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The Shameful Selfie
The Shameful Selfie
The Shameful Selfie
Ebook42 pages39 minutes

The Shameful Selfie

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When aspiring actress Amber Vale makes her boyfriend a lewd video of herself and sends it to the wrong man, she’s blackmailed into fucking the sleazy talent agent who received the explicit video by mistake. That’s when the starlet discovers a whole new world of shame and debauchery, and finds her true calling. (re-issue of The Starlet's Secret Selfie)

Release dateApr 9, 2015
The Shameful Selfie

Gracie Wilkinson

We are very proud to introduce the newest member of the Liverpool Writer’s Club—Gracie Wilkinson. When Grace Wilkinson, legendary Liverpool author, decided to start publishing new and original adult novels, her niece, Gracie, knew she had to be a part of the exciting new venture. The Shameful Selfie, the story of an innocent young woman’s descent into shameful wantonness, is the first of many books from this talented young woman! Keep checking back, new books by both Grace Wilkinson and her niece, Gracie, are coming soon!

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    The Shameful Selfie - Gracie Wilkinson


    Gracie Wilkinson

    Published by Liverpool Writer’s Club at Smashwords

    The publisher bears no responsibility for names of characters and/or places that may coincidentally resemble actual persons or places. All characters depicted in this book are eighteen years of age or older. FOR ADULTS ONLY.

    Copyright © 2015 by Gracie Wilkinson

    All rights reserved under original copyright. No duplication of any part of this story is permitted without the express written consent of the publisher.

    Cover Art by Donatella G.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return it to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of the author.

    Chapter One

    He thinks he can fuck around on me and I won't notice? Voluptuous starlet, Amber Vale, hung up her phone and threw it angrily onto the bed. She sat down with a huff, her lush, bra-covered tits bouncing with the motion.

    Her actor boyfriend, John, was on location in the middle of nowhere and he was supposed to be alone, but Amber just knew that he was fucking that dirty slut who was co-starring with him in the movie. She’d heard that little tramp giggling in the background just now on the phone. John had denied it, but Amber knew that there was some hanky-panky going on in John's hotel room at this very moment.

    Amber was the one John should be fucking, but he wasn't, and that made her mad because, right now? She wanted to be fucked!

    The young starlet looked at her reflection in the mirror across from the bed and licked her plump, red lips with the tip of her soft, pink tongue. Her hand strayed absently to the hard little nob of her nipple and she massaged it gently with her fingers as she looked at herself in the mirror. Her hands followed her gaze, moving sensuously over her scantily clad curves, tracing her big, firm breasts, tiny waist, enticing hips, and long, slim legs. Warmth throbbed between her legs.

    John should be here now with her instead of with that ambitious slut. The actress John was entertaining in his room right now might be more famous, but she was not as pretty as Amber, not by a long shot.

    Besides, Amber was nearly famous, she pouted. Her big break could come any minute now, and she was pretty, real pretty. One of the prettiest of all the up and coming actresses, everyone said so. John should be glad to be seen with her around town. Just because his star rose a little earlier than Amber's, didn't mean he could screw any pretty young actress he wanted. She and John had come to town together, made a vow to stand by each other as they worked on their acting careers. Well, she had honored that vow in

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