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Kidnapped A Phylisha J. Philips Story: Kidnapped, #1
Kidnapped A Phylisha J. Philips Story: Kidnapped, #1
Kidnapped A Phylisha J. Philips Story: Kidnapped, #1
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Kidnapped A Phylisha J. Philips Story: Kidnapped, #1

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About this ebook

Warning this book contains, physical abuse, crime, violence, and death.

A woman who crosses Hell several times and comes back stronger every time knows her value.

They said she was silent, too obedient, and weak, but how much pressure can a person take before they snap? How much a person can change due to a violent situation, what would you do if your ex-husband tried to kill you?

"What would you do if you've been kidnapped, shot at, beaten, and hit by a car?"

"Would you take what's coming to you or would you fight for your life?"

Phylisha is a quiet and docile person, she is trying to get her life back together after being abused repeatedly by her ex-husband, Ryheem. He took it hard with the divorce and Phylisha's newfound independence. He kidnaps her, hoping that she will take him back, but she refuses.

At last, seeing the error in her life and started to correct it, by changing herself to be more confident and courageous, and stop taking shit from others. Ryheem didn't like that so he gave her a choice, it was either his or her death.

Ryheem is a hardcore thug and a psychopath who doesn't take no for an answer. He stole from his crime boss Damian"Tallman" James, a dangerous crime boss who doesn't fear anything he's cruel, greedy with a nasty deposition, a man who kills very easily without pity or remorse. Ryheem brings violence and death to his doorstep by betraying his boss, which is why he'll pay the ultimate price. Let's see what happens on this epic journey.

Release dateMar 29, 2015
Kidnapped A Phylisha J. Philips Story: Kidnapped, #1

Angellene M. Brown

Angellene Brown is an avid reader, graphic designer, artist, and story writer. Her love for books and movies along with her unique personality allowed her to bring life to life-like characters and allow readers to engage in fun-filled, action-packed adventures that thrill and have their readers on the edge as each paragraph gets more excited.

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    Kidnapped A Phylisha J. Philips Story - Angellene M. Brown

    Kidnapped A Phylisha J. Philips Story

    Kidnapped, Volume 1

    Angellene M. Brown

    Published by Angellene M. Brown, 2015.

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    First edition. March 29, 2015.

    Copyright © 2015 Angellene M. Brown.

    ISBN: 978-1310648892

    Written by Angellene M. Brown.


    A Phylisha. Phillips Story


    By Angellene M. Brown


    Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved

    License Notes

    This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Author’s Note

    This book is purely fictional. Names, Characters, Places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to events, People, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. This book was written in a Jamaican setting, do not worry if you come across a word or two that you’re not familiar with but you’ll get the gist of it. I’ve written this book as close to English as I can, so please have an open mind. Thank you for your support.

    This ebook is dedicated to everyone out there living with Domestic Violence.

    There’s always a way out.

    Table of Contents


    The Kidnappers

    A Dangerous Surprise

    The Escape


    Unwelcome Guest

    A Nightmare

    A Change of Heart

    A Deadly Decision

    A Warning

    Get Away



    A Madman

    The Plan

    Getting Caught Again

    The Informant

    At The Hospital

    The Accident

    A Shoot-Out

    The Missing Wealth

    A Crazy Man’s Fantasy

    The Bad Man and the Traitor



    About the Author


    Life, Life is hard and even harder when you have to start all over again, without help or support, without family or even friends. Yes, friends, it isn’t easy having friends when your husband at the time was a psychopath and all around bad guy. He killed his parents and his two older brothers because he just didn’t like them, but of course I didn’t know that at the time. The divorce was violent, living with him was a nightmare. My brain said go, but my heart said stay. Not an easy choice when you’re in love. You just do stupid things sometimes, even at the expense of your health. I've been scarred emotionally and physically, it was terrible. Especially when there was no one to turn to. I'm Phylisha, the only child of my parents. I wish for a good man in what we girls called a knight in shining armor, with all the goodness and the charm. Who would give me the perfect family, I should have known that there’s no such thing is perfect or a Knight, I’ve learned that the hard way. Growing up was happy and sheltered until my mother died, but to believe in such things was all I had at the time. At first he was so romantic, bringing me flowers and chocolate, giving massages when I needed it. Treating me with expensive presents, restaurant, and vacation to the Caribbean Islands. It's like living in a dream. However, with all dreams, it ends, leaving you wanting. The good ones anyway. Although in my case, reality kicks my ass literally, prompting me to wake up. I was working as a waitress at a Jerk Food Place, by the name of: The Jerk of Beres. I know, it's an awful name for a restaurant, but then again, I'm not the one who owns it. However, it doesn’t appear to influence business at all. It was the place where I met my ex-husband for the first time, and where I regretted the meeting for the rest of my life. It has been two years since the divorce, I had to stay in the hospital for three months because of him, I finally see that he doesn’t worth my love, and my life. Shutting my heart and follow my brain was the best thing I ever did for myself in a long time. I’m here now on my way to work, walking on Bustamante Avenue in Clarendon. I’ve been working at Theresa's Supermarket as a Cashier for a year. The pay sucks, but it's better than nothing and it pays my bills as long as I don’t live above my needs, work was only a few blocks away from where I live. Being thirty and had to start over my life was stressing and a real mess, but my freedom was worth it. Enough was enough and now that I’m free, I can't be any happier. I was clad in a white blouse and a black skirt that reached a little below the knees. It fits the curve of my body nicely, along with matching black boots. I love wearing boots, it’s comfortable and you can do anything in it. I held a black handbag in my hands, swaying my hips to a rhythm that cannot be heard by anyone else. Greeting passers-by while humming to the music in my head, I got strange looks, but I didn’t care. I’m happy, it’s the anniversary of my freedom. My long black hair flows in the middle of my back, it moved from left to right with my swaying body. Suddenly a dark green SUV stops beside me with a loud screeching sound, startling me out of my enjoyable mood. Burned rubber invades my nose, my brown eyes went wide as two men jumped out of the SUV dressed in dark jeans, and T-shirts. They were running towards me with a serious disposition, the sunglasses that they’re wearing glints in the sunlight, while I pick up a bad vibe from them. Stunned at the sight before me, confusion clouded my mind, not realizing what's going on. My body froze in place not knowing what to do when the men lifted me with ease. One of the men held my legs while the other held my upper body. I began to struggle once I realize that I was in danger. I screamed and attacked the man above me with my handbag. Breaking the sunglasses that he was wearing while losing my purse in the process. He groaned in pain, as he held me tighter and shifted so that he could cover my mouth with his hand. Screams release even louder from the top of my lungs, once realized no help was offered. Anger took over me so strong, that I bit hard on the man’s hand, drawing blood. He cursed and punched me in the face, while I struggled to be free even more through the pain. The men threw me in the back seat of the van, and they too got in and drove off as quickly as they came, nobody responded or help me during the kidnapping.

    Within the dark van, dread rose within my body towards my throat, I attempted to swallow it. Oh please, let me get out of this alive. Looking to my right then left, the two men became familiar. Realization dawns on me, I knew these men. The two men beside me was my ex-husband friends. I mean are, I...I...I don’t even know anymore. Why, why are they doing this? They worked for the Don in Spanish Town sometimes, but what do they want from me? I’m not famous, and I sure as hell doesn’t have anything of worth. Jesus, am I going to be a victim of human trafficking, that I’ve heard about on the news? Are these men going to rape me, and kill me? Do they even remember me? I only saw them twice, years ago. No, no, no.....This can’t be happening. I have to get out of here now! My heart started to beat fast, trying to beat its way out of my chest. My nerves were shot, my fear skyrocketed, and sweat began to coat my skin. Kicking and screaming at the two men follows. Not wanting any of those scenario transpire, as my imagination

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