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Hotwife's Temptation Bundle
Hotwife's Temptation Bundle
Hotwife's Temptation Bundle
Ebook68 pages1 hour

Hotwife's Temptation Bundle

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Lisa Winter’s latest cuckolding collection is here! If you love hot, kinky, interracial cuckolding action, this the bundle for you! Whether it’s a frustrated spouse tempted by a team of football studs, or a housewife with a crush on the security guard, or even a woman looking to get her husband out of trouble with the sexy street thug, this collection will be sure to give you all the rough and unprotected cuckolding you could ask for!

This collection contains:
The Hotwife and the Football Team
Cuckolded by the Black Thugs
Cuckolded by the Black Guard

Release dateApr 20, 2015
Hotwife's Temptation Bundle

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    Hotwife's Temptation Bundle - Lisa Winters

    Hotwife’s Temptation Bundle

    Lisa Winters

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2015 Winters-Marazza Publishing

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

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    Table of Contents

    The Hotwife and the Football Team

    Cuckolded by the Black Thugs

    Cuckolded by the Black Guard

    The Hotwife at the Football Team

    I pulled into the driveway and put the car in park. I tucked my frazzled brown hair back behind my ear and took a moment to collect myself. It had been another exhausting, tedious day at the office; working for an awful boss in a field I couldn’t stand. I took a deep breath in and slowly exhaled.

    I am doing this to support my family. I am working hard and bringing home the money so my husband and I can have a place to live.

    It was true, I had taken this job unexpectedly. My husband Harold had taken a chance out of college to chase his dream of owning a restaurant. I thought I was being the good wife by cheering him on, even though his business degree seemed to offer little practical advice in how to run an Italian restaurant. It took him almost a year to get the loan from the bank. Another year to furnish the restaurant, hire staff, and write a menu. He was elated when the doors finally opened.

    The place lasted six months.

    The staff was unreliable, the management crooked, and the menu chaotic. They never really found their customer base. Every month the restaurant fell further and further into debt before finally closing its doors less than 180 days after they opened. The entire time my husband’s take home pay was less than minimum wage. My shit job paid our rent, our bills, kept gas in the cars, and all the while I worked my ass off to keep us afloat. Thankfully, my paycheck let us cover our expense easily, and we weren’t. going broke.

    But now that the restaurant had failed, Harold found himself in a deep depression. The bankruptcy of the restaurant buried him in the debris of his dream, and he was struggling to claw himself out of a deep hole. For three months, he sat at home playing video games and talking about finding a real job. At first, I tried to be accommodating, but as time went on, I found myself more and more exasperated at the thought of coming home to Harold, still sitting where I left him, in front of the computer. Time after time, I found myself asking him, Have you found a job yet?

    Every time I would get the run around from him. Everyday a new excuse. If he was as creative in his job search as he was in his excuses, he would be employed. Honestly, I had stopped seeing him as a man and partner, and more like a petulant child. I tried to force those thoughts out of my mind, and tried to be more sympathetic to his crushed dream.

    As I sat in the car, I steeled myself for the sight of my loser husband as I emerged and made my way to the apartment. I climbed the stairs, and inserted the key. A quick turn to the left and I pushed open the door. Immediately, the sight of my husband shirtless, playing solitaire on the computer greeted me.

    Didn’t even put a shirt on? I asked him wryly. That’s a new low for you.

    He turned to look at me, Oh hi honey.

    How’s the job search going?

    Oh, I almost had an interview today, but then they said they didn’t get my resume in time. I guess their secretary lost it.

    I didn’t have the heart to tell him that wasn’t how hiring worked at all. I just let it slide.

    Harold turned to me, a smile on his face.

    We got invited to a Halloween party. Your old boss, Susan, invited us to her place this year. Looks like we need costume ideas.

    Harold and I loved Halloween. Ever since we first got together in college, we loved picking out costumes, usually matching, and making the rounds at different Halloween parties. Even though I wasn’t’ exactly in love with Harold at the moment, I

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