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Meeting James Chapter 4
Meeting James Chapter 4
Meeting James Chapter 4
Ebook43 pages38 minutes

Meeting James Chapter 4

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About this ebook

A college girl meets an older man in Las Vegas and begins a journey that will change the course of her life.

PublisherMelanie J.
Release dateApr 1, 2015
Meeting James Chapter 4

Melanie J.

I'm a recently married woman. I've finally finished graduate school and I've had the time to write erotic prose. I hope you enjoy.Mel

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    Book preview

    Meeting James Chapter 4 - Melanie J.

    Meeting James

    Chapter 4


    Melanie J.

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2015 Melanie J.

    It was a very emotional morning and I felt miserable. Watching James walk into McCarran and leave for Los Angeles, I somehow felt like I was being abandoned. I knew I had no right to feel that way, but I couldn’t seem to get my emotions under control. I had never felt like this before. I thought I had experienced some bad break-ups in high school, but none of them felt like this.

    The cabbie took me to the car dealership and I picked up the Land Rover without incident. It was such a beautiful vehicle, it had every possible option: leather seats, power everything, and a sun roof. That should make me feel better right? It didn’t.

    I wanted desperately to skip my finance class, but I couldn’t. The paper I had written over the weekend was due today and I’d lose a lot of points if it was turned in late. We were also reviewing for our midterm and the Prof was notorious for giving away test questions and telling students what they needed to study in order to do well in the exam.

    I felt numb, both emotionally and mentally. I couldn’t think, let alone concentrate like I needed to, and as hard as I tried, I just couldn’t seem to pull myself together.

    As the day progressed, my mood did improve somewhat. My finance class went well and I was able to go to the library and study for a few hours for my mid-term exams, which were later in the week. I had also stopped by the student records office and put James’ name on my financial account, like he had asked, so he would start receiving my tuition bills. I was also able to pull up my credit card statements on my laptop and email a copy of them to James’ office. I smiled to myself when I remembered that James had told me to fax them. What’s a fax? I thought, wishing I was with him, so I could tease him personally about wanting me to use an antiquated fax machine instead of email.

    I just wanted to go home and sleep and wake up the day that James was flying back into town. If only, I thought.

    As I pulled into my apartment complex my jaw dropped. OH SHIT, I thought to myself, as I looked and saw the cars of my two best friends, Sue and Samantha, parked in front of our apartment. I also saw my roommate Rachel’s car so I knew all three of them had to be inside. Sue and Samantha never come over on a Monday afternoon, I smelled an ambush.

    I used the key to open the door and the most heavenly aroma entered my nostrils. Rachel was making her famous stir fry vegetables with chicken breast, and she knew it was my favorite. I smiled to myself, another bad sign, like a convict’s last meal before the electric chair.

    Hey girl, all three of them screeched in unison, as I walked through the door.

    "Hi everyone, I

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