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Wolf on a Leash
Wolf on a Leash
Wolf on a Leash
Ebook80 pages1 hour

Wolf on a Leash

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Longtime submissive, Patch Williams, never quite finds the release she seeks. When a new Dom comes to town, offering play she’s never tried before, it’s a battle to give into the pleasure he offers while keeping her wolf nature a secret.

Home from overseas service, Kennedy Laurie realizes a few things about himself—he only gets off when a little sadism is involved, and he’s terrified of going too far, getting lost in the play. Patch might be just the submissive he’s been dreaming of.

Patch recognizes the call to mate...but with an out-of-towner? Her body demands for her to submit, to tell him everything, but can her Dom tame the Wolf on a Leash?

Release dateApr 15, 2015
Wolf on a Leash

Virginia Nelson

Virginia Nelson likes knights in rusted and dinged up armor, heroes that snarl instead of croon, and heroines who can't remember to say the right thing even with an author writing their dialogue. Her books are full of snark, sex, and random acts of ineptitude--not always in that order.

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    Wolf on a Leash - Virginia Nelson

    The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of a copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by fines and federal imprisonment.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Wolf on a Leash

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2015 by Virginia Nelson

    ISBN: 978-1-61333-802-5

    Cover art by Fiona Jayde

    All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work, in whole or in part, in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

    Published by Decadent Publishing Company, LLC

    Look for us online at:

    Black Hills Wolves Stories

    Wolf’s Return

    What a Wolf Wants

    Black Hills Desperado

    Wolf’s Song

    Claiming His Mate

    When Hell Freezes

    Portrait of a Lone Wolf

    Alpha in Disguise

    A Wolf’s Promise

    Reluctant Mate

    Diamond Moon

    Wolf on a Leash

    Tempting the Wolf

    Coming Soon

    Worth Fighting For

    Promiscuous Wolf

    A Wolf Awakens

    Also by Virginia Nelson

    Taking Control


    Dom of the Dead

    Rumpling Riley


    For Sara Lunsford. Love ya, woman. You inspire me.

    Wolf on A Leash

    Black Hills Wolves


    Virginia Nelson

    Chapter One

    Patch Williams didn’t believe in fate, true love, or the possibility her shift would end before her patience snapped. Tapping her fingertips on the counter, she mentally counted to ten before answering the elderly customer glaring at her from across the space provided by the glass surface. She hated this time of year due to their annual visits alone. No, seriously, it really is fifty cents, and I can’t go lower.

    Bah. This is a used purse. You’ll be lucky if someone gives you a quarter. The old woman pushed the bag across the counter before spinning on one orthopedic shoe to head to the door on a wave of outraged indignity. "Come along, Darcy. We’re not giving money to her kind anyway."

    Her kind? And what kind is do you mean? The kind not willing to give away the stock for free? Or maybe the kind that bathes more than once a month? Oh, I know…the kind who could eat you if the mood took me.

    Blowing out a breath, Patch closed her eyes and struggled with her annoyance as the two matronly women exited the building arm in arm. A Friday at the beginning of the month always meant some of the older people from the surrounding hills found their way down off whatever parts of the mountains they lived on—most from tiny, isolated cabins, unchanged since their ancestors came to the Wild West in search of whatever piece of land they might claim—to garner supplies, catch up with neighbors, and harass shopkeepers.

    Although she recognized it for what it was—the coming snows meant they’d not be down the mountain for who knew how long, if ever, since some of them might not make it through the winter—it didn’t help her patience with them. Picking up the used brown purse and returning it to the rack—fifty cents for Coach and the woman expects me to go down on the price? —Patch rubbed her temples and headed to the rear of her shop.

    She loved pretty things, old things, things that carried a story with each stitch or tarnish, but elderly humans were a different story. Something about the way they’d swat at her, disregard her, underestimate her…it just pushed her buttons in all the wrong ways. Behind the curtain, she stroked the leather mask she’d laid out earlier. Tonight, she would go to her club, play, and escape from the mundane world for a moment. For at least a little while, she wouldn’t be Patch, least important member of the pack and smiling customer service representative. She’d be something more. Something sexy and desired….

    She sometimes feared what the pack would do if they ever discovered the full truth of her forays or caught a sniff of what she did at the private club, but not enough to stop going. As a submissive Wolf, she respected and obeyed the dictates she’d been given, even when they’d been led by a sadistic bastard, but none of it meant she had to enjoy obeying. It did mean she was wired to follow their directions, but….

    What the Alpha didn’t know couldn’t hurt her.

    Besides, with Ryker distracted by his new mate and Drew busy trying to keep everyone else in order, who had time to bother with a little nobody like her? The leather felt supple under her fingertips, and she wished she dared more trips to the dungeon. Her appetites never seemed sated, hadn’t for a long time. Humans were fun—they knew how to have a good time, how to make her body arch in pleasure, and when she needed a firm smack to her ass to take her to the next level—but a part of her longed for more. Especially since her pack mates had started pairing off, one by one drawn into the lure of mating. Sure, she might wish for a man who understood her and loved her…even if every Wolf she’d ever met would be disgusted by the stuff she liked in the sack.

    Annoyed with her own woolgathering, she shoved aside the curtain to return to the front. Since the bell hadn’t rung, Gee standing in her shop should have sent her heart racing….

    If he’d been outside, perhaps he would have been able to hide the wild, gamey scent of bear. But closed inside a building? It reeked

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