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Tamed By The Billionaire - Short Story Collection (Volume 3): Tamed By The Billionaire, #20
Tamed By The Billionaire - Short Story Collection (Volume 3): Tamed By The Billionaire, #20
Tamed By The Billionaire - Short Story Collection (Volume 3): Tamed By The Billionaire, #20
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Tamed By The Billionaire - Short Story Collection (Volume 3): Tamed By The Billionaire, #20

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Tamed By The Billionaire - Book 7

Eliza slowly understands that being a princess may be more trouble than she could have imagined. To make matters worse, her relationship with Parker becomes even more complicated. Whether it was his cocky arrogance, or their repeated steamy encounters, would she able to clear her clouded mind?

Tamed By The Billionaire - Book 8

With Parker now as her teacher, Eliza continues to battle with understanding his true intentions, and as several obstacles come her way, she learns that the palace isn't as heavenly as she first imagined. But Parker is able to teach more than just words, and a brief respite from the troubles of her new role is always welcome.

Tamed By The Billionaire - Book 9

Eliza continues to grow into her role as princess, and focuses on studying, but a problem surfaces that could harm her family. As her enemies continue to work against her, and she gains a new ally in the palace, Parker does something that surprises her. Whose side was he really on?


  • Volume 3 of 6
  • 16,000 words short story
  • Intended for mature audiences only due to explicit content.

The complete series is also available to purchase as a novel.

PublisherAlexia Austen
Release dateApr 21, 2015
Tamed By The Billionaire - Short Story Collection (Volume 3): Tamed By The Billionaire, #20

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    Tamed By The Billionaire - Short Story Collection (Volume 3) - Alexia Austen

    Tamed By The Billionaire

    Part Seven

    Chapter 1

    As I came to, and opened my eyes, I was greeted with the morning light. It had been a long drive, and I'd fallen asleep on the way. I opened the car door, and stepped outside. In front of me was a huge palace, and behind me, as far as I could see, were gardens littered with fountains. At the entrance of the palace were dozens of people, some dressed in suits, others in kitchen uniforms. It was bigger than Buckingham Palace.

    Does it please you? said Chairman Spencer.

    I turned around, and saw the chairman slowly walk towards me.

    It's so beautiful, I said. I never knew there was another palace like this.

    This is a palace built specifically for you, Your Highness. For a very long time, it's been hidden from the world, waiting for its new owner.

    Then did you have this built?

    As I think of Your Highness finally entering the palace, and restoring the lost history of the throne, if I was to die right now, it would be without any regrets. Even if I may be undeserving of such an honour as a disloyal subject.

    I followed the chairman inside the palace, along with the workers. It was tremendous in size. The main entrance led to a huge open space, where a fountain was in the middle. Surrounding us were pathways, and doors to several different rooms. And above us were balconies.

    Would you like to look around? said Chairman Spencer.

    It's huge, I said.

    It's quite spacious for one person, but in the future when you're married, and building the Royal Family, it should become more bearable. Of course, that's quite a while away. For now, just rest comfortably here.

    I nodded.

    In a week, said Chairman Spencer, we'll hold a press conference, and officially announce Your Highness has entered the palace.

    Honestly, I still don't really know about the whole princess or Royal Family business, but I couldn't bear to hear my dad slandered like that. That's why I came. The only person I could think of who could block that was you, Chairman. Please help me.

    Chairman Spencer nodded. We should go. You have a guest.


    Your mother came.

    I was led to another room with double doors, and as it opened, I saw the back of my mom as she looked around the huge room. I called out to her, and ran to her with a huge smile on my face. As I approached her for a hug, she stepped back slightly.

    Your Highness, said Mom.

    What are you saying, Mom?

    Oh dear, I didn't even know you were a princess...

    What are you talking about? I said.

    I hugged her, happy to see her. Her presence was comforting after everything that had happened.

    Is it okay if I hug her? said Mom.

    As I sat down, and caught up with Mom, I explained to her about everything. The chairman told her about the traffic accident my dad had been involved in. Soon, the time came for her to depart, and I saw her out along with the chairman. As she left in the car, I couldn't help but feel a little sad.

    Do you want to go back? said Chairman Spencer.

    My mom will probably cry a lot in that car, I said. I came here so suddenly. I still have things to pack, so could I drop by home briefly?

    Are you confident you can come back here? You said you wanted to clear your father's name. I'm sorry to say that you'll only be able to do that with the authority of the throne. And the only person who can erect that authority is you, Your Highness. If Your Highness doesn't wish to, of course there's nothing anyone can do about it. Before the official announcement, you must make your decision as to whether you will stay or go.

    I listened to his words carefully. It seemed whatever my decision, my life would change significantly. It wasn't something I was sure I was prepared for.

    I was accompanied to my bedroom by two women. It was a huge room, with a dressing area inside, sofas surrounding a table, and a king size bed at the side. Joined to it was my own bathroom, and it was also extraordinarily luxurious.

    Let me officially introduce myself. I will be assisting you in your palace life Your Highness. My name is Helen, manager of the court ladies.

    She was an older lady, who looked to be in her forties. Next to her stood a younger woman, who seemed to only be a few years older than me. She introduced herself next.

    I'm court lady, Sarah. I look forward to serving you, Your Highness.

    I'm not quite sure how long it'll be, I said, but for the time being, I appreciate your assistance.

    They looked at me with strange expressions, no doubt surprised to hear what I'd said. I asked them to leave me alone, using the excuse of not feeling too well, and they did as I asked. I spent the night trying on various dresses that had been put in my dressing area, along with the dozens of shoes.


    The next two days

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