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Pain and Lactation Part 2
Pain and Lactation Part 2
Pain and Lactation Part 2
Ebook61 pages40 minutes

Pain and Lactation Part 2

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About this ebook

After Brenda and Vickie find each other, they find it incredibly easy to start sharing their lives, their milk, and their partners with one another. It all becomes a little too far and too fast for Vickie—but only at first. She gives herself completely over to her new lifestyle, consequences be damned.

This is a 14,000 word novella intended for adult audiences. Part two of four.

Content warning: features erotic lactation, graphic sex, BDSM themes, group sex, lesbian sex, strong language, adult nursing relationships, erotic situations not all members of the public will enjoy, and other depictions of adult sexuality. Explicit language and adult only content.


“You look good,” Brenda said, slightly inclining her head, indicating the other woman’s bustline.

To her embarrassment, Vickie actually blushed. She felt like a schoolgirl unexpectedly encountering her crush outside of the school walls. “Thanks. Good posture and a great bra,” she said in confidence, her voice low.

“Is that it?” Brenda asked with a calculating note in her voice.

“And some hormone pills,” Vickie added. She tried to affect an air of confidence.

“How’s that working out?”

Trying out her new, bold personality, Vickie rolled her shoulders, bringing Brenda’s eyes back to her chest. “Pretty good. They’re definitely getting bigger. I hope I’m not getting fatter as a result.” She frowned.

Brenda slowly shook her head. “Don’t run yourself down like that.”

Gritting her teeth, Vickie nodded. “You’re right.”

Not wanting to waste time getting caught up in body perception issues, Brenda moved on. “I’d love to see them bare.”

Release dateMay 1, 2015
Pain and Lactation Part 2

Elliot Silvestri

Elliot Silvestri lives in upstate New York where he works and writes, not always at the same time. He has a degree in English Literature and his professors would be appalled at the shoddy construction of his characters and plots for his ebook erotica. His free time is spent with his wife and children, repairing a one hundred year old house, and herding the family’s three cats.Find him at:

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    Pain and Lactation Part 2 - Elliot Silvestri

    Pain and Lactation

    Part Two

    By Elliot Silvestri

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright ©2015 Elliot Silvestri and Green Bush Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher.

    The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author. Contains adult material that might not be suitable for all audiences.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older. This work is a fantasy; in your own life be sure to follow safer sex practices.

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    Part Two

    Chapter Seven

    Vickie looked at Bread-N-Redd’s blog. She had added a bunch of new pictures, all of herself, but this time with less makeup. Some were just pictures of her body, her tits really. Each one made Vickie jealous, even the ones with the bruises and bright red lines and splotches where she had had her boyfriend abuse her boobs.

    Without thinking about it she sent a message. God you have beautiful boobs. After she sent it, she thought it sounded like a pathetic compliment from a boy who didn’t know how to approach girls to talk to them. Still, she didn’t delete it.

    A reply came back in a relatively short span. Thanks. It took me a long time to be proud of them. I wish you’d put some more pics of your tits up.

    I’m too embarrassed. And then she added, I had my husband pinch my nipples during sex. It hurt but it made me cum. Vickie looked at the message she had written a long time before she finally sent it. It was a soul-baring confession, but she was also certain that Bread-N-Redd would actually understand.

    It seemed like an eternity before another reply came back. So now you understand why I let my boyfriend do it to me.

    I think so. Vickie thought it was time to get more information from her new online friend. What’s your real name? It was a bold, forthright question, but it bothered Vickie that she didn’t know who this other woman was.

    I’ll tell you when you put some more pictures up on your site.

    Vickie’s pussy quivered when she read the response. But she knew what she was going to do.

    You sure?

    Uh-huh. Vickie didn’t trust herself enough to actually answer yes. It would come out sounding too much like no.

    And so Rob proceeded to take another series of photos of his wife. He liked the change in her. She had always been sexually open, but lately she had been more aggressive than ever. It extended to the bed and to displaying herself. She had started wearing shirts that displayed a touch of cleavage, even when she went to work. It might have been that her boobs were getting bigger, but that was probably just his perception.

    Before taking this latest round of pictures Vickie had gone so far as to carefully apply makeup and style her hair. She had obviously planned out the entire event from her outfit to her poses to the routine she went through of stripping off he clothes. This time she had Rob use her phone; she didn’t want to bother with the annoyance of transferring pictures between phones

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