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Christ and Schizophrenia : A Book Divinely Inspired to Help All Walks of Life
Christ and Schizophrenia : A Book Divinely Inspired to Help All Walks of Life
Christ and Schizophrenia : A Book Divinely Inspired to Help All Walks of Life
Ebook175 pages3 hours

Christ and Schizophrenia : A Book Divinely Inspired to Help All Walks of Life

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Release dateJan 4, 2015
Christ and Schizophrenia : A Book Divinely Inspired to Help All Walks of Life

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    Christ and Schizophrenia - Lucien R.J. Pilon

    Christ and schizophrenia

    A book divinely inspired to help all walks of life

    Copyright © 2012 by Lucien Robert John Pilon

    All rights reserved. Neither this publication nor any part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.

    Scripture quotations (NIV) are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. NIV®. Copyright© 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. • Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

    EPUB Version ISBN: 978-1-77069-723-2

    Word Alive Press

    131 Cordite Road, Winnipeg, MB R3W 1S1

    Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

    Pilon, Lucien R. J. (Lucien Robert John), 1975-

    Christ & schizophrenia : a book divinely inspired

    to help all walks of life / Lucien R.J. Pilon.

    Includes bibliographical references.

    ISBN 978-1-77069-588-7

    1. Pilon, Lucien R. J. (Lucien Robert John), 1975-.

    2. Christian biography--Canada. 3. Christian life.

    I. Title. II. Title: Christ and schizophrenia.

    BR1725.P55A3 2012 277.1’083092 C2012-903102-X


    author’s note


    i saw the light

    the battle of 2010

    growing into one

    more than meets the eye

    the righteous and just will live by faith

    author’s note

    I dedicate this book to all that is life and to God’s Glory.

    This is for your journey to the everlasting!

    I fought demons of lies and deception for you to read this: a book divinely inspired to help all walks of life.

    That is, if they will listen.

    Do yourself a favour and humble yourself and listen.

    Know that our riches are in heaven;

    for those that will hear and obey God’s call.

    I deserve this victory; for far too long have they played with my pain and my king’s world. I win! And so can you!

    This victory is also for you!

    For those in prison, you must fulfill your sentence, for you have broken the law of the land.

    But take heart, god is there beside you even in prison, and if you ask him into your heart and turn from the darkness, God will forgive you through Jesus.

    And you will become a new creature in Christ.

    You could better the standard of living no matter where you are with the grace of god in your actions!

    I reach out to all those who read my words.

    We must continue to learn how to love our fellow man from all walks of life.

    Through the bible and this book, god has revealed a part of himself to us.

    This book is both Christianity and schizophrenia 101;

    Enjoy your class.

    You will pass with flying colours if you write these words on the tablet of your heart and receive a foundation that cannot be shaken by worldly things.

    I revealed myself as well in this book, but only for us to have a better understanding of things.

    I am a spirit, therefore spiritual; I am not religious.

    Jesus came to knock down all the walls of religion to make it a platform so we could grow to be free spirits, now and in the everlasting.

    Do not build those walls up again.

    To your journey: there will be cheers of victory for you and yours!

    I have written this so that believers will be edified, and for believers yet to come.

    Lucien Pilon

    (also known as a Brother)


    Please don’t be upset at me, for I have a hard time telling people what to believe in this world, but I have been divinely shown how to lead people to everlasting life. I hold the keys to heaven much like Saint Peter, but I feel I’m not worthy of such grace. I hope with this book that I may honourably carry such greatness.

    Please understand that I’m putting myself out there for you, and that this disorder can play grave tricks on me when I’m faced with confrontations.

    Go easy on me if this book becomes famous, for you must learn that you are divinely loved and to respect that love by honouring God forevermore.

    It is my duty to share and give as best I can.

    Love God with all your heart and all your might, and I hope you will understand my plea for peace.

    I do not wish for more personal demons to destroy.

    For I have fought hard to come back from dark spiritual places.

    And now when I hear my voices, I hear LOVE.

    I heard a voice telling me I have reached the rank of a Paladin: a Holy Knight.

    I don’t feel I deserve such a title, but I like it all the same.

    With this book, I have fought for you to the best of my ability.

    I really just want to be an artist, but it is in me to speak in this fashion—one stroke of my sword to shield you on your journey to the everlasting.

    This book is a part of my journey from 1999 to 2012.

    For I, too, was lost—AND BORN INTO SIN.

    God is with me no matter what, and he desires to have the same relationship with YOU if you do not already have that relationship.

    My soul magnifies the Lord.

    I heard a voice telling me that if I don’t share this, many others won’t see the light and find God’s grace. I must fight the good fight, and you will see that agape love is for you and of divine nature.

    You are worth it, and it is a privilege to serve YOU and my FATHER in heaven.

    I pray that after you have finished my book and built your understanding of the Bible, you will have peace and understanding as only God can give.

    Honour the Law of Moses! For you will honour and glorify God in doing so, and truly protect and love yourself by living in such a way. Now, you should know that one cannot get into heaven by living the Law alone, much like Moses did not enter the land that was promised to his people, and Moses was a Holy Man. We all fall short at times; may we not fall into temptation. To do this, we must correct our thinking. It is by Grace through Jesus that forgiveness of sin is achieved, rectifying us back to God forever. Jesus is the Key to Heaven, and I believe that you will not be able to argue that fact after you have finished reading this book. Doubt about the Holy Trinity can kill a man when it is time to pass from this life and into eternity. Trust God, and know that you are doing so right now by reading this book.

    The only things you have to do are believe in Jesus, confess that he is God’s only begotten Son, that Jesus died on the cross for your sins and was raised from the dead, and ask for Jesus to enter your heart in the form of the Holy Spirit. My story and my revelations will help you to do just that if you have not begun to walk with God already. If you have, I hope this book strengthens you and yours! You are on the right path.

    I do repeat myself within these words between these bindings, and see that divine love desires for you to know and understand without a doubt. If you believe, you will have peace forever more. All need to believe to survive this War of Sin.

    We will have many victories because God desires to be one with our hearts; have Faith!

    It is a miracle that I found the words to write this book for all that is life.

    Or, were the words given to me? I believe it was teamwork, for God is in me and I was taught well. I love my teachers.

    May your days with my book be filled with wonder, understanding and, above all, love.

    Healthy laughter will be great medicine.

    Love one another as God so loved the world that he gave us Jesus.

    We will continue to win!

    You are divinely loved.

    It is up to you not to waste that love; read on to feel and understand.

    My heavies were not fun, but I know that the victory is won and that you were worth it.

    That is LOVE, and it has prepared me for what today and that future has to offer. I lift up the Lord our God, not myself, because all these pages were given to me by the Grace of God and the drive God placed in my heart. I am thankful that I first sought the Kingdom of Heaven! Seek and you will find. All glory and honour belong to God through Jesus Christ. It is your choice to humbly grow into God’s glory and honour or not. To have a personal relationship with God takes patience and loving nurture from both parties. That of God’s care and that of your care. Like a marriage, it takes two to go the distance. God is forgiving and faithful to those who love him, so that leaves it up to the individual to do their part. Guard your heart with loving kindness at all cost. I know this book is not enough to sustain an individual’s soul, but it points to the book and way of life that does.


    Bobby P.

    January, 2012

    In becoming a believer, one must have the drive to believe and take that first step of faith. I feel that I am one of the lucky ones to have survived what I think was a near-death experience. Through many years of searching, I believe I have found my answers. I feel that now is the time for me to share and try to show that Jesus is real. I have chosen to share my story in order for you, the reader, to make up your own mind, for all have a decision to make. What destiny will you choose: God’s Destiny for you or the other guy’s? It scares me that you may not choose wisely. So the question is this: is the story of Jesus and the Holy Bible real, or not?

    The year was 1999. it was midsummer and I was just starting a new job with a painting company. I was assigned to paint some walls at a GO transit station in the Greater Toronto Area. The day started well; setup went as planned and I began to spray the utility rooms that I was in charge of painting that day.

    Halfway through spraying the first room the fumes started to build up. Yes, I was wearing a mask, so I kept going, making my way down the walls from ceiling to floor. All the while, the fumes kept building. There was no ventilation, and I know now I should have taken more breaks.

    When I was done the first room, about two hours after I started, I took my first break. I headed out to my van to recuperate. Before I left, however, I noticed I was high from the fumes. When I made it to my van, I felt so strange. I remember looking around from bus to bus, feeling like all the people were staring at me. A lot of them were. It was the first time I had ever felt paranoia. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t feel safe, so I went back to work, since that was the only place where I could be alone.

    Having finished the first of two utility rooms, I began setting up for the second. I remember this being the larger of the two rooms. About twenty minutes between the two rooms was all the fresh air I had. These rooms where eight to ten feet with fifteen-foot ceilings. I repeat, there was no ventilation. I painted the majority of the second room. I remember standing on the floor when I noticed colours beginning to heighten. The regular fireproof doors became extreme blue and the rustproof paint around the doors became intense red—blood red. The sound of the florescent lighting rose to a scream. My senses were heightened. I was well aware of my surroundings. The sticky plastic that covered the floor stuck to my work boots. The blues and reds and the brilliant yellows I was painting all came in on me at once.

    I was surrounded by pure light and the voices came to me at this time. They said, We love you, Bob. You’re on your own. You’ve got to go and don’t forget.

    i saw the light

    Then I saw many people dressed in blue and red clothing. They were stuck

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