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Meeting James Chapter 5
Meeting James Chapter 5
Meeting James Chapter 5
Ebook29 pages25 minutes

Meeting James Chapter 5

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About this ebook

A college girl meets an older man in Las Vegas and begins a journey that will change the course of her life.

PublisherMelanie J.
Release dateApr 2, 2015
Meeting James Chapter 5

Melanie J.

I'm a recently married woman. I've finally finished graduate school and I've had the time to write erotic prose. I hope you enjoy.Mel

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    Book preview

    Meeting James Chapter 5 - Melanie J.

    Meeting James

    Chapter 5


    Melanie J.

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2015 Melanie J.

    I waited excitedly for my classmates to walk down the steps of the large amphitheater-style auditorium and file out of the door. It was 11:00 a.m. on Friday, my last class of the day, and I was felt so anxious I couldn’t stand myself. James was in town and we would be spending our first full weekend together. His flight landed at eight this morning and I wanted to skip my economics and finance classes so I could meet him at McCarran, but James would have none of it. Unfortunately, he had asked for my schedule and knew when my classes were and wouldn’t let me skip class to meet him. I loved how he took an interest in everything I did, even from 300 miles away, but this was one of the times that I wished he wasn’t quite so involved in my academic life.

    My finance professor smiled at me as I walked by his desk and I smiled back and wished him a good weekend. He was a sweet old man who was quite talented at nonchalantly checking me out, much more so than some of my other professors, who looked at me like I was on the menu.

    I was almost giddy with excitement as I walked towards the parking lot. I had packed my weekend garment bag and had it waiting in the Land Rover. I found it so difficult to concentrate in my classes. Thank God the professors only lectured today, and I didn’t have to take a quiz or test where I really would have had to be focused. I had waited a whole month to see James and even though I did a pretty good job of keeping my romantic feelings for him in check, I really did miss him and I couldn’t wait to see him.

    I had just reached the parking lot when my phone vibrated in the back pocket of my short, jean skirt. I retrieved it and looked

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