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Wes Parker: Monster Hunter (Volume Three)
Wes Parker: Monster Hunter (Volume Three)
Wes Parker: Monster Hunter (Volume Three)
Ebook162 pages2 hours

Wes Parker: Monster Hunter (Volume Three)

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You’re walking down the street, all alone, in the dead of night. Darkness swallows everything around you except for the one streetlight that illuminates a small patch of the sidewalk. You begin to get the feeling that something is following you, so you start moving faster. You don’t run but you quicken your pace, just to be safe. That’s when you hear a low growl that makes all of the hair on the back of your neck stand straight up. You turn around, regretting the decision immediately, to see a bear standing before you about to swallow you whole. Ha. I’m just kidding, that would be’s really a werewolf.

My life hasn’t changed: I hunt down horrifying monsters, that haunt you in stories and your dreams, and kill them, then I look for the next monsters terrorizing people and kill them too. It is a dazzling lifestyle. But now there are ancient creatures no one even knew existed rising from the depths of who knows where. Whatever the monsters are gathering for is going to happen soon and it is not going to be pleasant.

I might be able to stop the horror that is coming to us, but I might not. I guess the only way for you to find out is to read this. Beware, however, for my stories are not for the feint of heart.

This book is a collection of short stories that were originally posted on my blog. You can visit there,, for more hunting.

PublisherC.J. Pike
Release dateApr 16, 2015
Wes Parker: Monster Hunter (Volume Three)

C.J. Pike

Cory grew up in a small town in central Massachusetts. He showed an interest in telling stories from a young age, and began pursuing that interest in high school through writing and movie making. He went on to earn a degree in Broadcasting and Telecommunications, and discovered a passion for writing through his Creative Writing class. He also writes young-adult fantasy stories called the Half-Breed Series. He currently resides in Central Massachusetts with his wife, Jennifer and son, Oliver. Follow him on Twitter @cjpikebooks.

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