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Meeting James Chapter 6
Meeting James Chapter 6
Meeting James Chapter 6
Ebook74 pages1 hour

Meeting James Chapter 6

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About this ebook

A college girl meets an older man in Las Vegas and begins a journey that will change the course of her life.

PublisherMelanie J.
Release dateApr 2, 2015
Meeting James Chapter 6

Melanie J.

I'm a recently married woman. I've finally finished graduate school and I've had the time to write erotic prose. I hope you enjoy.Mel

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    Meeting James Chapter 6 - Melanie J.

    Meeting James

    Chapter 6


    Melanie J.

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2015 Melanie J.

    My eyes started to open as the fog began to lift. I looked around, confused by my surroundings and I fought through the grogginess. It started to make sense now, I had fallen asleep. Slowly, the events of the afternoon started to play back in my mind. Our wonderful reunion sex, revealing my embarrassing childhood spankings, our fight, OH MY GOD… the spanking James gave me, and even worse than that, we had anal sex.

    How mortifying, I thought. My first instinct was to try to find my clothes so I could sneak out. No, I can’t do that, I have to talk to James and we have to work this out. There has to be some resolution to this line that we crossed so everything can go back to normal.

    I lifted my head up off the huge pillow and I saw James staring at me. He was sitting down at a small round Victorian style table that was in the corner of the master bedroom and was slowly sipping some type of alcoholic beverage. He must have been watching me sleep, because I could tell he was wide awake and he must not have fallen asleep like I did. He was wearing one of the bath robes that I saw hanging in ‘his’ bathroom attached to the master bedroom. I looked at the bedside clock, it was almost five in the afternoon and I was surprised that I had slept that long.

    Gianna and I stayed up pretty late the night before having sex, because we knew we wouldn’t see each other for a couple of days, but my long nap had a lot less to do with the night before and a lot more to do with the traumatic afternoon I had with James.

    I felt fine before I went to sleep, so what had changed that made me feel so self conscious now?

    He finally spoke and his voice startled me.

    Why don’t you come over here and sit down so we can talk, he said, in a low tone.

    The tension was thick. I hated that I felt tense around him. It shouldn’t be like this, it can’t be like this, I thought. Why did I feel so unsure of myself?

    I began to speak hesitantly.

    May I use the bathroom first? I said, as if I was verbally walking on eggshells.

    Of course, he said, giving me a puzzled look.

    For whatever reason, my first instinct was to use the sheet to cover up. A huge portion of the time I had spent with James I wasn’t wearing clothes and he had seen me naked more times than I could count. Why did I feel the need to cover up?

    I started to slide across the bed, but then instantly lifted my ass up off the sheets. The painful result of our earlier battle of wills wasn’t lost on my very well spanked ass.

    As I got to my feet and took my first step, I felt some pain and it reminded me of the morning that I had worked out while James had slept, only this felt a whole lot worse. The rough anal sex that we had earlier was coming back to haunt me I thought.

    I walked naked across the bedroom with my eyes on the floor. I could feel James’ eyes on me as I entered the ‘hers’ bathroom. Once I was done using the toilet, I turned around, away from the mirror, and looked over my shoulder. Thankfully some of the redness was going away, but I could still see some of James’ hand prints on my ass. I shook my head in disbelief. What did I let him do to me?

    I felt like a disgusting mess. He had come in me twice and I wanted to take a shower so bad. Should I make him wait by showering? What if he got upset? I felt tears start to form in my eyes and I quickly wiped them away. I felt like an emotional wreck, but there was no way I was going to let him see me cry.

    I put on one of the bath robes and hesitantly stepped out into the master bedroom. James’ eyes met mine as I sheepishly walked towards him.

    Are you ok? I could hear the concern in his voice.

    I’m ok, I said quietly, as I looked down, unable to look him in the eyes.

    I can feel your apprehension Melanie and we need to talk about what happened, he said.

    Ok. I said, still looking down.

    Can you tell me how this started? He said.

    Thank you James, I thought sarcastically. The last thing I want to do is play back the events of the afternoon in mind, and then make myself even more uncomfortable by talking to you about them.

    I paused for a moment, then spoke, I called you a name and then you spanked me. I said softly, looking into his eyes.

    No Melanie. You told me about your childhood and the discipline that you received from your father, and I made the comment that you were submissive, he said slowly.

    No James, that’s not true, I…….

    I thought about it for a few seconds. Oh my God, he’s right!

    James continued to speak slowly, as if emphasizing every word.

    "There is nothing wrong with being submissive Melanie. Being submissive is what attracted me to you the night we

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