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Shalia's Diary Book 5
Shalia's Diary Book 5
Shalia's Diary Book 5
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Shalia's Diary Book 5

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About this ebook

This is a compilation from the free serial story blog ‘Shalia’s Diary – A Clans of Kalquor Story’ by Tracy St. John. It is highly recommended you read Shalia’s Diary, Books 1 through 4 before reading this story. Shalia’s Diary Book 5 picks up immediately where Book 4 left off.

Shalia tries to resume a normal life after her harrowing abduction by Finiuld. Nightmares and hallucinations continue to plague her, but with the support of Oses and Betra, she’s starting to feel more like her old self again.

However, a shadowy entity has begun to stalk the corridors of the Kalquorian transport, frightening the women bound for the Empire. When its attention focuses on Shalia, she wonders if past evils have come to collect revenge.

Warning: contains mild BDSM including spanking, multiple partners, D/s situations, and bondage.

Release dateApr 16, 2015
Shalia's Diary Book 5

Tracy St. John

Tracy St. John is the author of science fiction romance, including the bestselling Clans of Kalquor series. She lives in Georgia with her husband and son, fending off mosquitos and running from hurricanes. Before settling in to write fulltime, she worked in video production, in front of and behind the camera. She was often cast as the gun-toting bad gal, getting handcuffed in the end. She hopes that hot alien cops will intercept those videos and investigate. Soon.

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    Shalia's Diary Book 5 - Tracy St. John

    BOOK 5

    A Clans of Kalquor Story

    Tracy St. John

    © copyright October 2014, Tracy St. John

    Cover art by Erin Dameron-Hill, © copyright 2015

    This is a work of fiction. All characters, events, and places are of the author’s

    imagination and not to be confused with fact. Any resemblance to living persons or

    events is merely coincidence.

    Smashwords Edition

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    March 28

    This morning Oses and Betra showed up in my room in Medical at the same time. Betra smiled as sweet as sugar at the Nobek. He greeted him with a cheery, Good morning, Commander.

    Oses nodded, his expression as noncommittal as its normal fierce set ever gets. Hello, Betra.

    I noticed that Oses’s gaze lingered on Betra’s face longer than politeness required. In fact, he stared long enough that my liaison flushed a little bit. Boy, I hope they don’t start butting heads again over the fact Betra doesn’t screw guys and Oses is dying to screw Betra.

    Betra came over and dropped a kiss on my forehead. How are you, Shalia?

    Sane. I gave him a brave smile.

    He stepped back to allow Oses to also kiss me hello. The Nobek’s intense stare was all for me. Are you still having nightmares?

    I shrugged. I probably will for a while yet. I haven’t hidden in any closets for a couple of weeks though. Dr. Feru is happy about that. Baby steps, you know.

    Speaking of baby, I was reminded to rub my belly. I have a definite bump these days, courtesy of my growing hitchhiker. Tep has warned me that when I start having sex again, I have to be cautious.

    Oses caught my motion and put his hand over mine. I hope this little one is doing all right as well.

    He...or active. Healthy too, they say. We’ll find out if it’s a girl or a boy soon. Nervous anticipation about the news caused a flutter in my chest. The more evidence I had of my child being real, the more anxious and excited I became.

    Sixteen weeks? Betra asked.

    Or seventeen. Tep can’t quite pin it down. The sizes and pace of development of hybrids vary too much for him to be certain.

    I do hope you have it before we get to Kalquor, the liaison enthused. I want to meet your child.

    Out of the clear blue, Oses suddenly asked, Why did you never tell me that your uncle abused you?

    Betra started. His eyes went wide in shock, and he was unable to answer at first.

    I told him, Betra, I said to give him a second to recover. I thought Oses should understand why you reject his advances.

    The Imdiko frowned. I reject his advances because I do not have any interest in sex with other men. That my uncle forced himself on me has nothing to do with that. He looked at Oses and sighed. It does have everything to do with why I’m so uncomfortable with the least indication of physical intimacy with men. I realize I’m overly sensitive about that.

    Like when I touched your hair while we played with Shalia? Oses pressed.

    Betra smiled sadly. Exactly. I went overboard in my anger. As for why I never told you...I’m not sure. He shrugged. I’ve kept it secret from everyone but Shalia. Talking about it takes me to that time and how guilty I felt. It’s as if I were at fault for what he did.

    That’s not true.

    I know it in my head, but it’s not how I felt when it happened. That’s why I kept it to myself. Since I never told you, you must have believed you could convince me to relent. I apologize for not explaining myself.

    Oses blew out a breath. It’s I who should beg your pardon. I’ve been pushing at you to consider me as a potential clanmate, or at least a lover, for months. I thought I could seduce you into changing your mind. You said no, you said it plainly, and that should have been enough. Instead, I ignored your insistence simply because...simply because.

    I remembered that Nobeks did not profess their love to other men. It hung in the air nonetheless, a huge awareness that could not be spoken but was understood.

    It affected Betra deeply. His eyes went bright and he swallowed hard before putting his hand on top of Oses’s, which covered my hand.

    With obvious difficulty, Betra said, How can I tell you what’s in my heart without giving you hope for what will never be? If a man can love another without sex playing a part, then we would be lifemates. Oses, you are important to me, more than you can possibly grasp. But I can’t offer you more than a platonic relationship.

    The Nobek nodded. I understand that. It is less by far than what I wanted for us, but I would not harm you for all the empire. If I can only have a small part in your life, then I will take it. He chuckled then, but it was an empty sound. In these past weeks, I have learned that even the tiniest rewards must be appreciated. I will accept what fate has chosen to bestow and be grateful for it.

    With that, Oses turned and left. Betra and I stared at each other in the wake of his pronouncement.

    At least he won’t be chasing you around anymore, I offered weakly.

    I do hope he meant it when he said he would remain a part of my life, though. Betra looked at the empty doorway, as if hoping Oses would return.

    When he did not, we talked about things that wouldn’t make either of us sad: the baby, messages I needed to reply to, my potential suitors and the lottery, and anything else we could think of that had nothing to do with my abduction or Oses. Betra stayed until Candy and Katrina showed up to make me laugh with tales of their latest sexual conquests. I think the gals make up half the stories they tell me, but it’s great fun to be silly.

    March 29

    I’m sprung from Medical at long last. Dr. Feru has released me into the wild with sedatives to help me when I can’t fall asleep.

    Betra accompanied me to my quarters. It was odd to enter my rooms once more, as if visiting a house I’d occupied in the distant past. It had only been six weeks, but it seemed a lifetime since I’d been in those rooms.

    Come see, Betra invited me as he opened my closet. Candy helped me pick out some maternity clothes from ship’s stores. You should be all set for a while.

    I laughingly plucked at a ruffled pink concoction with a short skirt. It could be worse. Heaven only knows what Katrina would have picked out for me to wear.

    Thongs and high heels, Betra snickered. That woman is hopeless.

    You mean you would object to me in a thong? I teased, but I was already self-conscious about my rounding belly. I wasn’t convinced I wanted Betra spying me in little or no clothing.

    Absolutely. It covers too much. Betra leered. In fact, I wondered if I could see you without anything on while I have the chance to get you settled in.

    That’s right. You’re the guy who thinks he lusts for a round, ripe figure. I couldn’t keep the disbelief out of my tone.

    He grinned. I know I do. Please, Shalia? I’ve been dying to see you since you’ve begun showing.

    Ugh, I muttered. I wouldn’t mind having sex, but I was hoping we could turn all the lights off first.

    Come on, Betra coaxed, already tugging on my blouse. You’re beautiful. You excite me. Let me look.

    I let him pull my shirt off. Though I privately found my growing girth to be exciting simply because of the evidence of life happening inside me, I didn’t kid myself about how I appeared. The word blob comes to mind.

    I fussed the instant my belly came into view. Is that a stretch mark? Oh jeez, it is. How is it I have one so early on?

    Quiet, woman, Betra commanded. He sank to his knees before me and framed my gut with his hands. He stared sappily at it. Look at this. Look at you!

    You look, I groused. I’m avoiding it as much as humanly possible. Maybe I’ll peek when the kid is out and my stomach doesn’t suggest I’m smuggling a soccer ball.

    Betra kissed all over my expanding girth. You are an idiot, Shalia. This is amazing. Here’s a kiss for you – he smacked lips to belly loudly —and here’s a kiss for the babe. Another kiss for each of these wonderful marks of honor –

    Marks? Plural? I’ve got more than one? I bent double to check, whacking my skull against Betra’s. I saw stars.

    I received a few sharp smacks on my bottom too, courtesy of Betra’s ready palm. Stop behaving like a ninny, he told me. Embrace your fortune. Your body is a miracle. You have to realize that.

    That man really has an obsession for pregnancy. I get the idea that if Betra had the chance to bear children himself, he’d do it in a heartbeat. He’d be useless to everyone because he’d spend all day rubbing his stomach.

    And these! he exclaimed, getting past belly worship long enough to note my larger breasts. By the ancestors and Mother of All, these are wonderful.

    Any further praises Betra might have sung to the swelling body o’ Shalia were cut off because he opted to fill his mouth with my tits. Oh double joy – the thrill of lust and the relief of shutting him up.

    I suppose I should be delighted that Betra is so enamored with my growing figure rather than being turned off. He takes it a tad far though.

    I lost track of embarrassment and irritation as he suckled and kissed my breasts. Happy zings traveled from my mounds to my clit as my lover lavished attention. I sighed and sank into the joy of being erotically mauled.

    It got even better when Betra moved his hands up the backs of my legs, under my skirt. He grabbed hold of my ass, pulling me close to himself as he continued to devour my breasts. He kneaded my flesh with those big hands. The room was filled with sucking sounds and sighs.

    My senses hummed with contentment. Okay, so maybe baby bump worship was good after all. I certainly wasn’t complaining right then.

    Betra pulled my panties down so that they fell to my ankles. I was barely aware when I stepped out of them. Instinct held sway over me, because my attention was riveted on the Imdiko’s mouth and hands as they moved over my flesh.

    My skirt was tugged off too. I was naked and not worried about it after all. Betra made me feel too incredible.

    He scooped me up in his arms and stood. I am taking you to bed and I am going to fuck this glorious body, he proclaimed, as if speaking before an assembly. What a nut.

    As soon as he put me down, Betra started in on kissing and caressing boobs and belly again. After a few moments of that, he stood up to peel the top of his formsuit down to his waist.

    Oh my gosh. I’d forgotten how beautiful that man is. Once again, I was reminded of how long it had been since I had last had intimacies with Betra. All at once, I knew how much I had missed him. It was wonderful to be home.

    Betra didn’t finish disrobing. Instead, he gazed at me and groaned. He returned to slurping Shalia like an ice cream. I had no complaints at that moment, but hindsight, it was over the top.

    When he could tear himself from me, Betra hopped about as he pulled a boot off. Then more attention was lavished on me. Then the other boot. Then more attention.

    When that crazy Imdiko stood up to pull the rest of his uniform off, I said, Would you get naked, already? You’re a maniac, Betra!

    Hey! Since when are you in charge of sex? He was finally nude for my happy contemplation. I thought you knew who ran this show.

    I snorted even as I reached for him. Oses usually is too, but he’s taken a few commands from me.

    Betra was leaning down towards my chest, ready to recommence with Breast Fest. However, my words gave him pause.

    "Oses bottomed for you? Oses?" He went wide-eyed at that.

    It was a matter of our survival, I answered. Neither of us was crazy about it, but I guess in the right situation he’s up for that kind of thing.

    Really? Betra’s gaze went far off, as if contemplating.

    What? I could practically see the hamster running on the wheel in his head.

    He shook himself to revert to the here and now. Nothing. Or maybe something. Let me think about it.

    I wondered what that Imdiko had going on in his head, but he re-directed his attack. Instead of revisiting my boobs and stomach, Betra latched onto my pussy. That short-circuited my brain, and I forgot all about wondering why Betra would find Oses’s ability to submit so interesting. I’m pretty certain that’s what he intended.

    While licking and kissing me down there, my lover positioned himself between my legs. He propped my legs on his shoulders, lifting my hips and opening me. I sighed with pleasure as Betra mouthed me with exquisite thoroughness. As he did so, he gently rubbed my rounded belly. We were both getting what we enjoyed.

    Ah, the artistry of Betra performing cunnilingus cannot be overstated. He started with gentle, wet kisses, letting his tongue peek out for delicate tastes as he did so. From there, he grew more enthusiastic. He dipped his tongue into me for a while, fucking me with it. Then he carefully inserted a finger, watching my face as it pressed in and out.

    I sighed. I don’t remember you ever being this gentle.

    We’re supposed to be more careful, he murmured. He started kissing my tummy once more as he pushed a second finger inside me. Between smooches he said, Do you not enjoy it? I’m still in control here.

    No, it’s perfectly fine, I moaned. I like it rough, I like it tender. I like everything you do.

    He grinned. Glad to hear it. I missed you, Shalia. I was going crazy worrying about you and Oses.

    You didn’t give up hope?

    I couldn’t. It would have killed me to think you were gone forever.

    I glanced down at him, concern filling me despite all the yummy feelings in my body. But someday I will be gone. I’ll join a clan and this will be over.

    Betra continued to smile, though the expression was a bit sad. You’ll be safe. Safe and cared for. That will make it okay.

    I wasn’t so sure. He’d said he loved me once before, and I knew from my own heartache over Clan Dusa that such things can’t be turned off with the ease of a water spigot. Could Betra walk away when we reached Kalquor?

    Before I could continue that line of questioning, Betra pulled his fingers loose from my pussy. He pushed the wet digits into my ass, readying me. His thumb went into my sex and his mouth descended on my clit.

    All my concerns were gone in an instant. Betra sucked and his tongue stroked my most sensitive place as his fingers pumped in and out. I clutched his head, snarling his long hair around my fingers. Heat built and exquisite delight burbled in my lower bits. I moaned and shivered as elation built higher and higher.

    The louder I got, the more intensely he worked me. My feet began to kick of their own accord, completely out of my control. They thudded unheeded against Betra’s broad back. He kept sucking, licking, fingering.

    Liquid fire filled my abdomen. It gathered for explosive release. My whole being tensed as I readied for that sublime deliverance. Then it was on me, bursting forth in thrilling spasms. My belly seized over and over, liberating the pressure that had built up. My hips jerked, bucking against Betra’s face.

    The Imdiko appeared quite pleased with himself once I had settled again, my cries tapering into gasps. That was lovely, he purred. I want you to do it again.

    His deliciously raspy tongue laved my swollen clit once more. I was so sensitive that the pleasure was almost painful. I couldn’t help but struggle, but Betra kept me prisoner easily, fucking me with fingers and mouth until a rush of warmth enveloped me and I jerked with climax once more.

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