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Tamed By The Billionaire - Short Story Collection (Volume 4): Tamed By The Billionaire, #21
Tamed By The Billionaire - Short Story Collection (Volume 4): Tamed By The Billionaire, #21
Tamed By The Billionaire - Short Story Collection (Volume 4): Tamed By The Billionaire, #21
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Tamed By The Billionaire - Short Story Collection (Volume 4): Tamed By The Billionaire, #21

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Tamed By The Billionaire - Book 10

Parker makes a move that threatens to cost Eliza the most important thing of all, her family. Left in confusion, and shock, she finally decides to take a stand to become the princess she's supposed to. But what of Parker, and their budding relationship?

Tamed By The Billionaire - Book 11

Resolute in her decision to become a princess everyone can be proud of, Eliza makes her own stand. Meanwhile, her feelings for Parker make their way out into the open. Will things finally begin to change between them?

Tamed By The Billionaire - Book 12

Eliza is invited to take part in a public event with the president. Happy with how things are progressing in the palace, she gladly accepts the invitation against Parker's wishes. But in the middle of a group of enemies, Parker is the only man willing to protect her heart.


  • Volume 4 of 6
  • 16,000 words
  • Intended for mature audiences only due to explicit content.

The complete series is also available to purchase as a novel.

PublisherAlexia Austen
Release dateApr 21, 2015
Tamed By The Billionaire - Short Story Collection (Volume 4): Tamed By The Billionaire, #21

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    Tamed By The Billionaire - Short Story Collection (Volume 4) - Alexia Austen

    Tamed By The Billionaire

    Part Ten

    Chapter 1

    As I came to, I found myself lying down in bed. Tucked underneath a blanket, and still wearing my coat, I felt extra warm even with the weather being so cold. My head ached a little from drinking too much. I was alone, and Parker wasn't there. I checked out of the small inn, and went outside to find Parker. He didn't return my calls, and his car wasn't where he'd parked it the day before either.

    I paused when I saw three men wearing suits approach me. I recognised the first as the head of security at the palace. I'd seen him several times now, the first being when I escaped from the university when I was swarmed by reporters.

    What are you doing here? I said.

    Your Highness, I'm sorry, said the head of security.

    He grabbed my purse from me, and the other two men walked to either side of me. They held my arms, and lifted me into the air. I was helpless in my resistance as they led me to their car. Despite my protests, they sat me inside. Within moments, I attempted to escape, but they locked the doors.

    Fine, I said. You've brought me here. It wasn't in the most respectable manner, but what's your purpose? I don't believe you're kidnapping me, so shall we begin a negotiation?

    Excuse me? said the head of security, clearly befuddled.

    I understand what's happening. Yvonne sent you, right?


    I'm going to leave when Parker gets here. Do you really need to take me like this? I'm really planning on going back to the palace.

    My phone began ringing, and I put my hand out instantly.

    Give me the phone, it's probably Parker.

    I'm sorry, Your Highness, said the head of security. But using the phone isn't allowed.

    Hey! I remember everything. If you don't give me my phone, then in the name of the Royal Family, you might end up getting into a lot of trouble.

    My words clearly had an effect as I saw the head of security glance around, slightly panicked. His phone began to ring, and he handed it to me to when he looked at who was calling.

    Hello, I said.

    It's Parker.

    The security guards are here. Hurry up, and come here, so you can take me back.

    I'm not coming, said Parker.

    What do you mean? Why?

    I've deserted you. You won't be attending the press conference. No matter how you get yourself there, you won't be able to enter.

    As Parker hung up the phone, my hand went to my lips. Why was he doing this? Had I imagined the kiss? I thought he was on my side. I asked the bodyguards to start driving the car. My heart raced, and my stomach began to tie itself into knots. I was nervous, and anxious. The press conference would probably be starting already.

    Give me my phone, I said.

    I'm sorry, Your Highness, said the head of security.

    Give it to me. I won't punish you. I won't be able to make it to the press conference anyway.

    The head of security asked for the phone to be handed back to me. As it was, it rang again. Professor Nolan was calling me.

    Eliza, where are you? Are you okay?

    I'm fine, I said.

    Aren't you in the palace right now? Parker is talking alone at the press conference. Did you guys agree to this? Weren't you preparing for it too?

    I'll be there soon, and I'll explain when I get there. Is there any way you can stall the press conference?

    It's already started, but is this all Parker's doing?

    I'm hanging up, Professor. I need to see this.

    I went online, and found a stream of the press conference immediately. Sure enough, it was being held in the main hall of the palace. The reporters had all gathered, and were sitting on tables in front. On the small stage at the front was Parker, who was speaking in front of a podium. I rewound the stream to when Parker first made his entrance.

    We will now begin the first official press conference of the Royal Family, and Princess Eliza Alexandra, said Parker. Before we start, there is one piece of unfortunate news. The princess, due to personal reasons, couldn't be present today.

    The reporters in the hall stirred slightly, and I could hear various comments being made in disbelief.

    We will hold another press conference with the princess in the future, said Parker. "However, today's press conference will focus on the rumours about the late Prince Alexander Windsor. False rumours were intentionally spread about the prince, and I'm here to clarify, and explain, the facts to everyone present. After an investigation, we discovered the person who had sold the fake artefact was not Prince Alexander Windsor, the princess's late father, but her adoptive father. The princess has been upset about these rumours tainting the prince's reputation, and wanted to clear his name through this press conference. I would also like to add one more thing, not as Devereux Corporation's successor, but as Deputy Director of the Foreign Ministry, who has been chosen to instruct the princess

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