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The Skyscraper Shuffle
The Skyscraper Shuffle
The Skyscraper Shuffle
Ebook99 pages25 minutes

The Skyscraper Shuffle

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The Skyscraper Shuffle is the final book in Kurt Boone "Messenger Poet Series". The first being "Messenger Poet" and the second "Bard Of New York".  New York City is consider to have the most skyscrapers in the world.  Without a doubt iconic names in Empire State Building, Flatiron Building, Trump Towers, Woolworth Building, Chrysler Building, Bank Of America Towers,Citicorp Center, Met-Life Building, Time Warner Center, 40 Wall Street,Sony Tower,Bloomberg Tower,New York Times Building and 30 Rockefeller Plaza.  

Us Messengers have been lucky enough to experience them on a daily basis, going in and out of them during business hours.  Through his poetry and introduction essay in "The Skyscraper Shuffle" Kurt Boone tells more stories about city life through the eyes of a messenger. 

PublisherKurt Boone
Release dateApr 19, 2015
The Skyscraper Shuffle

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    Book preview

    The Skyscraper Shuffle - Kurt Boone









    The One Five Seven...........................1

    The New High Rise.............................3

    Coming Up Jordans............................5


    Berlin Blaze........................................7

    Heroes of the City..............................9

    A Hectic Day.....................................11

    Hot In Brooklyn................................15

    U.S. Mail...........................................16

    Blizzard 2010...................................18

    2 Apple Pies......................................19

    The New York Rush..........................20

    Nike – Infant Terrible.......................21

    20 Broad Street................................22

    Meeting Billionaires.........................23

    Lance Armstrong..............................24

    Things Happen.................................25

    The Big City......................................27

    Kick Off.............................................28

    The Serious Hustle...........................29

    The Shops at Atlas Park...................30


    Robert Johnson.................................33

    Lost Package....................................34

    Tough City........................................35

    I Look Like The President................36

    Mike Dee..........................................37


    Economic Crisis 09...........................39

    Bicycle Friendly................................40

    Trump Place.....................................41

    The Jordan Classic ...........................42

    Pick Up For Clyde Frazier................43

    Nike Fashion....................................44

    Opening Day – Yankee Stadium.......45

    Hanna Montana Messenger.............46


    Big Brown.........................................48

    The Letter Carriers..........................49

    Simply Amazing................................50

    The Oculus.......................................52

    The Crit............................................54

    Life In The NYC................................56

    The Tech Invasion............................58

    A Building In The Sky.......................59

    4 Million Riders................................62

    Messenger Bags...............................63

    NYC Massive ...................................64

    The City............................................65

    Spring In Manhattan........................66

    Messenger Escort.............................67

    Climate Change................................68

    Fare Hike.........................................69

    Park Avenue Bum.............................70

    6 Train – People Pusher...................71

    Nasty Day.........................................73

    City Streets Are Moving...................75

    City Tension.....................................76

    Congestion Tax.................................78

    First Time.........................................80

    The Minute Game.............................82

    Prose 1: Big Day...............................83

    Prose 2: Red Bull NY Courier...........85

    Remembering Stuart Scott...............87

    Hood by Air......................................89


    About the Author..............................91

    Other Books by Kurt Boone..............92



    As I walk down Park Avenue and check out the new façade and entrance to the Waldorf Astoria, I could only think to myself and say: WOW.  The day before I looked at the new plaque in Grand Central Terminal that named the space: the Jackie Kennedy Onassis Foyer.  The remembrance events for September 11 in the city was only a few days earlier.

    I wasn’t in the city for that, because I was in Las Vegas selling messenger styles and writing stories for Urban Velo at the Interbike Trade Show.  You see, as a foot messenger for over 17 years in New York City I have seen a lot.

    Back in the days before 9/11, it was no problem going in and out of skyscrapers as messengers.  Going to top of the World Trade Center, Empire State Building, Chrysler Building, Flatiron Building and many other

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