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More Than Friends
More Than Friends
More Than Friends
Ebook90 pages1 hour

More Than Friends

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About this ebook

There is no coincidence when it comes to discovering love. Katie Anderson finds this out when she is hired in as an LPN to work at a local hospital on the cardiac unit. She is entrusted to work with an elderly patient who just happens to be the mother of a very prestigious doctor name Mark Malendez, who just happens to be Chief of Surgeon of the cardiac unit.

PublisherR. Carol EL
Release dateApr 16, 2015
More Than Friends

R. Carol EL

I have been writing on and off for over twenty years now. I mainly write from personal experiences and on family related issues.

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    Book preview

    More Than Friends - R. Carol EL





    Copyrighted April 2005 By Carol El

    All Right Reserved

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    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    About The Author


    Avery special thanks to Susan Macatee. Thank you for the hard work you put into editing my work. I also would like to say thank you to Amanda Joe for doing such a beautiful job on the design and art work for the cover of my e-book. A special thanks to my husband Mike. I could not have done this without your love, support and feedback. Finally I would like to say thank you to my heavenly father, who has placed the spark and the desire in my heart to write.


    As Katie walked up the side walk, suddenly the door opened and a little red headed girl ran out.

    Hi, Aunt Katie! she yelled as she ran and wrapped her arms midway around Katie’s waist.

    Hi, Melissa, what a big girl you have gotten to be, said Katie.

    I am 10 years old now, said Melissa with a smile. As they held hands and slowly started up the walk way, out came Fred. Fred had been with the family many years. He was the butler and Katie remembered how he used to let her stand on a stool in the kitchen and help him pick green beans.

    Miss Katie, how good it is to have you back home. Things have not been the same since you left, said Fred as he gave Katie a hug.

    It is good to be home, Fred. Is mother anywhere around? asked Katie.

    Yes, she is in the house, replied Fred.

    As Katie reached the final step to the front door, she could hear someone walking to the door.

    Grandma, Grandma! yelled Melissa. It’s Aunt Katie, she is home to stay.

    Hello, mother, it is good to see you again, replied Katie. Katie’s relationship with her mother had not been a good one. Katie’s mother wanted her to follow in her footsteps and take over the family business and estate. However, Katie chose to go to medical school to become a nurse.

    Well, how long will you stay this time? asked Katie’s mother with a critical tone as she stood in the doorway.

    I don’t know how long I will stay, Mother. I just know that after all that has happened over the past year with Dad’s death and all, I needed to come back home, said Katie.

    Well, at least you finished college and got your nursing degree. God knows I tried to bring you up the proper way. It has not been easy trying to keep this mansion going and run a family business, stated her mother.

    Yes, I know, Mother. It has not been easy for any of us. We all miss Daddy. He was a hard working man, said Katie, choking back the tears.

    How in the hell would you know! shouted her mother. If you had been taking care of business, your father never would have had that heart attack!

    Katie replied, Get out of my way! Don’t you dare try and blame me for Dad’s death. At least he could talk to me. You were too busy half drunk and out partying all of the time. Suddenly Katie felt a stinging slap go across her cheek.

    As long as you live in my home, you will respect me! yelled Katie’s mother.

    Well then, perhaps I should live elsewhere, and then you would not have to worry about me disrespecting you, said Katie with tears in her eyes. As Katie turned to go back down the steps, she heard a deep, strong voice.

    Now, damned it that is enough of this, Katie don’t you take another step and Elleen, I suggest you get off your high horse and welcome your daughter home.

    As Katie turned around to look, she realized that it was her Uncle Neal. Oh, what a delight it was to see her uncle after so many years.

    Uncle Neal is that really you? asked Katie with a joyful tone in her voice.

    Yes, Katie, it is me, he said with a twinkle in his eyes and a smile on his face. Neal was her mother’s brother and he always was the type that spoke up to her mother and wasn’t afraid to tell her when she was wrong.

    Uncle Neal, how good it is to see you, replied Katie.

    Yes, I can tell, said Neal with a smile on his face. Now I am tired of all this arguing. Why don’t we all go inside and help Katie to get settled in, said Neal as everyone headed inside.


    Once Katie got her suitcase unpacked and all of her clothes put away, she came out of the room and noticed that her mother’s door was halfway opened. Katie wanted so much for things to be right between her and her mother, but Katie didn’t know how to get close to her or words to say that would reach her mother’s heart. It seemed like every time she tried to get close to her mother, Elleen would purposely do or say something that would put more of a

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