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A Billionaire Ex - Short Story Collection (Volume 3): A Billionaire Ex, #21
A Billionaire Ex - Short Story Collection (Volume 3): A Billionaire Ex, #21
A Billionaire Ex - Short Story Collection (Volume 3): A Billionaire Ex, #21
Ebook76 pages59 minutes

A Billionaire Ex - Short Story Collection (Volume 3): A Billionaire Ex, #21

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A Billionaire Ex - Book 7

Events take a sinister turn at the company, and Maria's family comes in harm's way. With everyone panicking, and Maria herself afraid of how it could affect everyone, she finds comfort in the most unexpected place. What does she truly feel for Jack now that she's unsure of her plan of retribution?

A Billionaire Ex - Book 8

Having decided to quietly leave the company, Maria decides to work diligently until her last day. Memories of Jack grow fonder now that she's no longer focused on her schemes, but her heart is as confused as ever. Would she be able to let go? Was the story between her and Jack now over once and for all?

A Billionaire Ex - Book 9

Maria is forced to fill in for Edith for a commercial shoot for the company, and it's with Jack of all people. But a tragic turn awakens dormant feelings inside Maria, and she begins to question why she feels so lost. Does it have to do with Jack? Why did her heart race? Why was she questioning herself once more, just like she did when she first fell in love?


  • Volume 3 of 6
  • 15,000 words short story
  • Intended for mature audiences only due to explicit content

The complete series is also available to purchase as a novel.

PublisherAlexia Austen
Release dateApr 9, 2015
A Billionaire Ex - Short Story Collection (Volume 3): A Billionaire Ex, #21

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    A Billionaire Ex - Short Story Collection (Volume 3) - Alexia Austen

    A Billionaire Ex

    Part Seven

    Chapter 1

    What is it? said Katie. I'm working on it, so stop bugging me.

    A couple days had passed since the incident at the bar. Stan had helped take me home, and Katie had been less than pleased to see me in such a state. It was now the day of the promotion of Mom's restaurant, and I'd asked Katie to leave good feedback online. I'd snuck away from my desk for a few moments, to ring her and find out how she was getting on.

    Don't just say the food is good, I said. I have a fond memory of meeting my man at that restaurant. Write something like that.

    I don't recall anything like that, said Katie.

    Please, I said. You used to check out guys there all the time, remember? Anyway, this is your chance to repay me for posting all those comments for your online shop. Got it?

    I went back my desk, only to find everyone in panic. I asked Edith what was happening.

    Someone got hospitalised after eating the rice soup, said Edith. We just received the call minutes ago.

    I took the details of where the man had been hospitalised, and rushed out of the office. It was the worst thing that could happen. If someone had gotten severely ill thanks to eating from our restaurant, not only would the restaurant be in trouble, but the company would receive a lot of negative attention thanks to promoting the store. I'd never heard a complaint like this against our restaurant before. I caught a taxi, and called Mom.

    Do you know what's wrong with customer? asked Mom.

    I don't know exactly, I said. I'm on my way to the hospital now. He said he's got an upset stomach, and skin rashes. What exactly happened?

    I don't know.

    You would never use bad ingredients.

    Your dad unplugged the fridge for a while to use a hairdryer. Do you think that could have been the cause? I told him he should never do that, but you know your dad.

    What? I said.

    I couldn't believe it. Dad always managed to cause a mess somehow, but this was even more foolish than I could've imagined. Arriving at the hospital, I quickly made my way to the room of the customer. It was a man in his forties. He was lying on the bed, and seemed to be in a lot of pain. His face was covered in spots, and his sister was there along with him, trying to console him.

    You have rashes all over your body, said the sister. How could this happen?

    I'm very sorry, I said. We're investigating the issue with the business owner.

    What's there to investigate? said the customer. Do you see this? Look here?

    The man showed me all the rashes on his arms and chest.

    I'm really sorry, I said. But no one else got sick after eating at the restaurant, so we have—

    What did you say? said the sister. I was going to be nice since you came to apologise. Are you suggesting my brother is lying?

    No, that's not what I meant.

    The door to the room opened, and Mom, Dad, and Simon, all walked inside. I asked the customer and his sister to excuse me, as I rushed my family outside. Getting them involved here wouldn't do any good for anyone. They needed to stay away.

    You all coming here doesn't help, I said. I'll take care of it.

    Don't say that, said Dad. I'll talk to them.

    Stop it, I said, grabbing Dad to prevent him from going back inside. Talk to them? Are you going to tell them you unplugged the refrigerator for a hair dryer? Please... I asked you not make my life any harder.

    They never seemed to listen. It was always either Dad or Simon. They'd cause trouble, and instead of knowing when to stop, they'd somehow escalate it, and make it worse. I'd known them to be like that all my life, and nothing had yet to change.

    Other parents can't sleep because they worry for their children, I said. I can't sleep because I worry Dad or Simon might cause trouble. You're of no help to me.

    How dare you talk to your dad that way? said Mom.

    Mom, said Simon.

    How can you say that to your parents? You ungrateful child. He's still your dad no matter what.

    Mom, calm down, said Simon.

    I'll take full responsibility, said Mom. Even if we have to close the restaurant, I'll do it. I know you aren't happy, but how can you be so disrespectful?

    Mom had tears in her eyes, as did I. She walked away from me, and Simon chased after her. Dad patted me on the shoulder, and followed them.

    Don't be harsh on her because of me, said Dad.

    I looked back to see them all come to stop. In front of them stood Jack,

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