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Passion Undiminished (Undiminished Book 1) An Erotic Femdom Romance
Passion Undiminished (Undiminished Book 1) An Erotic Femdom Romance
Passion Undiminished (Undiminished Book 1) An Erotic Femdom Romance
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Passion Undiminished (Undiminished Book 1) An Erotic Femdom Romance

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Lisa is the most beautiful and intriguing woman Tom has ever seen. He knows he has to overcome his shyness and ask her out. As Tom and Lisa get to know one another, and begin to develop strong feelings for each other, he realizes he must tell her about his different desires. Lisa is uncertain as she learns that Tom wishes to submit to her, but together they begin to explore Tom’s submission, and her dominance.

This is the powerfully romantic, strongly passionate, and titillatingly kinky story of Lisa and Tom’s journey of discovery as they enter into a loving power exchange relationship.

PublisherShaun Putaine
Release dateApr 5, 2015
Passion Undiminished (Undiminished Book 1) An Erotic Femdom Romance

Shaun Putaine

Shaun Putaine is a gender fluid author with a kinky bent. Shaun enjoys taking the reader outside the boundaries that most consider ‘normal’. From bending gender to exploring alternative lifestyles and sexuality Shaun draws from real life experiences when writing erotica. Shaun loves to have, and share, new and interesting experiences both in real life and through writing.

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    Passion Undiminished (Undiminished Book 1) An Erotic Femdom Romance - Shaun Putaine




    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    All rights reserved.

    Copyright © 2013 by Shaun Putaine.

    Smashwords Edition

    This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or artwork herein is prohibited without the express written permission of the author.

    To my cherished Mistress, C.

    Table Of Contents

    Chapter 1- Lisa

    Chapter 2- First Kiss

    Chapter 3- Second Date

    Chapter 4- The Talk

    Chapter 5- Submission

    Chapter 6- The Proposal

    Chapter 7- Second Thoughts

    Chapter 8- Surrendering

    Want More?


    I noticed that she was not yet at her usual corner table on the narrow patio as I started down the steps to the subterranean front entrance of the Boiler Room coffee house. I'd been coming to the Boiler Room almost daily since discovering it about half way through my freshman year at the University. Just a couple of blocks from the ocean; it was a laid back, friendly shop that served amazing coffee and pastries.

    As I opened the front door I was immersed in wonderful aromas. Cakes, croissants, eclairs, tartes, and myriad other delectable treats were all on display behind glass on a long curving counter to my left. My stomach growled, reminding me that I had eaten a very light dinner last night, and nothing since. I turned to look up at the menu, which I practically knew by heart.

    Though I'd been a regular at the Boiler Room for several years, I had recently begun a new job and was now coming in earlier than I had in the past. My first early morning, a week before, was also the first time I had seen her.

    She was there already this morning, at the coffee counter, just paying for her coffee and a cranberry scone. She was wearing a green tank top, khaki shorts, and green flip flops. Her dark brown hair hung in a ponytail, below her shoulders, shining and vibrant. Suddenly I felt a different kind of hunger; my eyes feasted on her beauty. Her long delicate neck flowed in sculpted lines to the loveliest shoulders. Her slender body tapered to an even more slender waist, then her hips widened, and melded to the most exquisite legs imaginable. As she turned away from the counter our eyes met. Hers were a beautiful hazel, with little specks of topaz. She smiled at me as she began to step past. I took a quick step back and opened the door for her.

    Oh thank you kind sir, she said. Her lovely smile lit up her face, and my heart, as she stepped through the door.

    I ordered my usual Cafe Au Lait, adding a ham and cheese croissant this morning since I was so hungry. As I started up the steps I was giving myself an internal pep talk.

    Today is the day. You can do this, just talk to her. The worst that can happen is that she'll shoot you down in flames. C'mon, you can do it. Grow a pair, be a man, talk to the lady! I silently harangued myself to action.

    Then I was at the top step and she was there, sitting at her usual table. She took a sip of her coffee, and turned a page in her paperback.

    Swallowing nervously, I walked over to her, Hi, umm, sorry if you'd rather not be interrupted, I was just wondering if you maybe wouldn't mind sharing your table with me?

    That beautiful smile again, Oh sure, I wouldn't mind at all. Please join me, my name's Lisa.

    Setting my coffee and sandwich down, I shook her hand. Hi Lisa, I'm Tom.

    I sat across the small round table from her.

    Beautiful morning, isn't it? I asked.

    It was a lovely Southern California morning, the sun was just beginning to burn through the fog, casting a warm golden light along the street and out toward the ocean. A pair of seagulls were floating with outstretched wings on an updraft from the warming pavement, looking for any tidbits that might have been left they could make a meal from.

    It is, I love the mornings here, she said.

    Oh are you not from around here? I asked.

    She laughed, I'm a native actually, I just love the mornings here.

    I laughed with her.

    I'm sorry, I said, I'm not very good at small talk. To be honest I've been trying to get the nerve up to talk with you for the past week. I'm actually kind of shy, but you're so pretty I just had to take a chance and talk to you.

    I'm glad you did Tom, She said, smiling.

    So are you attending university here? I asked.

    Yes, She answered, looking at me through those gorgeous eyes. I'm in my fourth year, majoring in Microbiology. I should receive my B.S. in May.

    Wow, that's great! I'm a graduate myself. I received a B.A. in Biological Anthropology last year. I just started working as a researcher for the Corto Institute.

    Awesome, congratulations! She said, reaching across the table and touching my arm.

    I felt a charge of energy course up my arm as she touched me, I wondered if she felt it as well. Looking into her sparkling eyes I thought perhaps she did. She was so beautiful and exciting.

    As she drew her hand back she bumped her coffee cup, spilling just a bit. Oh no, and I forgot to grab a napkin! she said.

    Here, let me get that, I said,

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