, needs to marry a lady from a wealthy family–and fast. So he does the only thing he can think of and picks one at random to trick into marriage.

Unfortunately for Miss Melissa Jasper, she happens to be in the right place at the wrong time. Before she knows it, he comes up to her carriage and kisses her...and she is doomed. Now she can’t marry the gentleman she was hoping to and she’s bound to a cad who thinks of little else but himself.

Logan is the first to admit he’s far from perfect, but being with a gentleman who knows how to ignite a passionate spark is a lot better than being stuck with one who’ll put a lady to sleep. Of course, she won’t thank him for forcing her hand in marriage yet. But he has no doubt that sooner or later, she’ll come to understand he’s the best thing that’s ever happened to her.

Release dateApr 4, 2015
Ruined by the Earl

Ruth Ann Nordin

Ruth Ann Nordin has written seventy romances, ranging from Regencies to historical westerns to contemporaries. She plays with other genres from time to time, but her first love is romance. She has been happily married for eighteen years to a sweet and funny guy, and they have four sons, who are all taller than Ruth now that they're 12, 13, 14, and 16. The good thing is she doesn't need a ladder, and there's always someone to take care of a mouse that squeezes its way into her Montana home. She considers herself very lucky to have led such a charmed life. Being able to play with characters and create stories is just icing on the cake. Hopefully, she'll get to keep doing this many years to come.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Another exceptional love story from England in the early days
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Worst book in the series.! The guy is self centered , obnoxious, irresponsible inconsiderate , irritating, arrogant , selfish and manipulative and much more! I m running out of negative words to describe him. Couldn’t finish the book. He got on my nerves!!! Read at your own risk....

    1 person found this helpful

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Ruined by the Earl - Ruth Ann Nordin

Marriage by Deceit: Book 3


By The


Ruth Ann Nordin

Ruined by the Earl

Published by Ruth Ann Nordin

Copyright © 2015 by Ruth Ann Nordin

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Cover Photo images Period Images. All rights reserved – used with permission.

Cover Photo images Dreamstime. All rights reserved – used with permission.

Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

More in the Marriage by Deceit Series

All Books by Ruth Ann Nordin

Where to find Ruth Ann Nordin

Dedication: To Deborah Armanious who has an awesome sense of humor and has reminded me of why I write what I do. Many thanks and happy reading!

Chapter One

June 1816

Logan Breckman, the Lord of Toplyn, could point out the very moment his world came to an end. It was when the Duke of Ashbourne kissed Lady Seyton right in front of everyone at the ball. In one move, he had secured a marriage.

The gentlemen at White’s would never dissolve the wager. They would make it stand. He had been so sure the duke wouldn’t be able to get a wife before the end of the month. He’d put everything he had into the wager, and in one moment, all of his money was gone.

He paced back and forth in front of Lord Roderick’s place where people were still enjoying the ball. If he wasn’t in such a terrible state, he’d go back in and enjoy the brandy. Lord Roderick had good brandy, too. Not as good as Lord Edon’s, but it was much better than the brandy he could afford.

His gut tightened. What was he supposed to do? The duke had set forth a series of unfortunate events, and Logan couldn’t undo any of them. Was there a dark cloud of doom hanging over his head? Even though it was ridiculous to think there really was such a cloud, he glanced up anyway. Just to be sure.

Shoulders slumped, he stopped his pacing and plopped down on one of the steps leading to the ball. This was the worst night of his life. Tomorrow when he went to White’s, he’d have to pay his part of the bet to the only gentleman who’d actually wagered on the duke. How Mr. Robinson knew to bet on the duke, Logan would never know.

With a groan, he put his face in his hands. If only he could go back in time… But he couldn’t. And that meant he was stuck with the very real possibility he was going to lose everything unless he did something drastic.

What a lovely evening, a lady said, sighing in contentment.

He glanced over his shoulder and saw Miss Jasper and her brother. The two were heading down the steps. Logan’s gaze went to their carriage, which was waiting for them.

Miss Jasper’s family came from money. They had more than enough wealth to allow him a very nice living for the rest of his life. He’d never have to make another wager again.

But did he dare create a scandal, especially right after the duke did? Up to now, Logan had managed to lead a relatively quiet life, safe from all the gossip raging through the Ton. If he kissed Miss Jasper, as the duke had kissed Lady Seyton, he was going to probably be on the front page of the Tittletattle right along with the duke.

But what did he care if he was the subject of gossip or not? What good was honor and respectability when one was a pauper? He’d be better off with the money.

Decision made, he hurried after Miss Jasper and her brother as they reached the carriage. Miss Jasper! he called out before she had time to get in.

She turned to him, her eyebrows furrowed. Good. He had her attention. But he had to act before the moment was lost.

Once he closed the distance between them, he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her. Then, with the deed done, he smiled and asked, Did you miss me while I was gone, sweetheart?

She gasped, her face growing pale.

Her brother, on the other hand, wasn’t too shocked to retaliate. He shoved Logan right up against the side of the carriage, his arm pressed over his throat. What do you think you’re doing? her brother demanded, his face red.

Logan struggled to get away from the gentleman, but he proved to be a lot stronger than he looked. After he gave up, he managed to squeak out, Greeting the love of my life, with the little bit of air he was able to breathe.

He’s lying! Miss Jasper replied, at last finding her voice. I’ve had nothing to do with him.

Come now, Logan forced out. How can you say that after the time we spent in the garden?

She gasped again, this time her hand going to her mouth. This was the last thing he saw, however, because in the very next instant, her brother knocked him unconscious.


By the time Logan gained consciousness, he was aware of two things. One, he was lying on a hard surface, but he was inside. The reason he knew this was because of the lack of a cool breeze. But more pressing than that was the second thing he was aware of. A couple people were talking around him.

No, I swear to you, I haven’t been with him in a garden or anywhere else, Miss Jasper said, the unmistakable sound of tears in her voice.

Logan grimaced. How he hated it when a lady resorted to crying. It was impossible to know how to console such helpless creatures.

But he obviously thinks you were, an older gentleman—her father, perhaps?—replied.

He’s lying, her brother spoke up. I’ve chaperoned Melissa everywhere she went, and she never once ran off to engage in a dalliance with anyone.

And if I were to do such a thing, I’d never do it with Lord Toplyn, she added.

Well, Logan had never been so insulted in his entire life. He might not be as charming or as gorgeous as Lord Waxman, the gentleman who was rumored to be the one she intended to marry, but he was attractive enough in his own right. And more importantly, he was a much better conversationalist. She could do worse than him. Much worse.

I think he’s awake, her father said.

Good. I’d like to give him another swift punch in the jaw, her brother said.

Watch your temper, Malcolm, her father warned.

After what he did to Melissa? He ruined her reputation. She’ll never live down this scandal.

Scandals happen in London all the time. They’ll be talking about this for awhile, but then they’ll get bored and talk of something else.

But I didn’t do anything with him, Miss Jasper—Melissa—cried.

When something wet hit Logan’s face, his eyes flew open, and he saw the three of them kneeling around him. He tried to scramble away from them, more to get away from the sobbing lady, than to avoid another punch. But her brother grabbed him by the neck, successfully keeping him in place.

Good. The scoundrel’s awake, her brother—Malcolm—said, giving him a smile that a hunter would give its prey. Explain yourself.

I will if you let go of me, Logan told him, glancing at Malcolm’s hands.

Malcolm gritted his teeth, but his father said, Do it, so he did.

Taking the moment’s reprieve, Logan got to his feet. He glanced around and saw he was in Miss Jasper’s townhouse. So, they dragged him all the way from the ball to speak with him in private. The least they could have done was make him comfortable. I must say, he began as he smoothed his clothes, I’m appalled you would put me on the floor instead of the settee. I am going to be family, after all.

You should count your blessings we didn’t leave you in an alley with the other vermin, her brother growled.

Logan feigned surprise, not because he was truly surprised but because he didn’t know how else to deal with such animosity. I am going to be the father of your nephew or niece. You wouldn’t really call me such names in front of them, would you?

Melissa’s eyes grew wide before she broke down into a fresh wave of tears. Good heavens. Just how much could a lady cry in a single night? He hoped she didn’t do this on their wedding day. It would be incredibly embarrassing.

Malcolm pointed his finger at him. You’re not laying a hand on her.

Not when she’s crying like that, I won’t, Logan granted. But there’s only one way she’ll be giving me an heir, and certainly, she can’t cry forever. At least he didn’t think she could.

Duel! I demand a duel!

You’ll demand no such thing, his father replied. There’s been enough trouble tonight without adding to it. The fact of the matter is, you, he looked at Logan, will have to marry my daughter.

I have every intention of marrying her, Logan replied.

I was supposed to marry Lord Waxman, Melissa sobbed, turning to her father. He was going to talk to you tomorrow.

Her father wrapped her in his arms and patted her back. There, there. It’s not as bad as it seems. Everything happens for a reason.

Exactly. Logan was glad her father had the sense to be logical about this whole thing. I’m just as good as Lord Waxman. Even better, if I say so myself.

What did she need with tall, dark and handsome anyway? As for his charming personality, Logan didn’t believe for a minute that Waxman was as wonderful as he seemed. No one could be that perfect all the time. It was unnatural.

Malcolm glowered at him. If you think you are as noble as Lord Waxman, you are sorely mistaken.

I didn’t say I was noble, Logan replied. But I am a lot more exciting.

I doubt it.

It’s true. Why, out of all the evenings Melissa spent at the balls, I’m sure this is the one night she’ll never forget.

That’s not a good thing, she told him, a hint of her irritation finding its way into her voice.

I didn’t say it was good. I just said it was memorable. He glanced at Malcolm. And exciting.

Her brother started toward him, but his father stopped him. Whether we like it or not, there’s nothing we can do about it. Lord Toplyn will be marrying your sister. The Ton demands it.

The Ton demands it? The Ton demands it? Malcolm’s voice rose with every word he spoke, but Logan pretended not to notice. I don’t care what the Ton demands. She should still marry Lord Waxman.

Lord Waxman won’t marry her after this, his father replied. As you pointed out to him, he gestured to Logan, he’s an honorable gentleman. He prides himself on a clean reputation. Having a wife who was caught in a scandal, even one not of her own doing, won’t do. I’m afraid we have no choice unless we want her to end up with a reprobate.

Malcolm frowned. I fail to see the difference between Toplyn and a reprobate.

There’s all the difference in the world, Logan spoke up. Once you get to know me, you’ll find I’m quite lovable.

As lovable as a snake, Malcolm muttered then turned to comfort his sister.

His father walked up to Logan and lowered his voice. I assume you created the scandal so you could marry into money. Before Logan could lie and say he did it for no such reason, the gentleman continued, But your motives aren’t important. What’s important is that you treat my daughter with the same care and love that Lord Waxman would have if he’d married her. She’s delicate and should be honored as such. You do that, and we won’t have any problems between us. Understand?

Since Logan was expected to nod, he did. Good heavens. Never in his life did he witness such a grand display of worship for someone. This entire family seemed to think Lord Waxman could do no wrong. But no one was perfect. Sure, some had more faults than others, but he couldn’t believe Lord Waxman was a saint.

Good, her father replied. Despite the circumstances, we will still give my daughter the wedding she deserves. There won’t be any shortcuts. No special license and no trip to Gretna Green. Banns will be read, and there will be a wedding breakfast.

All of that is well and good, Logan said before her father could turn around, and I will abide by everything you want. However, there is one small favor I need of you right away.

Her father’s eyebrows furrowed together so close, they touched each other. Oh?

Yes. You see, I made this silly wager at my gentleman’s club, and the payment will be due in three days.

And you would like the money now?

It would help. A lot.

How do I know you won’t take the money and run off?

Because you have my word, Logan replied. When Malcolm huffed, he added, I might be many things, but I’m not a liar. If I say I’m going to do something, I do it.

Her father let out a long sigh then glanced back at his children. I suppose the marriage is as good as done. There were enough witnesses who saw you kissing my daughter.

Be sensible, Father, Malcolm said, stomping over to Logan. Look at him. He’s ruthless to the core. Once he gets the money, he’ll run out of the country.

Unfortunately, I must tend to my estate soon, Logan replied. Running off is a luxury I don’t have.

A luxury you don’t have or a luxury you can’t afford unless you have the right amount of money?

Do you make it a point to go around irritating people with stupid questions? Logan asked him. As your father so eloquently put it, there are witnesses who saw me kiss your sister.

Malcolm expression darkened.

If it makes you feel better, be my constant companion until the wedding, Logan offered. Then you can make sure I stick to my word.

There’ll be no need for that, her father said. Your word will stand, Lord Toplyn.

Relieved her father was willing to give him a chance when it was obvious the daughter and brother weren’t, Logan smiled his appreciation. Thank you. I promise I won’t disappoint you.

Just be good to my daughter.

Of course. I’ll treat her as if she were my own sister.

Why doesn’t that make me feel any better? Malcolm muttered.

Logan shrugged. I suppose you have trouble trusting people. With a bow, he said, I’ll bid you all a good night and will see you soon.

Ignoring Malcolm’s grumble and Melissa’s renewed sobs, Logan headed out of the townhouse. Well, that went better than he expected. Granted, the brother was going to be difficult and the sister was likely to wear on his nerves with her incessant crying, but the father was a sensible chap.

He had yet to meet the mother and wondered where she was but decided he’d get a chance to meet her soon enough. For tonight, he had the relief of knowing he could pay Mr. Robinson. And more than that, his entire future would be secure. There was no way he was going to ever gamble again. He was done with it. It was much too easy to lose money. No. From this point forward, he would be a good steward. Whistling, he headed down the sidewalk. Finally, things were going his way.

Chapter Two

Nothing’s going my way, Melissa cried into her handkerchief the next morning.

Her mother, who’d been nursing a headache the evening before, sat next to her in the drawing room. I wish I’d been awake, so I could have comforted you.

Melissa reached out and squeezed her hand. It’s not your fault.

Even so, it’s a mother’s duty to tend to her children. Next time, I won’t take any laudanum to help me sleep.

I don’t suppose I could take some laudanum at my wedding.

Her mother smiled. Ladies have taken some sherry to relax, but I can’t recall any taking laudanum.

I fear Lord Toplyn will be a dreadful husband, she told her mother. He does whatever he wants with no thought to anyone but himself. I heard he made a terrible wager that a poor, shy gentleman wouldn’t be able to secure a wife. What kind of person does something like that?

Her mother wrapped her in her arms. Oh my dear, I wish I had gone to the ball with you.

It wouldn’t have done any good. He came out of nowhere. I was about to step into the carriage when he appeared and kissed me. By the time I realized what was happening, it was too late to slap him or push him away.

It would have made little difference if you had done either of those things. The damage was done as soon as he kissed you.

I know. And curse Lord Toplyn, for he knew it, too. I don’t suppose he can be met with some unfortunate accident.

Her mother pulled away from her and gave her a pointed look. Melissa, I forbid you to think such things, even if it is tempting.

Oh, I wouldn’t hurt him myself. But, is it really wrong to pray for someone’s early demise?

Yes, I’m afraid so. The best thing we can do at this point is make sure he understands you’re a lady and that he needs to treat you as such.

I don’t know if he has the ability to do that. You should have seen him last night when he was talking to Father and Malcolm. He was smirking the whole time as if we humored him.

He wasn’t.

He was. His eyes were cold, and his tone was condescending. His only concern was when he could get his hands on Father’s money.

Surely, you exaggerate.

I swear, I’m not, Melissa replied. He was ready to sprout a pair of horns.

"This is worse than I thought. Your father didn’t give me such

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